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Rhumour I really like this. You are so right about the meanings of words being read differently, sometimes it is just reading between the lines which makes it happen, sometimes it is the mood of the reader which is different. I like the way you have ended it too Jen  |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 9/29/2008 9:55 PM |
Many thanks Jen - it is much the same with beauty - in the eye of the beholder, hehe. The ending of course was a slight dig at the irony of multibillion dollar industries selling services to undo the effects of a culture of excess promoted by other firms - do they have largely the same shareholders I wonder?  Best wishes Rhumour |
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It is the irony of things...like doctors are drug pushers, and hospital are not meant for welness and I can go on and on... What we share depends on the mood and things happening around us...right now it is on the elections... I am getting off my soap box now... Enjoyed your write. Maria |
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Tonight I see the words Written upon the screen In my happy mood I know just what they mean Yet tomorrow if I am sad And should read these words again I may think I know All the reasons for pain So a reply right now Seems rather good I know I must I know I should Tis better to answer today While I am happy For tomorrow, who can say My answer may be totally crappy  |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 9/30/2008 10:45 AM |
Hehe -soap boxes are a useful tool even today Maria - maybe we use the virtual ones more than previouslywith blogs, etc, but exchange of ideas outside the controlled parameters of the regular press is a fundamental need in any society.......... Best wishes Rhumour |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 9/30/2008 10:51 AM |
Oh Steve art thy moods swinging Does Glenn Miller hold their sway I do hope that jollies are With you still today
For it is better for a happy start To set the weekly theme Than to wake up on a tuesday With it spoiled by some bad dream
So while I'm grateful for the fact that You penned that cheerful rhyme I do hope that you're smiling still When next you come on line.....
Best wishes Rhumour
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Oh what a pair of happy chappies We have upon this site I hope you're both still smiling When I look again tonight There is nothing like a smile To keep misery at bay And now I've had a chuckle I too will smile all day xx  |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 9/30/2008 1:33 PM |
Oh Steve it seems we brought a smile To a visage so very fair Perhaps we now should make a rule To banish every care
For if all the world was smiling The sun might not shine some more But without the frowns and scowls It would still seem sunnier for sure
Now to start the campaign off well A challenge we might set To brighten GB's face up some Now then who would care to bet?
best wishes Rhumour
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This poem of yours, Rhumour, so well written,  I think expresses the way we all feel when we post our poems on the net. Yes, people will interpret our words & our meaning differently to the way we have written them. I think this is a good thing, we are all individuals. Best wishes, Val. |
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Excellent stuff, Rhumour! It is always fascinating to see what different people get from the same poem. And Rhumour, Steve & Jen; I loved the rhymes you've all tacked on; A veritable smileathon! So thank you all, you've made me grin So much I simply must join in!  Merlin |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 9/30/2008 6:18 PM |
Many thanks Val for those kind comments :)
I do aim to provoke reactions with many of the more social & political comment items of course and always enjoy reading the reactions I get on those social networks where I blog them. Sometimes the unexpected reactions come in response to more straightforward lines and make me look again..
But yes, it is good to have diversity in the views people take of our offerings. :)
Best wishes Rhumour |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 9/30/2008 6:25 PM |
Thanks Merlin, very kind. Perhaps we could start a sponsored smileathon? hehe
Best wishes Rhumour |
 | | From:  Rhumour | Sent: 10/1/2008 7:27 PM |
Well Kayano it is good to know we have been entertaining more than just ourselves, hehe. And long may folk debate the meaning inherent in all crfeative works, be they visual, written or audio
Best wishes Rhumour |
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