 | | From:  bunnsosoft (Original Message) | Sent: 11/24/2007 8:04 AM |
You seem to give rise to my vanity Crocosize Shoes and purse that accessorize Make a splash with dash of european Watch envious eyes follow me As I walk around looking chic. Maria© |
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 lol very stylish I am sure lol Cara |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/24/2007 8:49 AM |
lol...lovely 'splash' of humour here, Maria, thanks for coming into this sadly neglected thread these days, am trying to invigorate it,  Poor 'crocs'... though I must admit to avoiding such accessores, but I do love your title, lol, and words. I saw the picture and simply loved it, Florida, I expect, Zy PS, byw, don't know if you know, but you can copy and paste the already posted picture within this group without using up either's memory. |
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Thanks Cara and Zy, I was feeling quite insane when I wrote the satyrical verse...they kill the critters anyways, so why not use their skin...? Maria |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 11/26/2007 2:27 PM |
Oh, I agree with you, maria, if they or anything has to be culled, then by all means make use of the skins, it's the hunting party aspect of killing creatures for sport I dislike. When I was young and we'd go up into the Scottish hills for a break, it was not unheard of to find a deer dying slowly and painfully just because it had been hit by a bullit, the object of the hunt tally. Men are strange creatures, for women never shot deer, must have been those doeful eyes, Zy |
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