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ARRRGGGHHH ! You beat me to it !!!!!! lol Morning Zed, Looks pretty good to me, the contrast could be a little better and the words at the bottom are way to small, but hey !...well done ! : )lb | |
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Good morning lb, I am still learning, but this is as far as I have got yet, so I thought I'd post it. I only wrote the brown words...the ones along the bottom were already there and I couldn't do anything to them nor could I make the picture any bigger without getting stuck in a loop with the wrong tool. Nearly there, but at the moment, it's trial and error. This is the best it gets at the moment, shall let you know, Zed PS. I was so pleased at getting the print on the piccie that I hadn't noticed I'd left the 's' off holds...have had to go through the whole process again and and repost, this time I tried contrast. Mnnnn not there yet, but I tried to make it bigger, but it has travelled and posted the same size! So more work needed there, Shall keep you posted. | |
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Hi Zydha! I didn't realise that this was a picture you had worked on and added your own words to. I saw it under "What's New" when I was just about to make a birthday card for my sister and straight away thought she'd love it. So I hope you don't mind that I copied it onto a card I made for her. She loves Native Indians as she was one in a previous life (or believes that she was, for all of you who don't believe in reincarnation). Again, I hope you don't mind and it's a wonderful picture with such meaningful words! Really enjoyed your poem "Dream Key" as well, by the way. Very interesting how one's dreams change during life. I guess our dreams change as our perception of life change and even though we still might have some of our old dreams I guess we get a bit more realistic about them as time goes by - not in a sad way though. Eva  |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/8/2004 7:04 AM |
You have done last night, what I have done this morning, Eva, isn't this just a great book store...full of wonderful things to sink into whilest the world sleeps. Please feel free to use my picture and words, I am very flattered, but if your sister is really into Native American interests for her obvious reason, then she may enjoy a site I often spend some time in late at night...it is truely Indian and is run by an Indian who tells wonderful folklore and pushes for the preservation of their culture. I get lost for ages there, Eva, as when we lived in LA, the one thing I really wanted to do, was see native americans in their true surroundings, but throught California, Arizone and Nevada....we found much history, but only contrived environments for the sake of tourists. I have read much on native americans and feel great empathy, sympathy and sadness at what history shows really happened, now it has become more truthful.I have started a collection of poems under 'Amindinco', I don't know if you have read a couple of them, but I'll edit and post for your sister. Zydha |
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Thank you so much for your reply Zydha and the link for the website about Native Americans. I've had a quick look and it seems fascinating - I will definitely try and find the time to have a proper look later and will pass the link on to my sister. She's not one to use a computer regularly, but hopefully she'll have a look as I think she'll be really interested. I've always been interested in the history of the Native Americans myself, but have unfortunately so far read far too little about them They are fascinating people though and their way of life and their beliefs seem so more healthy than the present way of life - most of the time anyway. I'm so glad you didn't mind me using the picture, by the way! Eva  |
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