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Diary Board : Rubys Diary
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From: MSN Nicknamemeonmyownagain  (Original Message)Sent: 2/24/2008 8:59 AM

O.K. this is my first entry in my diary, and it's a good job you all have the choice whether to read it or not  Smile. It's Sunday 24th Feb at 8.30 am the weather is looking promising so I think I'll take my 'baby'  Puppy 1 for a lovely l-o-n-g walk in our beautiful Surrey countryside. The bluebells are pushing their way up at an amazing rate and it won't be long before our woods are a carpet of sweet smelling blue............ Oh Joy ! spring is on it's way.


My Son who is 30 years old has suddenly after being away from me for 3 months decided to behave like a reasonable human being at the moment. It's only because I've managed to come out of my big black hole of nothingness at last that I'm prepared to have him back. We don't get on very well, He thinks I owe him a life, I think he should get a job ! Electric <<<<< That was me before my recovery !!!   Angel 2 <<<< This is me now !!! LOL any way my diary will probably be me venting over him as his behaviour reverts back to a passively aggressive, moody, smelly obnoxious person.


Hey ho, such is life !

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     re: Rubys Diary   MSN Nicknamechriss-71  2/24/2008 12:13 PM
     re: Rubys Diary   MSN Nicknamemeonmyownagain  2/29/2008 11:51 AM