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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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Place: Eliminated in RTS

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Biography from

This dedicated Endurance fan has watched every episode since the series began, and was absolutely convinced that one day he'd be one of the 20 competitors. Adrian is very outgoing, definitely the opposite of shy, but sometimes gets in trouble for poking fun at others. He will make sure not to go over the line during Endurance and hopes his big personality will help him come out on top! He and his family endured Hurricane Katrina, and he believes that after going through that tragedy, he can do anything.


Name: Adrian Bardales
Birthday:  July 16, 1991
Location: Earth??? ...duuhh! (Louisiana)
Eye Color:  Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black i gues idk ill dye it though..
Height:  6' 1''
Heritage:  Spanish!!! CHE CHEA
Age: 15

Right Handed or Left Handed:  can both be possible idk RIGHT!!
Weakness:  Those black thingys that suck your blood. AAAHH i hate that bug or ..THING???
Fears: loosing hhmm
Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni!!
Thoughts First Waking Up: Wooptii Doo!

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonald’s or Burger King: WENDYS!!
Single or Group Dates: uuhm gruop dates 4sure
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:  LEMONADE
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolatte
Cappuccino or Coffee:  Frapupccino

Do you Sing: Of the shower???
Have you been in Love:  with ENDURANCE
Do you want to go to College: HEck yes
Do you want to get Married: uuhm sure why not spend your entire life with a woman who is always complaining..THAT SOUND LIKE TONS OF FUN..dnt you think haha
Do you believe in yourself:  YES I DO!
Do you get Motion Sickness: ooh heck a matter of fact i threw up in the bus on the way to the treehouses
Are you a Health Freak: yes! my room is a mess

IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU: of course i have
Gone on a Date:  nope
Gone to a Mall: Every DAY
Eaten a box of Oreos:  i thought oreos came in pakages
Eaten Sushi: YES..i love that stuff
Been on Stage: Yup
Been Dumped: no...unfortunately
Stolen Anything: HECK NO..i dont steal

What do you want to be when you Grow Up:  A Radiologist (X-ray person)
What country would you most like to Visit: California!!!

Number of CDs I own: i only talk iPod
Number of Piercings: none! 0 NADA
Number of Tattoos: NADA
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1 thing and some of you guys may know it already hahah