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Endurance on Discovery Kids[email protected] 
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Recommend  Message 1 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIeza  (Original Message)Sent: 7/31/2008 5:30 AM
the premiere of Endurance: Atlantic is now up!!
and if anyone can help me. how do i get rid of the <o:p> things
i pasted it from word so thats probably what did it. but where else can i write it and then paste it on here without the <o:p>?
go read it!! right now lol
<3 Shaylene

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Recommend  Message 7 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 8/14/2008 12:15 AM
the second episode of endurance:atlantic is up
full of drama and suspense.
episode 3 will be a little delayed but i'll be working on it on the car ride to pennsylvania.

Recommend  Message 8 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/3/2008 9:58 PM
i'm actually halfway done with the 4th episode so sunday is my goal to have it up by. Expect the Unexpected. thats the title btw.

Recommend  Message 9 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/4/2008 4:01 AM
i'm 3/4 of the way done now. so maybe i'll have it up by friday!!

Recommend  Message 10 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/5/2008 1:00 AM
i'm so proud i beat my deadline lol. anyways. it's up. enjoy!

Recommend  Message 11 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/6/2008 6:33 PM
i haven't even started writing episode 5. i mean i've got the whole season planned out and stuff but havent typed it.
so it'll be awhile cus i've got cross country meets today/tues/friday and 2 projects due on monday/tuesday. and i work all evening on wed&thurs. so all that plus school.
it'll probably be 2 weeks before the next one. sry guys. i'll make it extra good to make up for it lol.
maybe i'll make a sneak peak or preview or something and put that up next weekend so you guys aren't totally igorned

Recommend  Message 12 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCruise_meerkat_YoussySent: 9/6/2008 7:06 PM
Lol its OK. I love your series. I only type mine when I'm bored or something and today I realized I have too many things on my to-do list so I typed up the eppy really quickly. XD
Oh, you just reminded me I have to plan the pieces...

Recommend  Message 13 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKrisluvEndurance6Sent: 9/8/2008 5:56 PM
Its Cool!! Im busy too! so i understand we will just hav to wait and let the suspense build.

Recommend  Message 14 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/8/2008 10:09 PM
wooo i finished my one project in school and then my teacher extended the deadline for the other one. and cross practice was kinda short today. which means i can work on epi 5 all evening!! very good day today!!

Recommend  Message 15 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/14/2008 11:10 PM
so i've been thinking after the atlantic season i will make bonus scenes, and like squirt did the audition thingys, and profiles of the contestants, where they are now, stuff like that.
any requests?
idk i'm just really excited about this lol

Recommend  Message 16 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSqUiRt17365Sent: 9/14/2008 11:42 PM
A Reunion! That's what I'm doing xD I think it would be cool for yours to!

Recommend  Message 17 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/14/2008 11:45 PM
that is soooo awesome. and like i could ask for audience questions. that's you guys post questions and i'd have the contestants answer them in the story.
wow squirt you are a master of this.

Recommend  Message 18 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSqUiRt17365Sent: 9/15/2008 12:27 AM
Haha! Thanks! Lol I will tell you if I have any more ideas! Oh ya (Hint) A newer episode of a cetain Hollywood series is up (Stats Humming)

Recommend  Message 19 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSqUiRt17365Sent: 9/15/2008 12:34 AM
How about a grand Prize trip? Like what they did on the trip and stuff

Recommend  Message 20 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameuna_chica_beIIezaSent: 9/15/2008 12:40 AM
sweet!! yeah and i loved the epi btw. i'm totally rooting for Briana and Sebastian's team. if they get put together like they wanted.

Recommend  Message 21 of 21 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKrisluvEndurance6Sent: 9/15/2008 8:07 PM
i totally am rooting for Briana and Sebastian!!! Sweet episodes!

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