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♥Jewelsgalor's Snagged Backgrounds♥ 
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AMI  (Artistic Minds Inc)

•AMI Image/Tube License Terms Of Use•

(You are not permitted to use tags from AMI unless you
have the correct credits and license number attached to it)

AMI  Current Artists

1.  AMI Licensed images may not exceed 72 ppi or measure more than 432 pixels on the longest side. However the elements you use in your creations such as borders, text and other effect elements may be a large as you would like.
2.  The correct AMI artist's © must be clearly displayed on all creations using their images. This must be clear and legible. You may use your own watermark, or reference to yourself as in (tagged by, sig by, tag by) type logo markings, however you may not claim a © "your name", nor may you place your website URL on any tags/sigs made. Website banners are an exception to this and may carry your URL. Artist URL is strongly encouraged on your tags and creations, however if it is a G rated site and the artist site has any adult content you may exlcude the URL.
3.  You may use the initials system to identify your license on creations. Use the first two letters of your first name and the first two letters of your last name. Example: For the name Jane Smith, her license initials would be "JASM". License numbers are available upon request only. To request an unique license number please contact: Your initials or AMI license number must be clearly displayed on all creations using AMI artist images.
4.  No mixing of artist's is allowed. If using an AMI artist image in a creation you cannot use another artist's work. You can however use credit free stock photography, your own made elements and other
non-royalty elements.
5.  Absolutely no AMI images are to be used in any endeavors that would be considered by any employee or artist of AMI as profiting, bartering, breaking even, exchange of normally profitable services or the selling of in any way.
6.  Nudity may be covered slightly by embellishment elements such as stars, sparkle, text, bars and shapes. Clothing may not be added or cloned without prior written approval from AMI. If you would like to submit a clothing cover up please send an example to for consideration.
7.  The integrity of all AMI artist images must remain intact at all times in creations made. Close up profiles (portrait poses, waist/chest up) of images are acceptable. No heads may be cropped off or switched at any time. You may not only use a face from an image alone either. Blends are allowed as long as there is at least one close up image on the creation.
8.  Incredimail stationary, desk top themes (wall papers), calendars are allowed. However you must display the artist © and license number on the actual creation using the image(s) and a credit with the same information on the stationary, desk top theme or calendars themselves.
9.  No animated body parts, or excessive animation is allowed to be used on AMI artist images. Blinking and light noise used in hair and clothing is acceptable. No waving, breathing, dancing, squirming, pulsating, jiggling, bobbing, nodding, puckering, twitching or other movement is allowed.
10.  Greyscaling of images, mirroring or transposing is allowed. However, any other colour changes is unaccpetable.
11.  Under no circumstance is the sharing of tubes, packages or any other product from AMI allowed. If you have a license and are in need of replacements, AMI will replace the items within 48 hours, 7 days a week, therefore there is never a reason to share a package, even with a license holder! Sharing of passwords and download links are strictly prohibited. This is a direct violation of the artist's copyright. Anyone found to be in violation will have all licenses revoked and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
12.  Blank tags, stationary headers, desk top themes, ect is strictly prohibited. All creations must have either a saying (for example a "snag tag") or a personalized name on them. If creating a stationary side border, text is not required. However you must display the artist © and license number on the actual graphic using the image(s) and a credit with the same information on the stationary footer.
13.  AMI artist images may NOT be used in any creations on groups or sites that support or suggesting any support in any form of racial, religious, lifestyle or age discrimination/hate/prejudice. AMI artist images may also not be used in any groups/sites that promote or encourage the defamation,slander, harassment or libel against ANY person, organization, business, race or culture. AMI supports the Anti-Hate philosophy and respects all lifestyles and cultures.
14.  No AMI licensed images may be used for printing or publishing offline. Licensed images are for on line/digital use only.

(Taken from Email from AMI)
Assembled by Jewelsgalor's Designs
HTML code by Artlor for Artlor's Background Shop