This is a website containg fabulous PTU (Pay To Use) artist's works such as Pin Up Toons, Michael Landefeld, Joel Adams and many many more. As well...Please be advised...Though we are a Guild/CILM friendly Group here we are rated as "GERERAL".
So when you are making or posting any of the work of these artists no direct links may be posted on your Tags or postings within our Group as per MSN.
•Here is a portion from a letter from MSN to a manager at another group regarding links in tags•
Please be informed that posting the name of the copyright owner is allowed even if his site contains adult materials as long as the actual link is not present on the image or if the image does not directly link to the actual site.
Thank you for using MSN Groups.
Sincerely, Arlith
MSN Groups Customer Support
•Current CILM Artists List
thanks to Copyright Corner•
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HTML code by Artlor for Artlor's Background Shop