•Are you Having Problems Posting•
(Here are 2 Tips that should help you out when MSN is acting up)
1.Firstly go HERE this link takes you to some other MSN "Servers"that sometimes seem to work a little better but not all the time..
2. If you are having problems getting the reply "Message Box" or "New Decussion" to show up and then when you finally do get it and you have added your message and your graphics you then
click on "Send" only to find that it is now lost
somewhere in "Cyberspace" and all you have is that..
"Hmmmm Can't find that page" message from MSN.
Well here is a great tip for you that will save you lots of time add your Text-Tags-Pictures and then
(BEFORE) you click that "SEND" button hit
"Control" and the letter "C" this will copy your entire
message and then when you try to post and up comes that "Hmmmm Can't find that page" message instead of having to redo it all over again you only have to then hit "Control V" which will "Paste" your entire message back once again into a new "Message Box".
I have found that this has saved me many hours of frustration with MSN trying to remember everything that i had in the previous message. It has also saved me when i have posted a new "Background" OR "Tag" that i have just created only to have it lost in "Cyberspace"
I hope that these tips save you from hours of frustration as they have done for me.