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♥Jewelsgalor's Snagged Backgrounds♥ 
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  ▓▄ THE STUDIO'S ▄▓  
  1. JG's Studio  
  2.Gabby's Studio  
  3.Roni's Studio  
  4.Linda's Studio  
  5.Louise Studio  
  6.Micah's Studio  
  7.Yvettes Studio  
  8.Dr Patty's St.  
  9.Shar's Studio  
  10.Angels Studio  
  11.June's Studio  
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  13.LadyJane's St  
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(When you Snag anything from this Group
please click Recommend)

•Altering/Adding Names to Tags or
Removing Credits•

•I know most of you Respect Taggers and Artists terms so this
Does NOT Apply to You•
 This is directed towards the people out there who Manage Groups and snag anything they get their hands on the ones who take other people's work and alter it to their own liking the people who take other people's work and then try to act like they really accomplished something by offering to add members names to
them knowing good and well they are not suppose to do it, and
last of all to those of you who honestly dont know any better.

The only Tags in this group you may add text to state in the
subject line"BLANK
Some are located  HERE  if you ever come across some with a"Good Morning/Welcome"or the like on them or any other Tag that already has some kind of text on it, that means it is 
NOT a Blank and you CANNOT offer it in your Groups and add members names or Text to them.

A lot of Taggers make"BLANK TAGS"for you to add names to so don't disrepect them by doing this I dont think some people realize this is exactly why alot of people wont make snaggables anymore i
f you go to the various PSP Boards in the Groups there are a lot of "BLANK TAGS" that you are more then welcome to add Members names to.
23.gif image by JEWELSGALOR
(Now for those of you who have read the above and still
don't understand please see below)
•Tags that CAN & Tags that CANNOT be
Altered In Any Way•
40-386022.gif image by JEWELSGALOR
Tags that CANNOT be altered (meaning you cannot add names
to them cannot do anything to them but save and share)
Snags-Snag sets or some call them extras,these are tags that have
sayings on them or already have names on them.
B/Grounds or Websets that have the person name who made them on the bottom as well as other credits these are not to be removed all you can do with these are
"Copy and Paste"them.
yes0.gif image by JEWELSGALOR
Tags that you CAN add text to are Blank Tags and Tagbacks.
As these are made from "General Art" you may add text to these.
If its
a "Tagback" (Meaning there is no image on it) you may also add GRAPHICS and TEXT to them also.
I hope I've explained this ok as I know some of the people who
are doing this dont know any better and i am also learning more
 about © everyday but I hope this helps you all  understand
it a little better.
(Thanks to Moe @ The Share Station)
40-386022.gif image by JEWELSGALOR
There is a large range of "Graphics and Products"that are protected by © please find below a very short list of the most well known ones.There are of course heaps more but a general rule is to avoid anything that has a"Brand"name on it or if they are popular in the Media.


38-715837.gif image by JEWELSGALOR

The Simpsons-All Walt Disney-Winnie the Pooh-Tigger-Eyore
House Mouse-Garfield-Tazmanian Devil-Tweety Bird-Sylvester-Roadrunner-Speedy Gonzales-Coyote-The Wizard of Oz - Animaniacs-Scooby Doo-Batman-Superman-Pokemon-Looney Toons-Bratz Pack Dolls
Anne Geddes-M&M-Paddington Bear-Hello Kitty-Betty Boop-
Strawberry Shortcake -
Ruth Morehead-Tatty Teddy(With the Blue Nose)
Cute Colors
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Assembled By  DiamondGirls