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♥Jewelsgalor's Snagged Backgrounds♥[email protected] 
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•Member's Intro• : GrannyBev From Missouri
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameThisIsGranny  (Original Message)Sent: 3/8/2008 3:15 AM
I'm married to Wes soon to be 36 years in July We live in Missouri, have 3 grown girls, Christi 34, Shana 31 and Taryn just turned 30 today. Christi isn't married nor does she have children. She does live with a guy though. Shana is married and has 3 children. Kylie will be 13 in June, Eli turns 9 March 11 and Jonah just turned 7 in January. My youngest daughter has Josiah and he'll be 3 in April. I love being online making new friends from all over the world. It's awesome. I like to psp but loads of people are alot better at it than me but I still love to psp :)  I do have COPD which is a lung disease and have had my 2nd chemo treatment the 3rd for colon cancer. Some days I'm not too well so it maybe a few days in between me being here. I sure will come as I can though. Thank you so much for having me. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.
hugs GrannyBev

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 3/8/2008 4:12 AM
oie_twinkles.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR
GrannyBev,so nice to have you join us here and what a wonderful family group
you have also..As you can see from the Tag above i am a aussie_th.gif image by JEWELSGALOR
i have 4 grown children myself ranging in ages from 38 to 28 and 4 wonderful
Grandchildren from 19 down to 4.. We are so lucky to have all these angels
between us both aren't we sweetie..
I hope you find lots to do here and make lots of new friends and the best way to
start that off is to have a Mailbox so you can then get visitors.. You can either add
one yourself on our "Mailbox Board" or i can make one for you just don't forget
to leave your "Likes and Dislikes" for me so that i can make you one you will really
like, leave me a message HERE if you want me to make you one.. 
Hope to see you on the boards..

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 3/8/2008 4:18 AM
I also hope we get to see some of your PSP in here sweetie we love
to encourage anyone talents and i am sure you are awesome,and i hope
your health will improve for you sweetie and don't worry about posting
you come when you can and we will be glad to see you..
2007-08-22_043707_get_well.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR