Hi from South Texas!
My nic is dancin moon™. I am a single mom of 2 with only one 13 yr odl son living at home. He is a athlete and I am a sports mom lol. Thigns have been wild around here with summer track and with All Star Baseball Tournament. Unfortunately the tournament ended for us in the 2nd round this year so now its the state qualifying meet in central Texas this coming weekend.
One day I will get to slow down lol
I love graphics. I have PSP 789 and 10 but ask me if I know how to use any of them lol. I love to snag and share and do make siggies using various programs I have found online and combining Microsoft Paint and Word ARt.(and yes some have turned out pretty good if i say so myself lol)
I read tarot when I want and am a Clairaudiant and Voyant when Spirit blesses me so of course I love thigns that are Mystical and Magical. Also love Native and Harley graphics.
dancin moon™
oh and btw i am a typo queen so forgive me lol