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1. JG's Studio : ◄PSP TIPS►
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 Message 1 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALOR  (Original Message)Sent: 4/29/2008 9:51 AM
Using Fonts in PSP
Having too many fonts installed on your system can cause PSP to load slower,
as it has to load all the fonts. PSP can use any font that is not installed.
 Double click and open the font file you wish to use  and minimize it on your desktop.
That font will now show up in the font list in the 'Text' dialogue box in PSP.
I recommend Font Xplorer.
Open it up, click Tools > Load Fonts By Folder
Select your folder full of fonts and all your fonts will be "loaded"
instead of installed to your computer.

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 Message 11 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/9/2008 3:58 AM
Removing/Preventing Browser Files In PSP
(Thanks to Artlor @ Artlors Background Shop )
Every time you open a tube or picture in psp, or browse through pictures
on a CD, psp will put a browse file in the main psp directory.
 These files can be quite large and will clog up your pc.
To prevent this from happening, open psp, then click file/preferences/general
program preferences, then click on the browser tab and unckeck 'save browser
files to disk' then click 'ok'.
Lazybaby (Alice) sent in this tip - thanks to you to hon!
To remove/delete the browser files that are already on your pc, go to your
start menu, click on search and put in 'pspbrwse.jbf' then click on 'all files
and folders'.What comes up can be deleted.  If you use your browser a lot
in psp,
it may take some time and you may have quite a few files, but it is
safe to delete all of them.

 Message 12 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/9/2008 4:01 AM
Making Screen Shots:

If you want to make a screen shot of your work or tools in PSP,or anywhere else
on your computer, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard, right click on
your PSP workspace or Animation Shop and "Paste as new image".

You can then crop your screen shot down to size and use.

 Message 13 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/9/2008 4:35 AM

Help With All Those Fonts

 With so many fonts out there, its no wonder we go download crazy and get 100s of fonts so quickly. Watch out though..if your loading your fonts incorrectly you could be in for a major computer crash.

By following the tips below you will keep your computer and your programs running at a faster speed, and who doesnt love that?

First of all NEVER put your downloaded/purchased fonts into your C Windows System Font folder..NEVER! Why? Everytime your computer boots up, it loads everything in those system folders--including your 500 fonts! So your computer will take longer to boot up. EVERY program that you have on your computer that uses fonts will have to load those fonts...your PSP, MS Word, Outlook, Excel...even your MSN groups will load those fonts installed on your computer.

Not to mention the font pressure your putting on your programs and computer, you are at HIGH risk for having your programs and possibly your whole computer crashing down on you!

Create yourself a font folder outside your Systems folder....maybe you want it in your MyDocuments or even on your desktop...where ever you choose create a new folder called My Fonts. Put EVERY single font that you download or purchase into that folder. The only fonts that need to be in your Windows Font folder are those fonts supplied with Windows.

Myself, I hate having to open each font individually to see what it looks like. You could spend literally hours looking for the one font you want..but heres a great way to get around that.  Get yourself a Free Font Viewer. My favorite is Font Explorer Lite, although there are many to choose from out there. Using a font viewer will allow you to preview ALL of your fonts without having to open and close them on a one by one basis...thus allowing you to use your text much quicker. All you need to do is download you a program, point it to the font folder you created and then keep the font viewer open anytime you open PSP...all of your fonts will be right at your finger tips.  


Web Page, Tips & Tiles by BamaVamp

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 14 of 25 in Discussion 
Sent: 5/10/2008 3:18 PM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

 Message 15 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/10/2008 3:20 PM

 Message 16 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/10/2008 3:21 PM

•How To Install Plugins/Filters•


HERE is a great link that shows you how to install plugins/filters.
HERE is another site that explains it also.
Great Screen shots!!!

 Message 17 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/10/2008 3:39 PM
Fm Tile Tools (0,23 MB)
Simple (0,34 MB)
Eye Candy 3 (1,81 MB)

 Message 18 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/12/2008 12:59 AM
 PSP X Tips & Tricks 001 - 020

Index for Tips & Tricks - PSP Version X

Wonder why PSP X does not work the way it says?

 Message 19 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/12/2008 1:02 AM
Here is a short tutorial on adding glitter (or noise as some call it)
to selected areas and also teaches you how to add sparkles.
It is only one page and the tutorial worked great it is a great
tutorial for a beginner.

 Message 20 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/12/2008 1:06 AM
For the little stars that twinkle!!!

And here is the main entrance where you will have options for different versions
of Paint Shop Pro to choose from.

 Message 21 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/12/2008 1:12 AM
((This TUT is © to ZippyAcorns@ MajikGlitter))
A Bit Of Glitter
From this.... to this...
Open your graphic.... and zoom it in a bit if necesary.
Click on your lasso tool and select freehand and  a feather of 1.
Draw around the bits you want to glitter.
I've chosen a few hairs, the middle of the flowers, and a thn band at the top of the dress.
Now duplicate the image so you have 3 frames ( SHift and D)
Then add some noise...  the first frame go **Adjust > Noise> Add noise > Uniform 30% with monochrome checked. The OK
Next go Adjust > Sharpness> Sharpen..... then do it twice more ( sharpen 3 times in total).  Then deselect (Ctrl+D)
Move to your next frame and repeat the process from ** but instead of 30% set it to 35%
The last frame is the same again but this time use 40% noise.
Right copy frame one over to animation shop... then the second and add it to the fist by using CTRL + L and the same again for the last frame.
VOILA  its done!

 Message 22 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/12/2008 4:10 AM


File Menu
New Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Browse Ctrl + B
Save Crtl + S
Save As F12
Save Copy As Ctrl + F12
Delete Ctrl + Del
Print Ctrl + P

Edit Menu
Undo Crtl + Z
Undo History Shift + Ctrl + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy Merged Shift + Ctrl + C
Paste As New Image Ctrl + V
Paste as New Layer Ctrl + L
Paste as New Selection Ctrl + E
Paste as a Transparent Selection Shift + Ctrl + E
Paste into Selection Shift + Ctrl + L
Clear Del

View Menu
Full Screen Edit Shift + A
Full Screen Preview Shift + Ctrl + A
Normal Viewing Ctrl + Alt + N
Image Information Shift + I
Grid Ctrl + Alt + G

Image Menu
Flip Ctrl + I
Mirror Ctrl + M
Rotate Ctrl + R
Crop to Selection Shift + R
Resize Shift + S

Color Menu
Brightness/Contrast Shift + B
Gamma Correction Shift + G
Highlight/Midtone/Shadow Shift + M
Hue/Saturation/Luminescence Shift + H
Red/Green/Blue Shift + U
Colorize Shift + L
Posterize Shift + Z
Edit Palette Shift + P
Load Palette Shift + D

Selection Menu
Select All Ctrl + A
Select None Ctrl + D
From Mask Shift + Ctrl + S
Hide Selection Marquee Shift + Ctrl + M
Invert Shift + Ctrl + I
Promote Layer Shift + Ctrl + P
Float Ctrl + F
Defloat Shift + Ctrl + F

Mask Menu
Hide All Shift + Y
Invert Shift + K
Edit Ctrl + K
View Mask Ctrl + Alt + V

Window Menu
New Window Shift + W
Duplicate Shift + D
Fit to Window Ctrl + W

Layer Menu
Select Current Layer Ctrl + {layer number}

Capture Menu
Start Capture Shift + C

Tool Palette Tools and Brushes
Zoom    g
Deform    d
Crop    r
Mover    v
Selection    s
Freehand Selection    a
Magic Wand Selection    m
Eye Dropper    y
Paintbrush    b
Clone    n
Color Replacer    , {comma}
Retouch    z
Eraser    e
Picture Tube    . {period}
Airbrush    u
Flood Fill    f
Text    x
Line    i
Shape                                               / {slash}                                             

 Message 23 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/13/2008 5:06 AM
What's the difference between "Tubeing" and "Tagging"
Tubing is taking an image & removing the background making
it into a tube (transparent background)to use in a graphics program.
Tagging is using an image/tube & making it into a tag
(image with a name or any text on)

 Message 24 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 5/17/2008 2:10 PM
To use PNG files in psp8:
To get your PNG file to open transparent in your PSP8 .....
Go to File/Preferances/File Format Association and Click "Select All" then OK.
Then go File/Preferences/File Format Preferences under the PNG tab make sure the box is unchecked.
Now you should be able to open your PNG file with a transparent background in PSP... You will need to cutout/erase any writing you do not want on the tube as PNG's are one layer.

 Message 25 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 7/22/2008 3:46 PM



You can join but you do not have to , it is a great place to get a thorough understanding of PSP through both understanding and through experience.

Below is the link directly to beginner's Lessons, you begin on Lesson 01, but you can explore around and see it is quite an extensive place.

For those who have memory problems, jotting down notes really helps. Don't worry, you will learn wonderful skills.

Once you read the page there, scroll down for the lessons

Click Here


A Bee bg

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