Letter "J" 1. | A childs toy | Jinga | 2. | Something in your wardrobe | Jacket | 3. | Something in your fridge | Jello | 4. | A mood | Jealous | 5. | A film title | JAWS | 6. | Something you buy from the supermarket | Jam | 7. | Something soft | Jelly | 8. | A famous band | | 9. | A song | Jingle Bells | 10. | Television programme | | 11. | Famous person | Jefferson | 12. | An alchoholic drink | | 13. | A colour | | 14. | A body part (not too rude!) | jaw | 15. | A part of a car | Jack | 16. | Something you can sit on | Jug | 17. | An animal | Jaguar | 18. | Things you find on your computer desk | Junk | 19. | A type of flower/plant | Jasmin | 20. | A friend's name | Joan | |