Hello to everyone and I know you are all as heart broken as I am over this.I just wanted to add that in another managers group someone posted that a new web site is suppose to launch on Nov 17th and she said it is to be set up just like MSN groups.That's all she could say for now so I just wanted to let you know and to keep your eyes peeled for this new site as I will be.Mean while I am re-building over at Yuku but it is so different from what we are used to as is Multiply.Many managers are posting that they are closing their groups down and not moving on.Others say they are having a hard time having any interest in their group now because doing any further work on them is meaningless knowing that it is all going to be deleted in Feb.Again,such a sad situation.I am truely going to miss all the beautiful backgrounds and websets that talented people made and shared with all.But let's all hope that it's true about this new site coming Nov.17th Hugs,Panda |