Hi hon...it's Artlor...hope your doing well with all the MSN mess going on...I was wondering if you have choosen a new home for your group at all...because I would love to be able to follow you to the new group.
We have started a shares group at YUKU and then I think we will be building a Background shares group at Aimoo....and just put a linked banner between the two groups...hope it works out.
I had almost reached the point of giving up on the Backgrounds ....because I was thinking if no group is set up to use them then why would anyone want to snag them...but then with finding Aimoo...I changed my mind and will give it a go...maybe more groups might adapt to using the HTML codes in the future...you just never no.
But hon..please when you decide where you are going I would love to know. I will keep checking into the group to see what you decide to do.....HUGS Artlor