Jewels you broke my heart I'm so sorry to see you close down. I just
have a friendship group but I'm there until MSN deletes us. I know MSN
doesn't care but as someone said in a previous post, saving all my tags
and website stuff is going to take forever. I only have them just now
posted so I can go back and save them to upload them to Photobucket. And I had several groups that I had them in. Oh boy
what a job it's going to be.
I also wanted to thank you all for praying for me when I went through
Chemo. My last chemo was August 18th September 5th I was told I
am cancer free. Woo hoo!! Your prayers meant alot to me. Thank you
I'll be checking back to see where you end up at. I want to go too
hugs GrannyBev