My dear friends for all your kind words as i told you i have groups set up everywhere trying to find one that is easy to use for you all and still be able to have all the things we have grown used to in here. Aimoo seems to be the best so far so i am madly working on that one in the hopes that if i do decide to start a new group it will be there waiting..I am still not convinced that i even want to go on somewhere else but my dear friend Annie has said not to give up that the show must go on and she has checked out the one at Aimoo and she seems to think that between the two of us we could make a go of that one.. But i am still not convinced but i will still keep my options open.. Aimoo has also announced that we can now migrate our MSN groups over to them so i have applied to do that i just hope it goes well i don't want it to be like it was with "Multiply"..
I couldn't find a thing there and it was such a mess..It should all be done shortly so fingers crossed that it works.So maybe there is still hope for us yet of course it will never be the same as this one but life goes on i suppose and we all have to accept that..(Even Me)..LOL
So keep checking the group if i do decide to start up a new one i will put the link to it here in "Messages" before i officially close this one down on the 30th of this month.