URL's in images are accepted, unless the URL leads to external sites that violate the MSN Code of Conduct.
If the copyright notice on the image only includes the signature of an artist's name then this would be allowed.
But if the copyright notice includes the signature of the artist's name and his domain (or if his name is presented
as a URL, i.e., “<NAME>.comâ€), then this would be subject to the previously stated guideline about URL's in images.
The inclusion of the artist's name in the signature tag of the image is not a violation of the MSN Code of Conduct.
The inclusion of the photo's license number in the signature tag is not a violation of the Code of Conduct as well.
Feel free to pass the information around your Groups so that everyone will know.
To understand more about the MSN Code of Conduct, you may visit this link:
We hope we answered your questions well and laid your doubts, if any at all, to rest.
Thank you for using MSN Groups.
CandiceMSN Groups Customer Support