Adding Glitter to a word in PSP (Tutorial written by ©Cheoil 2005) Before you begin, have your PSP program open, as well as Animation shop(AS) 1. In AS, open up the glitter you are wanting to use. 2. Right click on each of the frames in turn and copy and paste each one into your PSP program.In my case I had to copy and paste 3 frames for this purple glitter. 3. Close your original glitter file in AS. 4. In PSP, miminise the three glitter images, you don’t need them for the moment. 5. In PSP open a new project (transparent) I usually work with 600 x 600 and then re-size or crop it later on. 6. Click on your text tool and choose the font and size that you would like. Make sure that the settings are as follows (floating and anti-alias checked): 7. On your colour pallete set your foreground to null (x) and your background to white. 8. Left click in the middle of your canvas and type in your word. It should appear on the screen like this: 9. On the top bar - Selections – select none. 10. Duplicate this layer so that you have the same amount as your glitter frames (in this case I needed 3 layers to match the 3 frames of purple glitter) 11. Make sure that your bottom layer is highlighted and x out the others. 12. One the top bar - selections – select all – selections - float. 13. In your colours pallete – choose the “pattern” option and find your first glitter frame with the settings below and click ok. 14. Using your floodfill tool (the one that looks like a tin of paint) then fill your first layer. 15. One the top bar - selections – select none. 16. x out this layer and highlight and un-hide layer 2. 17. Go back to you colours pallete and find your second glitter frame. 18. repeat the floodfill, selections-select none. (Continue this process for each frame of glitter you have) Once you have done all of the glittering, it is a case of cropping the image and then copying and pasting each layer back into AS. 19. x out all layers except the bottom one. 20. Right click on the top bar of your image and choose copy merged. 21. In AS select Edit – paste as new animation. 22. Go back into PSP and x out the bottom layer and un-hide the one above it. 23. Again, copy merged. 24. In AS, right click on the top bar of frame you have just created and select Paste after current frame. 25. Go back into PSP and x out the middle layer and un-hide the one above it. 26. Again, copy merged. 27. In As, right click on the top bar of the frame you have just created and select Paste after current frame.
(This is what you should see) (You may need to repeat the above processes if you have more frames in your glitter) |