Every time you open a tube or picture in psp, or browse through pictures
on a CD, psp will put a browse file in the main psp directory.
These files can be quite large and will clog up your pc.
To prevent this from happening, open psp, then click file/preferences/general program preferences, then click on the
browser tab and unckeck 'save browser files to disk' then click 'ok'.
Lazybaby (Alice) sent in this tip - thanks to you to hon!
To remove/delete the browser files that are already on your pc, go to your start menu, click on search and put in 'pspbrwse.jbf' then click on
'all files and folders'.What comes up can be deleted.If you use your
browser a lot in psp,it may take some time and you may have quite a
few files, but it is safe to delete all of them.