This TUT was written by £âdÿMãri® A Few Font Tips This font-a-holic see's most fonts in all their scriptive splendor. Just a little note of caution here though....Just in case you haven't been told already, you have to be careful as to how many fonts you load into your Windows Font folder. If you add too many it starts to slow your pc down and it can cause all sorts of problems so you might consider making you a folder somewhere (I have min on my desk top) and call it something like "New Fonts" When downloading them from the net just pop them into that folder.Once you have that done you can now do the following to see your fonts and use them without having to add them to Windows Fonts folder. 1. Locate your folder, open it and locate the font you want to use and double click to open the font itself, you will see the font box/window/pop up....and you will be able to see the font in all it's sizes. 2. Now go up to the far upper right corner and click on the minimize button (the one that looks like a minus sign), this will hide your font down onto your task bar. When you look down at your task bar you will see it there. 3. Now go to your PSP and click on your text tool, go up to the drop down menu and scroll to find your font, you will see it is there for you to use. 4. Once you have finished using the font all you have to do is go to your task bar click on the font and then hit close.This way you won't get too many fonts in your Windows Font folder but yet you will have allllllll the fonts you want to choose from right at your fingertips. P.S.... I need to explain that it takes A LOT of fonts to fill up your Window Font folder, but once you over fill it it is a pain in the keester to try and figure out which ones to remove and which ones you need to keep in order to keep things running smoothly. Microsoft needs certain fonts that came with your OS (Mine is Windows XP) in order to run properly and if you take those out by mistake you are gonna have a mess on your hands. |