I just thought I would give you a tip or two on adding credits to your tag. I have learned that a lot of tags can look blurring/bleeding and many do not know why.. When they add their credits they look just fine, but then after saving the graphic they find it looks blurry or bleeding.. Here are some reasons. I have learned that when I make my tags I wait to add my copyrights and watermark tell I am completely finished. I make my tag AND RESIZE IT before adding. If you are adding your Copyright info and your watermark before you size, and then go to resize your picture, they get distorted and/or blury. Remember to Size your tag first! Then add copyright info and watermark! Bleeding: Make sure you use only the background color with your foreground Null, Do not use Bold at any time. It is always best to use the color black, and a few recommended fonts are Arial, Verdana and I like to use Tempus Sans ITC. My font size 8 or 9. Just something I have learned.. Hope it helps you! Nay ©Renee E. Belleville - FriendsRusGraphicsNSuch |