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From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALOR  (Original Message)Sent: 8/24/2008 3:29 AM
Tubes in PSP are a very useful shortcut to making some very interesting

1. Open a new image by going to File, then New as in Fig. 1. Then set the new image to 400 pixels wide x 400 pixel high with a white background. See Fig. 2. Then click okay.

2. Once your background image is open you will need to locate the "Picture Tube" tool and click on it to select it. Fig. 3 shows the tool bar it is located on and what the tool button looks like. This particular tool bar may be horizontal and toward the top as shown in the diagram or it may be vertical along the left edge of the program window. The vertical form of the tool bar is the default and would only be elsewhere if you have moved it in the past.

3. Next, you will need to locate the "Tool Options" tool bar and open it. You will see a large drop down selector box. Click on the arrow to open up the selections and choose "Spring Flowers". See Fig. 4. Your selections will probably be somewhat different from the ones in the diagram, but the one I have chosen came with the program, so it should be there. If you don't have this particular one, please feel free to make another selection from the choices you have.

4. Next, click on the second tab of the "Tool Options" tool bar and set  Placement Mode to "Random" and Selection Mode to "Incremental" as shown in Fig. 5.  Then click on the "Options" button and set the Step Size to "100". You can then click down in the program window to retract this tool bar and place it somewhere out of your way.

5. Now, on your white background, click five or six times in different places.
You will see different kinds and colors of "Spring Flowers" appear on your background. You can continue to click to make a collage type of effect. Fig. 6 shows what mine looked like after just 10 clicks.

6. You can experiment with different tubes that you have or you can search for more tubes to download and install into your program. If you try different tubes and different settings, you can get some really interesting effects.

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