Open a new image in PSP --- 300 x 300 is fine...Transparent
Click on the Text Tool (A)
Type your Watermark name (use any font of your choice. To use the copyright symbol....
Type Alt + 0169 = ©) I used Arial Font....Note: Some Font choices dont have the copywrite will just have to decide whether you want the © or not....OR make it first and
then add your name in the Font you really like, right behind it.....LOL
Set the Text Size to 28 (or smaller size if you like).
Put a checkmark in each of the Selection & Antialias boxes.
Then click OK...
Go to Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow---The settings for this will be:
Vertical 1
Horizontal -1
Opacity 90
Blur 4
Color Black
Click Apply
Then go to Selections>Select None
Double click on the cropping tool and put a dot in the choice that says
"Select opaque area - current layer"and click OK.
Then go to Image and select crop your image.
To Save as a Tube:
Go to File/SaveAs/ (name your tube--Watermark.psp or .tub or .pspimage if using PSP8).
Then your Watermark is finished and ready to add to your creations :).
I emported mine into my "Tubes File" and it makes it easy to add to your Tags
P.S. If you are familiar with "dings or dingbats"
(There are lots to choose from so you can also use one of those).