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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJamie_Reid  (Original Message)Sent: 2/16/2008 1:55 PM
I found these blank tags and I would like someone to put Jamie on them.  Feel free to use them for yourself as well.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
popeyewongbedofrosesblank.gif picture by Moex2
npaddies.jpg picture by Moex2


(Just keep the copyright thingies on them)  If you are interested in joining the group where I got them, it's called the share station.  Thank you very much, Jamie

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJamie_ReidSent: 2/16/2008 1:57 PM
pansies1gn.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR
P.s. I saw this on here too.  I love this good night tag.

 Message 3 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/18/2008 3:04 AM
Hey there sweetie i will add your names to them as soon as i can
but i will also have to add some © to a few of them too so please
be patient as i have quite a few things going ATM and i am a little
pushed for time but i hope to be able to get some of them done tonight..  
Did you see i also left you some "Birthday Tags" HERE please
let me know when you have them saved thank you..

 Message 4 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/18/2008 3:06 AM
I am already a member there sweetie but thanks
for the thought..

 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/18/2008 10:53 AM
I can't add to this one sweetie as it already has someone's name
at the bottom
of the Tag on the left hand side, it looks
like Brittany??Sorry

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/18/2008 1:14 PM
Ok sweetie they are all done i hope you like them..
Please let me know when you have them saved..
      Jamie_BFly_JG.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR                          HSPD_Jamie1.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR
Creo3_HugsJamie.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR  popeyewongbedofroses_Jamie.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR
                                HSPD_Jamie_Creo.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR

 Message 7 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJamie_ReidSent: 2/18/2008 3:06 PM
Sweet.  Thank you very much.  I bet ppl keep you quite busy huh?

 Message 8 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/20/2008 10:06 AM
Glad you like them sweetie and yes i am kept very busy some
days after work i think i am not going to go on the computer
tonight but then i weaken and once i'm here it's
hard to get off..LOL
I do love making things i just wish i had all day to do it..



The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
Sent: 2/20/2008 10:12 AM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

 Message 10 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/20/2008 10:14 AM
Forgot to remind you sweetie that please tell me when you have
them all saved so i can move them to another place to reclaim my
space and i wouldn't want to do that unless you have saved them first
and of course you know to save them to a "Web Based" program
such as "Photobucket" so you don't get those darn"X" showing
up everywhere thanks..

 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJamie_ReidSent: 2/20/2008 12:35 PM
So far I have picked up all my tags :)

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJEWELSGALORSent: 2/21/2008 3:26 PM
thanks-8.gif picture by JEWELSGALOR
Sweetie i didn't want to delete them till i was
sure you had them saved..

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