I am so sorry I have been sooo busy . My site and daughter take up alot of my enegies. She will be 25 May 1st and there have been so many doctor appointments ! Not to mention therapies. Well , if you have time I would love for you to do them all ! The ones I had requested and the new ones too ! I just wish I had your talents!!!
I have a few friends that if its ok with you I will give them your web address, They really like your work too !!! Thank you for being patient with my absence , and may you be well blessed !
One for your "Herbology Class" The one you did is fine. 2. One for "Herbal Medicines - A-Z" If you could do like pics of different herbs and a border of different herbs with - Herbal Medicines -
Please click on link below
Also I love shades of green, and blues , reds
at the bottom I also need a disclaimer
maybe something like---
All information is strictly up to the indvidual to use for knowledge .
We take no responsibity or credit for anyones use or private actions regarding info inclosed on this board or on this site !
As for the Wiccan boards they need to be in referrence to recipes and a Celtic Wiccan welcome page maybe with the celtic knots and cross if you can with a beautiful outdoor background if possible.
I hope this helps !