 | | From:  cheflaurie (Original Message) | Sent: 2/16/2006 4:53 AM |
I am putting together packets for a fundraiser, and I would like to include instructions on how customers can order from my website if they are unable to attend the Cooking Show. Does anybody have something like this already made up (I hate reinventing the wheel). I looked in the documents section, and I didn't find anything. However, I am drugged up on cold medicine, so I could have totally missed it. Thanks! Laurie |
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Here's what I send my host. Enjoy. |
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Sweet doc, Kim! Thanks for sharing it!! Hey have you seen an increase in the usage of your website since you've been using this doc with your hosts??? Just curious, Marian |
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This is very similar to what I send my hosts. However, I am looking for something geared more towards the customers to walk them through how to place an order on my website that gets credited to the fundraiser. Thanks! Laurie |
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I can't take the credit... Meagan Rogers is the creator... Oh how I miss her documents! Anyways... yes, it has helped my hosts know what exactly they should be doing, clicking, checking out. Less phone calls to me too! Sorry this is the only thing I use... I do have how to place an order on my site... see /helpwanted |
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Here's something I typed onto a business card and stuck 3 or 4 into each fundraising packet, hope this helps.
�?Visit www.pamperedchef.biz/chefbear �?In box “Order Pampered Chef Products�? This is where they will need to enter Host/hostess name, which is: FUNDRAISER NAME then they will hit SUBMIT �?Next screen, place item numbers of products ordered as directed. If they need to look around they can also browse the items. When finished they will need to click on Finalize and submit order �?On customer address screen�?please fill in as follows: Customer First and Last Name In 1st address box, the SELLER’s Name In 2nd address box, Customer’s Home Address �?Proceed with payment information as requested to complete your order. �?We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express, if they do not want to give Credit Card Info on the site, have them check to contact me, and I’ll contact them about payment.
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Oops, I realized my website was listed on previous send........ smacking my hand now.
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I usually have a date, time, location and RSVP on the bottom, but she wanted something to send to other schools to post in their faculty rooms, so I deleted that part and added the sale items for this month - last time it was the cutting board which took much less room on the flyer. HTH Laura |
 | | From:  Krpc4 | Sent: 2/16/2006 7:56 PM |
Laura, I love that you offer a bonus for the cookware sales! I just did my first fundraiser of $1900+ (toot, toot)! I offered $5 for each piece of cookware sold and ended up with 539 points for the panorama! It was just so easy! I didn't even do a demo, the cookware sold itself! I attached my flier for you guys. It needs updated for the new selling season though. Panorama is in word and Rugby will only work if you have publisher. It's the same thing, but I think Publisher is easier to work with for fliers. |
| panorama.doc rugby.pub |
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You ladies are absolutely brilliant!! I never even thought about adding something in there for the cookware. GREAT IDEA!! I'm off to redo my letter. . . Laurie |
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Just so you know I've added this thread over to our HOT TOPICS! board, so if somewhere down the road you need this info again, it'll be there at your fingertips. Marian |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 14 of 14 in Discussion |
Ok, I just did this so it's not spectacular but I think it will do the job for now. Hope it helps you out!
Tiff |
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