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To all the newbies to WLPCtoo who have taken the plunge to join us & Intro themselves recently I say.... |
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PS And for those of you who HAVEN'T intro'd yourselves yet, please don't be shy. I promise...WE DON'T BITE!!  lol  |
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Hi. I'm new to the board, just joined last week. I put up my first postings today and was feeling like part of the gang. Then I got to the posting from JenniBCPC in this intro section and saw that she had done something wrong. Now I'm worried that I might be doing it wrong too! To post something, I just hit the reply button and then typed something in the box. Then I hit "send message". Is there some other step involved where I need to delete something? If so, I'm not sure how to do it. Can you please explain more? |
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Hi Kim, I wanted to take this time to Welcome you personally to WLPCtoo. Now as to HOW to DELETE a post of yours, it's really rather easy...REALLY! I'm going to c/p (copy/paste) your post under this thread below & show you where to do it: Reply
 | | Hi. I'm new to the board, just joined last week. I put up my first postings today and was feeling like part of the gang. Then I got to the posting from JenniBCPC in this intro section and saw that she had done something wrong. Now I'm worried that I might be doing it wrong too! To post something, I just hit the reply button and then typed something in the box. Then I hit "send message". Is there some other step involved where I need to delete something? If so, I'm not sure how to do it. Can you please explain more? | | Now do you see the word DELETE in the upper righthand corner of your reply post above? It'll look like this: It has an "X" in front of it. Hit that & you'll be asked by a pop up window if you are sure you want to delete your post, & at that point if you're sure you want to delete then click YES, & you're good to go. Btw, you will only be allowed to delete your own posts/replies, so you won't find that delete option on other members posts, b/c each member is allowed to delete only their own post. It's only us mods that have the ability to delete any & all posts including our own. Hope that explains it pretty plainly for you. Any more questions, feel free to ask away. And don't worry if you think it's a "dumb" question, b/c in our opinion, the only "dumb" question is the one never asked!!  Marian |
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Thanks, Marian. I do have another question. I've noticed that people use a lot of abbreviations in their posts. I've figured out a lot of them, but there are some that I just don't know. Is there a place with a list of these commonly used abbreviations?
Also, I was on another board and saw people asking for recipes to be emailed to them. How does the person know an email address to use when we can't post them? I'm sure there must be a way and I just missed it somehow.
Thanks, Kim |
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Ok, Kim, I just bumped up a thread to the top of the list of recent discussions entitled: Need Help making WLPCtoo Glossary of our Board Abbreviations List.... to help you with our WLPCtoo lingo. Be sure you click to the very BEGINNING of the discussion which will be found by clicking the FIRST link at the bottom left corner of the discussion page. Of course, you'll have to be ONLINE to read through the asundry of replies. But then again, the vast majority of us WLPCtoo'ers come to the board via the web to read & reply to all the discussions. Now as for your 2nd question regarding retrieving members emails, again you'll have to be ONLINE to do so (AND be signed in to your MSN account) to gain access to our email addies. Here's HOW you do it: at the top left hand corner of each & every reply on the web, you'll see each member's MSN id. Click it & you'll be taken to a members only page, which, IF that member has chosen not to hide their email addy, you will be able to see it there. Hope that makes sense & helps you out, Kim. Anymore questions, feel free to ask away!!  Marian
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PS Forgot to mention it, but don't worry if you feel overwhelmed at learning all our WLPCtoo lingo. Just keep on reading the posts & if need be, referencing back to the Glossary thread & soon, you, too, will be using it just like it's 2nd nature.  |
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