So I guess [hostess] probably used a roller just like that to roll out the pizza dough. Odd though, it’s listed on her pampered chef itinerary, however we didn’t find it in the kitchen!
Where were you between 5 and 7pm?
Guest six:
I went to the pub with [hostess’] sister. She and [hostess] had had a small argument and she was a bit upset so I took her for a drink.
Do you know what the argument was about?
Guest six:
Nothing big, [sister] wanted to co-host the party that [hostess] had this afternoon, so that she could get some products for free as well. [hostess] said she needed the product points for things for the hotel but she would co-host next time she had a party. [sister] is a bit short on cash so was upset so told her she was being greedy, stormed off to find me and then we went to the pub.
So [sister] is that how it happened? Were you in the pub at the time of your sisters death?
Guest seven, sister:
Yes, I’m embarrassed to admit it now. I’m so upset that the last thing I said to my sister was so awful.
You said earlier you had some things to tell us about the other guests this weekend. Care to elaborate?
Guest seven:
Well I know that [guest three] was jealous when she found out about my sisters new hotel. They always wanted to have one together and I suspect she was a bit upset when she found out [hostess] was doing it without her.
Also, her pal [guest six] from college forgot to mention that she and my sister had a falling out back then, because one of her boyfriends fancied my sister more than her. I realise this was years ago but I think she still holds a grudge!
Hmmmm�?.did you buy anything today and how did you pay?
Guest seven:
I bought the new citrus press although that reminds me I still have to pay. I was going to stop by to see [consultant] after checking on my sister, but never made it that far!
So, [consultant]. I suppose you have access to all sorts of Pampered Chef Products because you are a consultant.
Guest eight, consultant:
I do have quite a lot, when you sign up you get a kit with £340 of Pampered Chef Products and supplies for £90 and then you can earn new products through bonuses and incentives. I’ve been the consultant for some of the ladies here for a few years, so I really do own nearly everything now.
And where is all your Pampered Chef stuff now?
Guest eight:
Up in my room, although I did lend my food chopper to [hostess] as hers was in the dishwasher. Will I be able to get that back? I can’t live without my food chopper, I use it on everything from onions to cooked chicken!
I’m sure once the crime scene has been thoroughly processed you’ll get it back. So, where were you between 5 and 7pm?
Guest eight:
I stopped by to chat with [guest three] about the Pampered chef opportunity around 6pm. I was telling her how much I enjoy being a consultant because I basically get paid to socialise and that my income from about 4 to 6 shows a month paid for our vacation last year. I went to my room about 6:45pm although I did notice [guest five] in the hallway.
Thank you [guest eight]. Now, [guest nine], what was it that you purchased today and how did you pay?
Guest nine:
I bought the round stone and rack to go with it. I already own the rectangular baker and love using stoneware to cook. Once you cook on stone you won’t go back! Mine is so used it’s nearly black!
Black? Won’t you be having it replaced then?
Guest nine:
Oh no, the darker it goes the better it cooks. It absorbs some of the grease and the oils from foods and that in turn creates a non-stick layer and it cooks better and better. I can even cook a roast in my baker without covering it, because the liquid that the stone absorbs gets turned into steam in my oven keeping the roast moist. My cookies always turn out perfectly, no burnt bottoms, and when I make chips I don’t have to worry about flipping them over halfway through. Clean up is really easy too, you just soak it in hot clear water and then use your little scraper to get off any food and towel dry.
You know a lot about stoneware, so maybe you can help set the timeline for me here. When [hostess] was found the stone she had been cooking on was still warm. Does this give us any clues?
Guest nine:
Well it means the stone was taken out no more than 30 minutes before she was found. Stoneware stays warm for up to a half an hour after it’s taken out of the oven, which means you can go back for seconds and it’s still warm. Of course I suppose someone could have put it in the microwave, because stone is oven, freezer and microwave safe.
So where were you between the hours of 5 and 7pm?
Guest nine:
Oh I was invited to play cards with the other ladies.
I think I have enough clues to know who did it and why. Here are some questionnaires I’d like you all to fill out. Please write your name and details at the top. I’d also like to know what products you are interested in when they come on special down at the bottom of the first page. On the back, in the comments section could you please all say who you think the murderer is and why. Once you’ve all handed them in I’ll reveal my findings and the Italian Calzone will be ready.
Each guest/suspect has an envelope that reveals whether or not they are the murderer. Check the comments section for a few of the accusations and then have two or three read their verdicts. Then go on to reveal the REAL murderer:
Guest one:
I know that [hostess] and I have had to compete against each other in the past, but I’m a church going woman, I would NEVER kill anyone!
Guest two:
[Hostess] has been a good friend ever since I met her all those years ago at the fundraiser. I can’t imagine what it will be without her now. I most certainly did NOT kill her.
Guest three:
I’ll admit I was jealous of [hostess] when I first found out about her hotel, but to be honest I just wouldn’t want to work all the hours she has too. That’s exactly why I chose to talk to [consultant] about the Pampered Chef opportunity, it will fit in with my schedule and I’ll be able to make a decent amount of money part time. I did NOT kill [hostess]
Guest four:
I certainly have missed [hostess] at our poker nights, but that is no reason at all to think I killed her! She was my friend and I will miss her deeply!
Guest five:
See below
Guest six:
She may have “stolen�?a boyfriend away from me in college but so what? That was so long ago it hardly warrants remembering. [Hostess] has been a good friend to me throughout the years. I don’t know what I’ll do without her!
Guest seven:
My sister and I didn’t always see eye to eye but I loved her so very much. I would rather kill myself than kill her…I just don’t know who I’ll turn to now.
Guest eight:
Ridiculous, why on earth would I kill my BEST customer?
Guest nine:
Don’t look at me! I certainly didn’t kill her. I was only here for the food!
The verdict:
I have narrowed to murder weapon down to being the Baker’s Roller, as this was the only thing missing from the murder scene but was a tool that [hostess] would have used. The lab has also come back to tell me that the green substance on the floor was indeed herbs, which leads me to believe that [guest five] was the murdered. You see, she came into this investigation with her measuring spoons in hand, the same measuring spoons that were used by [hostess] to measure parsley, oregano and basil for the recipe. She was also seen in the hallway at 6:45 by [guest eight]. I think that you, [guest five], went back to get your measuring spoon and killed [hostess] right after she took the Calzone out of the oven, thus the reason the stone was still warm 15 minutes later when she was found.
I don’t particularly think the cash on the floor was a relevant clue; I have a feeling that [sister] dropped the cash she was taking to [consultant] to pay for her order when she saw her sister lying dead on the floor!
You see [guest five], [hostess] was stealing business from your hotel, not directly but people started coming here instead of coming to you. You mentioned that you had to use your petty cash fund to pay for your goods and that you are reading a book to try to help your business, so these clues lead me to believe that your hotel hasn’t been doing well recently. There are only three real motives for murder, [guest five]. Jealousy, revenge and MONEY…and money is what lead you to kill [hostess]. You reckoned that once she was out of the picture you would get your clients back…but you didn’t bargain on getting caught now did you!
What do you have to say for yourself?
Guest five: {opens envelope and reads verdict}
I admit it! Yes, I killed her! Her hotel has been killing my business ever since word got out about the wonderful food she makes on her Pampered Chef Products. I even tried to make the recipes myself, but they never turned out the same because I don’t own all the things she does. At first I thought I could just come to parties and even host a few of my own to get the Pampered Chef things I need, but I wasn’t building up my collection fast enough. In the meanwhile [hostess] was learning even more impressive recipes and earning more free products, so when she invited me here for the weekend it was my chance. I’m nearly broke! I had to do something!
Well then! Mystery solved! Take her away boys�?
Thank you all for coming, and I’d like to thank each of you who participated in tonight’s murder mystery. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. I will be taking orders for the next half an hour and am currently taking bookings for ________ shows with those interested. If you were listening well you’ll know I can take credit card, cash, cheque and debit card. Oh, and when you come up to see me please let me cut you a piece of our featured recipe. Thanks also to [hostess] for having everyone into her hotel, em, I mean house and for playing the victim tonight!
Pamela Houck