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Astral Info : Astral Projection
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2008 9:57 PM
Astral  Projection...

Astral Projection, out of body experience, lucid dreaming

Don't you want to know what the other side will be like?

We all leave our physical bodies when we go to sleep at night.

You may have thought you were dreaming when actually you out of body traveling 'round the astral planes.

For instance if you were dreaming in full blown color and maybe flying or falling. In these scenarios you would be actually be astral projecting.

You can learn to consciously leave the body by using my porthole device or you can use my dream control method, or maybe this method here.

Just so you know... there are many different methods to induce an out of body experience.

There is no best method.

The best method is whatever works best for you.

Here is one simple method that is easy to learn...

1.Simply lay down with the lights off. Make sure you are completely relaxed. Lie there and be quite and still, calm and clear your mind.

2.Imagine your astral body which may look like grey matter shaped in the form of your body. Imagine it lifting  and floating out of your body, floating up to the ceiling in your room.

3.Turn and look down and try to see you body lying there. If you are successful you may want to stay in the room and float around a bit, staying close to the body. Or you can choose to walk through walls and travel to where ever you wish to go. You can fly there or you can will yourself there instantly.

Here are some pointers...

***Watch what you think.
Everything you think can manifest on the astral planes.
So you don't want to be thinking about anything evil or you will attract it!

***Anytime you think you are scared and or lost, just think of your body and you will be back in it in a flash.

***Ever notice that when you are falling in a dream and you hit the bottom you always wake up quickly!

That is your astral body snapping back into place.

***The use of drugs can lower your vibrations meaning you will not be able to travel to higher astral planes where the vibrations are higher.

***The reason you will want to travel higher on the astral planes is because you may have to escape an attack by a lower vibrating entity.

They can not travel to the higher planes.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/13/2008 4:42 PM
thank you for sharing