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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Atlantis Info : Atlantis - Shift of Axis
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 8:51 PM

Atlantis - Shift of Axis

When the evidence on the ground is coupled with the rapid freezing described in the last letter then it is clear that the evidence shows there has been a shift in the axis of the earth. This has very interesting ramifications.

1. It further defines what we must seek as the physical cause for the disaster. It must be something capable of causing an axis shift.

2. It adds reasonableness to the numerous references to axis shift in the SD. In some cases the exploration of science up to this point adds more than reasonableness - it adds confirmation of the SD.

But suppose we first consider some aspects of an axis shift.

According to traditional theory a shift in the axis is not possible. It would violate the law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. The same law that makes a gyroscope behave like a gyroscope makes the earth retain its angular momentum and acts against a tilt in the axis.

There are 2 quotes of interest here from Cataclysm:

"Almost all authorities are as one, therefore, in concluding that only a powerful external agent could have altered the inclination of the Earth's axis." p 194

And further:

"Among the terrestrial effects listed by almost every investigator of a theoretical near-collision has been a shift in the inclination of Earth's axis. Authorities of the calibre of Runcorn and Mulholland have admitted that axial shifts could be expected to occur on such occasions." p 191

The most serious reason for the shift is that the electromagnetic fields involved in the near-colllision would intereact. But I am getting ahead of myself.

From the above we see that science is beginning to approach and contemplate the unthinkable - an axial shift. HPB was right again. Science is approaching the SD.


We do find references to axis shifts in ancient literature and mythology. For example:

"The ancient Egyptian Ipuwer Papyrus, for example, describes terrible devastation created by an early cataclysm which "turned the
"Earth upside down"". [ Lange, H. ). (transwl). 1903. "papyrus Ipuwer", sber preuss akad wiss, p 610]

The Ermitage Papyrus, now preserved in St. Petersburg, refers to a similar ancient world convulsion. [Gardiner, A H. 1914 "New literary works from Ancient Egypt", J Egypt Archaeol, vol 1, pp100-6]

A third Egyptian papyrus tells how the Earth was nearly destroyed by fire and water during a tremendous celestial upheaval long ago when the south became north and the world turned over. [Lange, H.OO. (transl). "Der Magiswche Papyrus Harris", K dansk Vidensk Selsk Skr, p 58]


Now the quotes from the SD. All of these have added vindication in varying degrees:

The first quote shows a very striking confirmation that the SD says Poseidonis was destroyed by an axial shift !!

"It is the submersion of the great Atlantis which is the most interesting. It is of this cataclysm that the old records (See the “Book of Enoch�? say that “the ends of the Earth got loose; and upon which the legends and allegories of Vaivasvata, Xisuthrus, Noah, Deukalion and all the tutti quanti of the Elect saved, have been built. Tradition, taking into no account the difference between sidereal and geological phenomena, calls both indifferently “deluges.�?Yet there is a great difference. The cataclysm which destroyed the huge continent of which Australia is the largest relic, was due to a series of subterranean convulsions and the breaking asunder of the ocean floors. That which put an end to its successor—the fourth continent—was brought on by successive disturbances in the axial rotation. It began during the earliest tertiary periods, and, continuing for long ages, carried away successively the last vestige of Atlantis, with the exception, perhaps, of Ceylon and a small portion of what is now Africa. It changed the face of the globe, and no memory of its flourishing continents and isles, of its civilizations and sciences, remained in the annals of history, save in the Sacred records of the East.

Hence, Modern Science denies Atlantis and its existence." (SDii314)


Perhaps sometime I will get around to showing some suggestive evidence that Lemuria was destroyed by fire as indicated below. But not right now.

Thus lost continents are officially suspected. That worlds (also Races) are periodically destroyed by fire (volcanoes and earthquakes) and water, in turn, and renewed, is a doctrine as old as man. Manu, Hermes, the Chaldees, all antiquity believed in this. Twice already has the face of the globe been changed by fire, and twice by water, since man appeared on it. As land needs rest and renovation, new forces, and a change for its soil, so does water. Thence arises a periodical redistribution of land and water, change of climates, etc., all brought on by geological revolution, and ending in a final change in the axis. Astronomers may pooh-pooh the idea of a periodical change in the behaviour of the globe’s axis, and smile at the conversation given in the Book of Enoch between Noah and his “grandfather�?Enoch; the allegory is, nevertheless, a geological and an astronomical fact: there is a secular change in the inclination of the earth’s axis, and its appointed time is recorded in one of the great Secret Cycles. As in many other questions, Science is gradually moving toward our way of thinking. (SDii726)


Another interesting connection of axial shift and destruction of Atlantis:

Precisely so; and the Secret Doctrine teaches that that “order of nature�?has been thus altered, and the series of the Earth’s humanities too. For, as the angel Uriel tells Enoch: “Behold, I have showed thee all things, O Enoch; and all things have I revealed to thee. Thou seest the Sun, the Moon, and those which conduct the stars in Heaven, which cause all their operations, seasons, and arrivals to return. In the days of sinners THE YEARS SHALL BE SHORTENED. . . . the moon shall change its laws, etc.�?(chap. lxxix). In those days also, years before the great Deluge that carried away the Atlanteans and changed the face of the whole earth—because “the earth (on its axis) became inclined”�?nature, geologically, astronomically, and cosmically in general, could not have been the same, just because the Earth had inclined. (SDii533-4)


But it [esoteric philosophy] teaches distinctly that after the first geological disturbance in the Earth’s axis which ended in the sweeping down to the bottom of the Seas of the whole second Continent, with its primeval races—of which successive “Earths�?or Continents Atlantis was the fourth—there came another disturbance by the axis resuming as rapidly its previous degree of inclination; when the Earth was indeed raised once more out of the Waters, and—as above so it is below; and vice versâ.(SDii369)


Even a section of a stanza refers to the same though this may be a different deluge:


(a) This relates to an inclination of the axis—of which there were several—to a consequent deluge and chaos on Earth (having, however, no reference to primeval chaos), in which monsters, half-human, half-animal, were generated. We find it mentioned in the “Book of the Dead,�?and also in the Chaldean account of creation, on the Cutha Tablets, however mutilated. (SDii52)


Thus, since Vaivasvata Manu’s Humanity appeared on this Earth, there have already been four such axial disturbances; when the old continents—save the first one—were sucked in by the oceans, other lands appeared, and huge mountain chains arose where there had been none before! The face of the Globe was completely changed each time; the survival of the fittest nations and races was secured through timely help; and the unfit ones—the failures—were disposed of by being swept oft the earth. Such sorting and shifting does not happen between sunset and sunrise, as one may think, but requires several thousands of years before the new house is set in order. (SDii330)

Obviously the reference to several thousands of years must be considered carefully. The erratics and frozen cadavers indicate speed. I presume it is the "sorting and shifting" that takes time.


This quote I have saved for last. When considered in detail, the movements of the Earth today are actually much more complex than we normally know. But this statement of HPB's should keep us on our flexible toes.

According to the old teaching, the axis of the earth gradually changes its inclination to the ecliptic, and at the period referred to, this inclination was such that a polar day lasted during the whole period of the earth’s revolution about the sun, when a kind of twilight of very short duration intervened; after which the polar land resumed its position directly under the solar rays. This may be contrary to astronomy as now taught and understood: but who can say that changes in the motion of the earth, which do not take place now, did not occur millions of years back? (SDii292)

Reed Carson



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From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 9/11/2008 6:01 PM
When Earlyne Chaney was writing her book 'Initiation In The Great Pyramid' her spirit teacher told her to travel to Egypt as part of her research for the book.
She got permission to go inside the pyramid after hours and she laid inside the massive sarcophogus, just as she had done all of those millenia ago during her final initiation.
At that time inside the pyramid Isis appeared and was transformed into Mary.  She told Earlyne to tell people about the rosary and pray to God that we will avoid a terrible chastisement.
Earlyne was very surprised about this because up until that time she held the Catholic Church in disdain.
It is intersting because Isis is associated with those mystical Egyptian arts but Mary is associated with much more traditional ideas.
However Mary appeared to the children at Fatima and told them during World War 1 that if people didn't change and if Russia didn't stop spreading its errors throughout the world a more terrible war would occur. 
Mary gave the Fatima children 3 secrets which supposedly have now all been revealed.  The final secret was at least in part that someone would try to assassinate the Pope.  But some people believe that the rest of the details about that final secret are being withheld by the Church because it's too horrible to reveal.
                                                Jeff Marzano