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Paranormal Board : Photography Tips
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/14/2006 11:55 PM


 Photography Tips

Ghost photographs are my favorite part of ghost investigations. The ability to capture spirits on film is truly astonishing. Ghost photographs are an amazing aspect of investigating. The ability to get a visual picture of a apparition is always astonishing and a treasure to ghost investigators. Ghost can appear in full body looking lifelike.
Sometimes the ghostly spirit will appear solid and other times it will appear transparent or may be only a fragmented. When a ghost apparition appears it is recognizable as human and family and friends will recognize the person. Ghost photographs can capture full body apparitions, sometime orbs and other times vortexes.

Some ghosts photographs look like luminous balls of light known as orbs. Sometime you capture a vague cloud like apparition on film and it is know as Ectoplasm . Some ghost photographs show glowing balls of light. The balls of light and luminous balls or not always seen by the person taking the picture, they just shows up on the film after it is developed.
Sometime the investigator may see a human ghostly figure and when the films is developed an strange shape is on the photograph. Ghost have been seen wearing clothes and looking like they did when they were alive.

Eyewitness who know nothing about ghosts and hauntings have seen ghosts and have been able to describes then in detail, giving the gender, age, clothing, and hair color of the apparition they saw. When the eyewitness describe what they saw to others sometimes it turns out to match the description of a deceased relative or person who lived in the.

Basic tips on using photography during a hunt or investigation;

First walk around for ten or twenty minutes to get familiar with the area. Then you can load the film into your camera. I prefer 800 speed, but you can also use 400 speed- 35 mm film. To get the best pictures use 400 or 800 speeds, I find these speeds work the best. Some people find that the 1000 speed film develops grainy, but you will have to decide what work best for you. Some people prefer black and white film but I have not had a problem with color film.

You can try infrared film, I have not used it, but others have told me that they get the best result with infrared film.

It is important to record notes about the area when you are filming. You should note where lights are located, so when the film is developed you will know what is a lamp, street light and what is really an orb. You should never smoke when you are on a ghost investigation. Smoke will show up in film and you will not know if you have capture an apparition.
If the wind is blowing and dust is flying around the area you need to make notes in your record because you may capture the dust in your pictures. If it is cold and you can see your breath make a note in your record, it could show up on the film and look like an ectoplasm. Make sure the lens on your camera is clean, make sure there is nothing on the lenses. Take off the camera strap and if you can not take it off, tape it back.
I have taken pictures and found the strap in the photos, Tie back your hair if it is long, you don't want your hair in your pictures. Look for reflective surfaces and note this in your record. Flashes reflected off shiny surfaces like tombstones and may look light an orb.

Don't allow multiple people to take pictures at one time. Double flashes look like orbs in the pictures and you will not know if you really capture a ghost on film. I always ask the ghost permission to take a picture. I forgot one time at Pretty Boy Dam and the whole roll of film did not come out.

Remember that you will not capture a ghost on film every time. Some time you can take two rolls and only get one picture. At time you may take fifty pictures and only get one ghost picture and other times you may get no pictures, and then another time you may get lots.

Don't get discouraged and upset, this is all part of the hunt.

You can get your film developed anywhere, there is no special development process required. You should tell the developer to process and keep every photo even if it look like a mistake.
One of my friends did not tell the developer to develop all and when she pick up her film, they had only develop one picture because all the others had cloudy images and round spots. She had to go back and have the film developed again, and she had lots of ghostly images.

Audio and Video Recording;

Walk around the area for awhile before you begin to record. You need to let the ghostly spirit get use to you. It is best to set up a stationary recorders or video camera and let it run. Then you can continue to walk around an observe.

You can ask question when you are recording to see if the ghost will answer. You an ask how the person died, who left flowers on the ghost graves, where the ghost lived, etc.

You need to listen to the entire audio tape or view the entire video after your ghost hunt. There may be only one word on the tape and it could be at the end or one image that appear at the end.

EVPs are usually not heard at the time of recording or images seen but are heard and seen after the tape is reviewed.

Take careful notes where you believe you should have recorded any sounds that occurred while you where they such as dogs barking, cars starting, etc.) This will allow you to tell what a sound is that wasn't heard by you at the time but is now on the tape.

By:Author Unknown

Thank you for sharing this Ghostmist*

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