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Channeling Board : The Phantom Death~ July 2003
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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6  (Original Message)Sent: 4/26/2006 1:42 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCrystalChick11_11</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 3/1/2004 6:08 PM
July 15 2003

~ The Phantom Death ~
of Planet Earth

The Beacons of Light Re-minders from Home are presented on t he 15th of each month.

~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve:

I was sitting at my computer in our new Lightworker Family Room talking to people from the US, Ireland, the UK, Holland and Turkey. It’s great to be able to communicate with family all over the globe like this. I had just mentioned to people in the room that I was going to have to leave the Family Room to finish writing the Beacons when someone asked what the Beacons was about this month. I proceeded to tell her. I became aware of the faint laughter over my shoulder. By the time I came back 90 minutes later I had to tell her that the whole thing had changed. So many times I think I know where they are going only to find that they have different ideas. Such was the case with this message.

In the private sessions that I do with the Group we talk to a lot of people who have experienced the Phantom Death. Basically this is the original time that we scripted to leave. Now that we have the opportunity to stay, many of us choose to stay instead of dying. In all instances when I talk to someone who has experienced the Phantom Death, it’s easy to see that their entire lives took a drastic turn at that very moment. Now the Group says that that same phenomenon is happening with our relationship to light. They say that from a cosmic perspective a big sign is hanging on the Earth that says
“CAUTION - Phantom Death in Progress.�?/FONT>

Greetings from Home

We are so pleased to be with you at this time to watch as the magicians of the Gameboard awaken from the dream. We see you from a perspective that we love to share with you, for that is the view from Home itself. Our greatest hope is to guide you in the new ways. You are not the same people who you were only a very short time ago. You are now stepping fully into the second wave of empowerment and that is changing everything that has gone before. The first wave of power was “follow the leader�?and the second is now “follow yourselves.�?Yes, this sounds simple, yet it is not. For you to function in the second wave of power it is necessary for you to totally re-evaluate every paradigm that you have created thus far.

Dawn of the New Light

You now emanate a new light. We have called you Lightworkers for you spread the base energy of love through the light that you share. Even as your advancements lead you to a new understanding of your purpose here on Earth, your advancements in the area of science will also begin validating even more of the higher truths that you have only been able to prove in your hearts thus far. The energy that we have called light will soon take on new meaning as your sciences are now right at the edge of great discoveries about light. This will start a shift in the scientific community that will have far-reaching effects on the way humans perceive themselves.

For those of you with scientific curiosity we will give you some hints here, and the rest of you can skip this paragraph. That which you have seen as light is only a small portion of the energy band which carries the full energy from Home through the central sun to you. The spectrums of light for which you have no perception exist over a band of other dimensional realities which you cannot see yet. The way to access these dimensional realities is through a series of 90-degree turns. Even the ancient Egyptians knew that to enter the afterlife, as they called it, a 90-degree turn was necessary. We have planted seeds of this ancient wisdom within earlier messages and now those seeds are taking root. What your science is on a path to discover is the relationship of light to magnetics. That relationship is exactly 90 degrees.

Recently we showed the Keeper a new color band that he had not seen before. We tell you that he was very excited when we showed it to him until he realized that the words necessary to share this experience with others did not yet exist. Yes, there are many other spectrums of color beyond what you call the four primary colors. The point to remember here is that the other bands of color do not exist outside of those four vibrational bands but, rather, within them.

It will not be long before you begin to understand how simple light really is. And even though you may not see the other bands of light with your eyes just yet, you will be able to see the evidence and the reaction of this light. You may not know it, but we tell you that you can see this even this very day. That is the important message that we share with you now.

Welcome to the 5th Dimension

You have stepped fully into the 5th dimension and are just now acclimating yourselves to this energy. Even as we say these words many of you find yourselves getting excited, looking forward to the possibilities of new power and new abilities. Yes, that is true, yet with this same advancement comes a new, sobering responsibility to use those abilities to their fullest. This is the importance of utilizing the second wave of power.

Phantom Death of Light

Many of you have experienced the Phantom Death where you had a specific opportunity to leave and return Home. These exit points in your linear time line were placed there in the first stage of life during your planning session. Those of you who have experienced at least one Phantom Death know that after that demarcation point your life took on a new focus and turned the equivalent of 90 degrees. Ahh, yes, now many of you are recognizing that you had a Phantom Death after all. We tell you today that it is the light itself on planet Earth that is experiencing the Phantom Death. When you look back at this time in your history you will see a new relationship to light from this day forward. This is truly the Phantom Death of Planet Earth and a new starting point.

The Crystal Energy

The Crystal energy has been filtering in from your Solar Sun and it is being stored in the tectonic plates of the Earth. The recent infusion of energy has caused much stress to those of you sensitive to it. In fact most of you who call yourselves Lightworkers are in fact sensitive to this energy as it enters your world. Many of you have felt lost and disconnected. You may have found your emotions erupting at the most inappropriate times. The sensitivity you have to this energy is the same gift that makes you a Master Healer, so fear it not. Yet, understand that you will acclimate to the energy as it enters your world. Continue to watch the solar flares for signs of this energy and this new light entering your world. It is here to provide you with the magnetic base in which empowered humans will thrive. The energy infusion was needed, for you are about to turn an important corner. The 90-degree turn will now begin this next month. August 2003 will be seen throughout the cosmos as the Phantom Death of the old light. Even as little as two months ago the times directly ahead were uncertain. It was not known whether the strong infusion of the Crystal Energy would serve the highest good, or tip the delicate balance as it has in the past. Know that you have done well and the stress you have dealt with has served a much higher purpose in acclimating this energy.

Ahh, but you are not the only ones feeling this energy. Those advanced children of Indigo color are feeling this energy most of all. They will feel disoriented, confused, anxious, and in discord as this new light enters your world. It may seem to them that their magic has disappeared and this may cause them even more stress as a result. Be patient with them during this time, dear ones. They are here doing a very difficult job and deserve your love, guidance and respect.

The Secret of the New Light

There are two ways to work with light in your Game. One is to reflect the light and the other is to be the light. You have so often thought that it was best to reflect the light, for it was very difficult for you in the first wave of power to see your true magnificence. Without seeing your true self it is not possible to be the light, only to reflect it. Although there is no difference in the outcome, and one way is not better than the other, by not having both options you are limiting the amount of Lightwork you can accomplish.

We tell you now that there is a direct correlation between the acceptance of your true power in the second wave and the ability to emanate the new light. Take responsibility for your own happiness and your own reality and have the courage to choose again if your circumstances do not support your spirit.

Now for the secret, for humans love secrets�?The light is not outside of you, it is you. You are the light. Even the light entering as the Crystal energy is actually a reflection of your own. That is the reason you feel it so strongly as it enters your reality. This new light in the form of the Crystal Energy is interacting with and changing the magnetics of Earth as it enters. This is why science may now see the connection between light and magnetics. At first you did not feel it until it was released from the tectonic plates into your dimension. Now you have acclimated the energy to such a degree that you feel it even as it enters from the Sun. That is the reason your times have been filled with amplified stress. The challenge is that you are not accustomed to being the light and allowing this energy to flow through you, igniting your higher light within. We ask you to find ways to let your light shine, for that holds the key to feeling comfortable as the changes to the Earth magnetics proceeds. Dare to stand in the most difficult situations and allow your own light to emanate from you. For that work we offer you a valuable tool.

Spiritual Confidence

Yes, we have watched you and know that it is most difficult to be God in human form. Your egos that have served so well to ensure your survival have also kept you from taking your full power. Now, even as you are advancing past the need for an ego, it still haunts you, overshadowing your every move. Yet, when you understand that your true selves are spirit and not human, the ego holds you no longer. Therefore, we ask to you to find the spiritual confidence that is within all of you at every moment. Access that spirit within for even a moment and feel the confidence that lies dormant deep within your soul and you have a tool that can be utilized in the most stressful times. Stop, breathe, and feel the spirit within. Then simply feel the smile of spiritual confidence easing its way to your face. It is a subtle smile that can be carried with you throughout your day. Re-membering that it is there is the most difficult part. That is all that is needed to face every moment of every day with the confidence that is your soul birthright. That subtle smile gives birth to the full spectrum of light that is yours alone. That subtle smile is the most effective way for you to be the light in the days of change that lie ahead.

Take that knowledge and intentionally share your special spectrum of light with every person willing to look your way. Stand fully in the truth and beauty of your light and own its power fully. Touch others with your light openly and freely when it is accepted. Then you will find it becoming stronger with each application. This is the full power of Home expressed through the most beautiful beings that have ever taken finite form. You are Lightworkers . . . but even more. . .you are the light. . .and we love your light more than you could ever know. We know your times are challenging, we know there are times when you cannot clearly see where you are going or what is happening. Please do not live your lives in anticipation of some magical day when everything will be right in the world. Please know that you have the ability to create that world in your own field this very day. Start by accessing the spiritual confidence that lies within you and you will see the new light upon Earth.

We so enjoy the time together with you in this fashion, for you invite us to play in your game in this special way. Ahh, but it is more than that, for you invite us into your very hearts and we honor that invitation more than you will ever know. That opening of your heart gives us the unique opportunity to plant the seeds of light that will help you re-member who you really are. Like proud parents watching with the greatest love as their child stirs from sleep and opens their eyes to make soul contact with the parents, we too are deeply honored to be here watching as you are now stirring, awakening from the dream. Know that you are never alone. We ask you to re-member that this is a wonderful game you are playing and to treat each other with respect, nurture one another, and play well together.


the Group

It is with great honor that I bring these messages of Love. My only hope is that you feel even a tiny portion of the love I feel when I write them.

Big HUGS and gentle nudges

"the Keeper"

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 4/26/2006 1:43 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameCrystalChick11_11</NOBR> Sent: 3/1/2004 6:17 PM

Connecting the Heart

Awakening to New Light

From Barbara

Steve and the Group talk about the Phantom Death of the old light. They say this will be felt beginning in August. I know the energy of this shift will be high and we can anticipate it with excitement and maybe with a little hesitation because as with any change, it may be a little uncomfortable. Stepping out without our safety net and daring to fly high in our own energy can be scary, but yet quite exciting.

I feel like I experienced leaving my old light almost four years ago. However, I am sure I am ready for another shift soon. This was when I chose to trust Spirit and leave my career that was my safety net of twelve years. I dared to trust myself that I was to join Steve in our Lightwork on a full-time basis. This was a huge leap of faith. I have never regretted that choice.

Last night I joined co-workers from my past job for a reunion and celebration of one of their birthdays. Once in a while in the past few years I had been in touch with some of these people, but last night was an awakening moment of looking at my past—who I was then—and seeing my present—who I am today. It was like stepping in and out of two different dimensions. How happy I am that I could return to be in my reality of my present life where I have created my new light!

The people I reconnected with are special, warm-hearted souls, especially one dear friend who will always be in my life as a friend and sister, Jean. They all helped me on my path of self-awareness, mostly in positive ways but at times in negative ways. Duality very much played a part in that experience. For twelve years this was my reality of daily existence that my world revolved around. For the most part, this was a rewarding job. How often we get caught up thinking our jobs are who we are! I see people who have lost the sparkle in their eyes. They appear to be existing in life instead of creating. I so encourage people to dance in their passion and play in their joy, as Steve and the Group says, every day of their lives.

As I sat enjoying the conversation, in which we were catching up with each others�?lives, I felt myself falling back into who I thought I was for so many years. Then I took a deep breath and began celebrating who I am today. It was almost as if my spirit was lifting me above my body to look down on my past and present. With the exception of a few of these people, nobody understands exactly who I have become in my new life. They commented that I have a glow about me and about how happy I looked, but it was clear that my new reality was not theirs. And I know that is okay.

I drove home filled with thoughts spinning in my head. I felt like I had just revisited my past. I know in order to create a new life, you have to come to terms with the one you have left behind. This is the Phantom Death of light that I can see that I just experienced. I was feeling mixed emotions about who I was all those years. The job served its purpose, but I have to say it had its moments when I allowed others to take my power and to feel less than who I know I am. One of the happiest moments was when I was leaving the old job and I told my boss how I really felt. I told her that I felt so connected to who I really was when I was doing my Lightwork with Steve, and felt so disempowered when I came into the office. This was the beginning of my communication that I have developed with myself and others. I must speak my truth. This is my empowerment. Even though it may have been something she did not want to hear, I think my boss understood. She wished me well, as did all my co-workers. I am now able to step back and feel any negative emotions from the past and know they were crystals on my path of awareness. I am thankful for all the wonderful, joyful memories I experienced during this time of my life too.

It is exciting to want to reinvent yourself by creating your new life, your new light, but it is important to never forget your past. Each day we have experienced is a stepping stone to who we are today. We can do a partial or total makeover with who we are, but remember to connect with your center being—that is the Spiritual Confidence that the Group just spoke of. This is your core personality no matter how many levels of growth you go through. Access it and you will find your power.

Every day I discover different, new areas of who I am and who I am becoming. I thank my past, I embrace my present and I can’t wait to see how brightly my new-found light will shine in the future!

With Love and Light,


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 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 4/26/2006 8:17 PM

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/17/2006 1:20 AM

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/17/2006 1:20 AM

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