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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Channeling Board : Atlantis- ( 2 Parts )
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6  (Original Message)Sent: 4/26/2006 1:51 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameSnowyNyghtOwl2</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 1/13/2004 2:10 PM

 Channeled Information:

Gordon-Michael Scallion

The Journey of Om from Dream Voyager

Atlantis lasted almost 250,000 years from its first age to its final days, the last of its islands going beneath the seas around 9,000 years ago.

This means that if you reincarnated into the Earth realms during the past quarter million years, the odds are high that you lived in Atlantis for one or more lifetimes.

Since the culture of Atlantis existed through nearly 10 grand cycles of the "precession of the equinoxes", you may have spent literally hundreds of lives in Atlantis or its colonizes.

Atlantis was not the only civilized society on Earth. In the Pacific area you may experienced lives in a land called Lemuria.

Cycles repeat, and the same stellar energies that governed the last days of Atlantis have have come full cycle again. Atlantean souls began returning to Earth during the past century in numbers significant enough to affect the development of many nations on Earth--especially technological nations such as Germany, the United States, England, and Russia.

Long ago, the Atlanteans understood the "precession of the equinoxes" and the resulting cataclysm far better than we do. They embarked on a project that took more than 100 of our current years to complete. Far from their Atlantean homelands in a region they knew to be safe from the Earth changes-- they built a time capsule--a message to help future humans understand what had happened.

They knew the mistakes they had made for themselves at that time. But it was too late to stop the destruction, for the greater Earth changes had already come, destroying their homelands and the great civilizations they had built.

They knew earth changes would surely happen again, as the precession reached its apex once more, 13,000 years hence. They built their time capsule to last--to warn future generations in time to avoid the mistakes the Atlanteans made, and save civilization from destruction.

The Atlantean time capsule was not merely a building but a "machine" of sorts--and instrument which could foretell when the same fate would come to those of the future-- the people of the 20th century. This is the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt.

According to my source, the Great Pyramid was constructed over 12,500 years ago. My dream voyages have shown that the Great Pyramid is an Atlantean instrument conceived by Ra, a priest from the land of Dar, and engineered by Thoth (Hermes) from Atlantis. Construction was carried out by a work force of native Egyptians and the black races of people known as the Nubians and Zuleans who occupied the east and west banks of the southern Nile River.

If the cycle is to repeat --the changes will come swiftly and without warning. In Atlantis 95% of the population was lost to the waters.

Going back in time some 225,000 years-as time is reckoned from the present--we meet the entity Om, the great leader of an ancient race known as At-el, preparing to meet not only his own destiny but the destiny of the world.

Living in the region we now know as Tibet, the At-el are primitive by our standards. They are a brave and noble culture of hunter-gathers, small in stature, compared to the race of giants who dominate the Earth at this time.

The At-el have skin the color of bronze, with deep penetrating eyes, that are black or gray. They are similar in appearance to the Native Americans that lived in the Mississippi basin at the turn of our 18th century. They stand, on average, only about 5 and 1/2 feet tall, though their heads are larger, even, than ours today.

The At-el people live in small family clans that banded together, making up the single tribe. These clans have evolved directly from soul groups--entities who are reincarnated lifetime after lifetime into the same families--though to be sure, new souls do enter, so the clans continue to grow in size, over time, and new clans are often created.

During this time in Earth's history, the consciousness of humanity is much different than ours today. Where today our individual memories are built up in us from birth, such is not the case with At-el, for they are a group-memory race of people.

Each member of each At-el clan is deeply connected to their specific soul group incarnate. The total memories of the clan are accessible to each individual in the clan, and is from birth. As each clan member experiences new things, these are added-- or remembered --within the collective consciousness of the clan.

Individual thought is also present in the At-el people, but only as it interacts with their share of memories. The group-memory of each clan flows and swells constantly - each experience is accessible to all, and owned by no one.

Now, the collective memories of one clan--or soul group-- of the At-el can not be felt or seen by those in other clans, except for the rare individual who has the gift of this unusual ability. The entity Om is such a person, and as such, he is considered to be a leader of the people. With his great knowledge and memory of all the clans, he may speak for the tribe to mother Earth, and to all the elements, which the At-el see as Gods.


It is during the festival dedicated to the element fire-- on the 10th full moon in the 13 lunar months of the At-el year - that Om will experience something like no other At-el, indeed, like no other entity on Earth, has ever experienced at a festival, or anywhere else for that matter.

At festival time, the collective joyful memories are often induced amongst clan members, not unlike our experience of sharing an album of family pictures with friends and family, laughing together and remembering the good times had by all.

The whole tribe congregates at festival time, creating, for once, a new experience of love and joy that can be shared by everyone.

For the 'celebration of fire', the largest hut --the At-el temple--is set up to receive the congregation, and a large stone altar is placed in the center. Wood and crushed stones have been prepared the previous day, and are now placed into the stone basin at the foot of the altar and lit. The leader, Om, enters the altar area, and begins his dancing and chanting.

It is in this manner that Om usually leads the tribe to dance and chant and after some time signals the rest to join with him. As the chanting increases in power, Om begins to receive visions from the 'collective memories' of all the clans present. When Om receives these memories at the festival, he is able to pass them on to others-- his visions become their visions. This is taught by the At-el's to be a gift from their Gods, the great elements.

At this particular festival of fire, Om dances and chants, and as the others join in, the air is thick with the images and joyful memories that flow from clan to clan throughout the festival circle, and a great happiness comes over all of those in attendance.

For even when an At-el memory contains negative images, it is always interpreted as positive in the end. Even in facing death, a clan member is seen to be overcoming obstacles through his or her strength, bravery, or stealth. And back through the generations of the clans, each act is remembered with fierce pride and good feelings.

As the images begin to fade this time, something startling happens. Om begins to receive new memories--memories foreign to him and all of the clan of At-el. Those who share his thought cry out, because they do not understand what they are seeing. The joyous dancing and chanting stops abruptly. These visions are not from the group memories at all! These are images of places and people never seen before - these are not of the At-el.

Nothing like this has ever happened before, and for once, the At-el are afraid. Some of the people run from the temple. Others stand motionless, tears running down their faces. Many look to Om for guidance. Where had these visions come from? What are they? Om, does not know, but he is not afraid. His strength clams the people who witness it, and this spread-- as group-memory--to the rest of the clan's people. And one by one those who remained, slowly back away from Om and out of the temple.

After the festival, the tribe goes on with daily life as if nothing has occurred.

The memory of what happened has been stored away in the clan's consciousness - safely out of mind until invoked at some future festival, when once again that which is not of one's own soul group may be shared by all. Only Om is left with the strange vision still lingering in his mind. And like all wise leaders, he is thoughtful, and waits.


One lunar cycle having passed, the next festival commences-- the festival of air. As he has many times before, Om begins the celebration by chanting and dancing. The group-memories come to him, as always, and the others begin to experience the shared imagery of the tribe. This time, however--just as it occurred during the festival of Fire--images of strange people, their lands, and their homes fill the minds of the At-el clans people. As the vision unfolds, they recognize Om in the foreign place, and witness the strange, tall people bowing down to him--a symbol of respect for his power-- and the fear that had been presented in the clans is gone.

With this experience, a new seed of consciousness has evolved, not only in At-el, but in all the races of the world. For time is not linear, but circular; memory is not only a link to the past, but to the future as well. From this point forward, each clan member would be able to recall events yet to come--through Om's connection--and thereby become part of his new memory. Om does not understand entirely what is occurring, but now that he has seen himself in the images, he knows that what he has seen is the future, not an alternate past, and that he must be patient to learn what to do next. It is his job to lead his people forward, to meet the strangers in the dream visions, and so meet with his destiny.


The temple is prepared for the water celebration, and a large stone bowl is placed in the center of the hut. Water from the mountain streams has been placed in the basin, and the ceremonial ladles, carved of wood, rests along side it. From these ladles, each clan member will drink to the element water, sharing in its bounty.

Om enters the altar and begins his dance and chant. A strange look comes over him, and all those in attendance watch him with curiosity. No one joins in. As Om continues to dance, his chanting voice filling the temple, images unlike any he has seen before once again flood his mind. Quiet and motionless, all of the people of the clans of At-el share his sight. Om sees some of the tall, almost giant people of his two previous visions, and a strange building that seems to move and sway on a great body of water such as never been witnessed by the At-el.

Om is present once again, and he lives in the floating building with the giant people. There are many At-el present too. Abruptly, the vision changes and the large entity wearing clothing totally foreign in style speaks to Om. He says that Om is now about to embark on a now marvelous quest. Once completed, his journey will enable all of the world to enter an age of joyful coexistence, and the great elements will be in harmony with all tribes everywhere.


The entity in Om's vision instructs him to take half the At-el tribe---1,555 clans people---on a journey that will lead to a new land located in the middle of a great sea. In order to do this, however, they must first travel far into the west, to an unknown land called Zu.

There they are to meet a strange-looking people who sometimes live in even stranger-looking buildings that move upon the water. Upon arriving in Zu, situated on the coast of what we now call the Arabian Sea,Om will meet the leader of the Zu people, and from there he and the At-el who traveled with him will be guided to the new land.

Om and his followers leave on the next lunar cycle, at the time of the festival of Earth. It is the height of the celebration, but Om is not presiding. The evolution of consciousness has already begun, and there are now others to lead the chanting and dancing for those that are left behind. It is understood that this parting is joyous, and the clans that are staying behind wish well to the ones who are going away. The travelers set out of their homeland on foot, under a full moon. Years will pass before they reach their destination.

The summer zenith and a bright, full moon usher Om, and his surviving followers into the foreign land they seek. At the coast, they are met by the Zulean people of the visions. They are a tall, black-skinned people, with high foreheads, deeply recessed penetrating brown eyes, and large lips. The colossal Olmecs statues--still found in the world today--closely resemble the ancient race of Zu.

Although the Zu are at first fearful of the strange visitors, Om and the other At-el clans people are quickly welcomed into the Zu culture.The leader of the Zu, called Un Towee, has experienced a prophecy describing Om and his followers, and instructs him to aid them when they arrived.

The Zu are a kind and loving, family-oriented people, who live by the sea in a large colony. Beautiful gardens dot the landscape, and children everywhere are engaged in a game using long, thin stick and a hard ball made for the sap of large tress found in the surrounding hillsides.The sport is to hit the ball into a ring fixed on a pole at the center of each game site. Compared to the harsh terrain of the At-el homeland,this is a lush land.

Om and Un Towee find between themselves and instant kinship, and plans are quickly made for the journey ahead. While six full cycles of the moon come and go, the Zu--experienced seafarers and boat builders--construct a large sailing vessel for Om and his tribe. The ship, a yawl by today's definition, can carry all of Om's people, plus a contingency of 13 Zuleans--one for each month of the year. These 13 are chosen to accompany the At-el as navigators and sailors, and to discover with them this still unknown New World.

On the first new moon, at the exact moment the darken moon reaches its highest point in the sky, Om and his shipmates set sail for the narrow body of water we now call the Red Sea. At this point, it must be understood that the world of Om's time is geographically much different than our own. From the Red Sea, it is possible to navigate directly into what we call the Mediterranean, and then on into the great Atlantic Ocean, where the land that is the final destination of his vision inspired quest lies waiting.

Six lunar months after their departure, the explorers pass into the straits, today called Gibraltar, and head due west. With the sun rising behind the ship in the morning of the next full moon, the Zulean lookout sights land and calls out to those down below.

Om and his people crowd to the railing to behold the distant shore of a mighty continent. Today all that remains of this great land are the tiny islands we know as the Azores. When the ship reaches its destination and drops anchor some 500 yards from the shore, all aboard--Zuleans and At-el alike-- await the next high tide so that they may disembark. They prepare themselves for landing in this new uncharted land by praying, and by purifying themselves with smoke and oil-baths.

At high tide, they put shore in long boats. On the beach, they conduct a ceremony in reverse to the element water; and as Om and his people are from the land of the At-al, they name this new land At-el-an.  

Cont......... Next Page>>>

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 4/26/2006 1:51 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameSnowyNyghtOwl2</NOBR> Sent: 1/13/2004 2:13 PM

Ec-Kar of Atlantis

Ec-Kar is a fifth-level initiate, High Priest of the Educational Presidium, and teacher at the most famous University of Atlantis - Ata-Ruumn. It located on the coast of the city of Poseidia. Poseidia is one of the five large island kingdoms of Atlantis. It is known for its riches, culture, and temples of wisdom. Thousands arrive daily to but, sell, and trade goods, and to attend cultural activities.

He is a man in his eighteenth cycle - each cycle consists of seven years. He is short for Atlantean, standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall, has bronze colored skin, balding head, ad a long white beard. He wears white robes and papyrus-reed sandals. He is telepathic and can manifest before his students at will.

Lesson one:

The 'Hall of Ages' where Ec-kar has taught his students about their Atlantean heritage and origins.

Lesson two:

In the 'Hall of Sciences' - Ec-kar has taught collective thought.

Lesson three: Lemuria

Ec-kar's students consider Lemuria their Motherland. He teaches them that it was in Lemuria that the colonization of Atlantis first began. The Lemurians were like thought projections - not physically solid. It made them higher in frequency and closer to the Creator's energy vibration level. Their souls came to Earth to experience the physical vibration. They were large in stature, about nine feet tall. Their skin had an aqua cast changing from blue to green in conjunction with two seasonal cycles each year. Their faces were elongated, and oval. Their eyes were large with lids running vertically. The texture of their skin was slightly scaly. They breathed through their skin, not lungs. The temperature of the planet, the atmosphere, the light and the orbits of the other planets were much different then. The first Lemurians were androgynous - neither male nor female.

It all began with the projection of 144 soul groups - representing the projection of 33 million souls. Some of the souls came from the 'Red Planet'.

Some groups chose water, some the plant kingdom, the mineral kingdom, or the animal kingdom. The greater experiments were with the animal kingdom as this realm allowed for longer life spans and greater mobility. The Earth had giants and elves. Some came from the stars and projected into physical form - Pleiades and Sirius. They came in space craft different than those of the Atlanteans, called Valix.

Lesson four:

The Creator formed all souls in his image, as spiritual beings. As the souls reached out to experience different realities they began to define themselves by groups, according to their particular experience. Within this structure each soul group had the ability to chose the physical form it wished to express. Once a soul group was chosen, the soul groups were able to increase their numbers by replicating themselves, much as a single celled life-form divides again and again. Each cell remains a portion of, and a duplicate of, the original.

Ec-Kar teaches that the Earth has seen many civilizations - some of who have come from other worlds to learn and experience.

Lesson Five: Hall of Images

A virtual-reality library where all Atlantean history may be accessed as holographic imagery.

The sea fills the Halls of Ata-Ruumn, bringing with it the aroma of fresh oranges, just delivered by-transport from the colonies. Students move briskly through the corridors, disappearing into respective halls. Ec-kar's pupils wait at the entrance to the Hall of Images. At the appointed time, their teacher arrives, and they follow him silently into the Hall.

It is a huge room--a perfect cube, one hundred feet in every direction--and fashioned from limestone blocks. Ec-Kar bows gently to his students, acknowledging their presence, and moves directly to a control instrument on one side of the great room. Without a word, he places his hands over a panel carved with strange symbols his students have never seen before.

He selects one of the symbols and passes his small chubby hands over it; an expectant silence fills the Hall.

Following Ec-kar's gaze they turn towards the center of the room, watching as the bright clear light gradually appears in the empty air at the middle of the space. As the light grows in intensity, colors appear and radiate outward, up to the ceiling, - a hundred feet high - and out to the walls, bathing the students and Ec-Kar in a rainbow glow. In a matter of seconds the light disappears, suddenly replaced by what appears to be an enormous, and very solid, dome-shaped structure.

Some of the students turn towards their teacher questioningly unable to accept what is occurring. Others just stare. The dome is a golden vision, slowly rotating, as if barely floating above the floor. The massive structures seems immovable; yet, it has materialized from thin air and it spins, propelled by an unseen force. To these students, many from less advanced cultures of their regions, what what appears before them is unbelievable. For here in the grand Hall of Images, is the secret of Atlantis' power - the Dome of Light.

Ec-Kar moves slowly towards the dome, and upon reaching it, turns to face his class. "My friends, the purpose of our visit to the Hall today is to prepare you for a different type of journey than any of you have ever experienced. At our last meeting, I said that you would have an opportunity to recall your soul's journey through many lifetimes. But in order for this to occur, you must first be well-prepared for such a journey - just as many of you prepared for your travels from the distant lands you call home to At-Ruumn."

Ec-Kar is standing only a few feet from the Dome of Light. Although the class now understands that the dome is only a holographic image, it still looks very real, and the size of it - hovering as it does behind Ec-kar - seems rather menacing, dwarfing their teacher's otherwise imposing stature.

He continues. "For thousands of years, the Dome of Light has enabled our land to enjoy its great riches. And while we have shared many of the fruits derived from this technology with those outside our land, we cannot share its specific engineering principles. Shortly, you will understand why. But, in order to comprehend what I am about to share with you, you will need to stretch your minds to accept possibilities which are, perhaps, beyond your wildest imaginings.

"Let us begin today's lesson. For every energy there is an equal and opposite energy. Just, as the day brings light, the opposite is true for night. Now, between light and dark there is a neutral, or transference point. It is within this transference point that the secret technology of the Dome of Light may be found. Let us look at one of Nature's marvelous examples of the energy transference - gravity. The Earth receives various emanations from the sun and sends back to the sun its opposite force. The gravity we all take for granted on Earth is one effect of the rays moving through the sun - Earth continuum.

"The Dome of Light works in a similar fashion by capturing and holding the energy at the moment of transference between star energy and its converted opposite. The captured energy is stored in containment chambers buried deep beneath the Dome to use any way we choose."

Ec-Kar pauses, to see that the class understands, before he continues.

"Through the tuning devices we use aboard our Valix craft, and in our homes and buildings, the Dome of Light transmits the power generated via ultraviolet waves, thus propelling our ships, cooling and heating our cities, or allowing for communications. The power is immediately transferred, whatever the need. However, there is a dark side to this great invention as well, for it is also a weapon of imaginable power.

"Now, please observe that the dome is golden in color. It is constructed from poured granite and lined with an organic material capable of containing the enormous energies accumulated inside.

"Watch now what happens to the top portion of the dome."

Ec-Kar returns to the panel, makes an adjustment at the controls, and the image reacts. Slowly, an opening appears in the top center of the dome and a green light flow into it from above.

"You are now viewing the Dome of Light in operation. I this way, it captures the solar emanations within its field.

The students watch the hologram in amazement, as Ec-kar continues his lessons.

"The reason we are here is not only to introduce you to Atlantean technology, but to let you experience another benefit of this great power - soul travel.

Together, as time- travelers, we will now return to a period of history when this Dome of Light was used to create what - even now - you would consider miracles. Realize that these 'miracles' are still possible today, but due to your caste system they are not available to any of you, your families, or indeed your countries. In fact, even my own caste position enforces certain restrictions pertaining to this technology. This is simply the way of things.

"While relatively small, the image of the Dome that you now look upon represents, nevertheless, a power source unequaled on our planet. This technology is trusted only to those in the Energy Ministry caste. Since its invention, it has brought both miracles, and destruction to not only our land, but the world. I tell you this, my friends, so that you may understand that with power comes responsibility - one that we as a nation did not always follow."

A student raises her hand.

"Yes, Ma-Riel?"

"I have observed the Valix craft many times, and that is does not have an operator of any type. How can this be? And how is it that it runs so silently, floating above the ground as it does? Those my from country say it is magic, and that the Atlantean magicians are to be feared."

Ec-Kar moves closer to the class as he responds. "Ma-Riel, that which is misunderstood often creates fear. 'Magic' is merely a way of explaining what is feared . . .the unknown."

"How does the Valix, the people-transporter, work?" asks Ma-Riel.

Ec-Kar responds, "The Valix, and indeed all Atlantean technologies, operate through the Dome of Light. Each transport-vessel draws energy from the nearest Dome. Once accessed, power is transferred to the 'motivational instruments' inside the Valix craft. Amplifiers are embedded throughout the outer skin of the vessel, and these circuits create an opposing gravitational force that interacts with the Earth. This lifts the craft. For most uses, the Valix are automated and follow preprogrammed routes. No operator is required."

Jalaum for the Ur, raises his hand and asks, "Ec-Kar, is there a distance limit for the transporters?"

"For ground transports, remote operation is possible to the horizon. For air transports, the outer atmosphere is the only limitation for the ring of the Domes created in our land serve as a network. Each contains the others."

"The Dome of light was originally designed to communicate with intelligences existing in alternative realities, and ultimately, with the Creator."

"Did this work?" asks another student.

"Yes. We were able to follow a departed Atlantean from the moment of his death to his next reality. We broke contact only just prior to his return to Earth in a new incarnation. You must realize that the Dome of Light, while it may appear to be a marvel to you, is simply an instrument that allows us to do what our ancestors accomplished with the power of only their minds. For in the early days of Earth, we were much closer to the Creator."

"What other ways is the Dome of Light used?" asks a pupil named Panter.

Ec-Kar gesturing to the east, says, "Though we are but a few minutes walk from the ocean here, the temperature outside is quite high today. Yet it is comfortable 70 degrees everywhere within these Halls! As I have shared, light has its opposite, and energy exists in both, so is the case in all Nature. Through a process called hysteresis, the temperature is controlled to a very fine degree. The same process is used in all Atlantean structures - from the valix transporters, the the homes and buildings."

"Are there educational uses? can the Dome make us smarter?" asks Du-Ta-Rahn.

"Intelligence is made up of ingredients, like a cake. Is it part genetic, part experience, part diet, part environment, and part soul-development. All of these parts, however, can be overridden by will. Your will. Do not ever allow yourself to be confused on this important point: whatever you will yourself to do or to be, you shall become. It is one of the divine laws of Nature.

"There are several educational uses for the Domes. Depending upon an individual's caste, for example, the Textile Ministry may allow for a robe of learning to be assigned. These are woven so as to make the wearer into a receiver. Information, which is beamed throughout the 'Dome network' each day by the Presidium, is amplified by the robe's fibers.

These couple directly with the body's neuro-pathways or meridians. The short-term memory zones are stimulated, and the information impresses upon them. If the wearer recalls a particular piece of that new information within the day, it is transferred to a middle-zone, and finally, the individual continues to work with the new information. If he does not work with it, it will fade, just as dreams do. For this is the same portion of the brain used by the souls to review its daily experiences, what we learn we must use, and practice, in order to keep it. Without practice, all wisdom is lost."

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 4/26/2006 8:19 PM

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/17/2006 1:16 AM

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/17/2006 1:17 AM

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