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Channeling Board : Manifesting Loving and Harmonic Relationships
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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6  (Original Message)Sent: 5/10/2006 12:45 AM
Manifesting Loving and Harmonic Relationships
by Rochelle Sparrow, MSW, Psychic Trance Channel
Your relationships are becoming a concern for your earth plane. You recognize your importance in establishing peaceful dialogue between the people on your planet. You understand your importance in relating to your neighbors, friends and family in a kind and loving manner. This is a treatise regarding your energy between the parts of your being that are recognized and the parts that remain hidden from view.

We recognize you in totality. We recognize your kind hearts, your nice gestures, and your love towards one another. We also recognize your anger towards the higher realms for creation of conditions that are, in appearance, not optimal for your well-being. We recognize your fear of intimacy of connecting with your God self. We recognize your hate of others that appear “different�?or strange because of your fear for the parts of yourself that appear different or strange. We are now here to help you realize yourself in totality, to become conscious of your entirety in spirit and to know yourself as both light and dark but with advisement to begin to alter the dark by seeing yourself wholly in light.

We understand your struggle towards the light and the harmonic vibration of light. We see wholeness as a completion in our worldview. Wholeness in harmonic vibration can be completed through the implementation of vibration facets engineered toward attunement to light As the preceding treatises have indicated, you can become whole by understanding the ascension process towards love and grace. We suggest that each moment you monitor your emotional state and attune towards love and grace.

In attunement each moment you honor your negative, dark emotions such as sadness and anger to take space in recognition. In recognition, emotions are not suppressed and are not projected into other realms of space to create realities that are based in fear. By recognizing dark emotions, you are allowing these emotions to be safely validated in space and time that is from your emotional realm. You own your emotions and your emotions are freed to provide existence for your being to live in entirety upon the earth plane.

That is correct. To live in entirely upon the earth plane, your experience will function as an all accepting receptacle for all emotions existent in space upon your planet. You will experience a variety of feelings. We suggest you encounter these feelings in a sate of love and grace.

In a state of love and grace, you will encounter moment to moment freedom of any dark emotions that may want to hinder you from seeking the light of joy. You can continually move forward and release emotions in constant recognition of your being in awareness of being settled and present in light. You can continually release and flow with emotional grace by being in love with light and in light, you can create the harmonic flow of peaceful relations within your being.

In grace, love and harmonic vibration you can create the loving intimacy within your being that move your consciousness to higher realms and states of vibration. When individuals are acting from this central point of Soul, vibrating in grace and love, there are three manifestations that occur. The first manifestation is grace for all those fellow beings, all humanity to be forgiven for past, present and future transactions that are harmful. Number two manifestation is great peace in accepting the relations between people and countries as healed and whole within present time. Third manifestation: seeing truth with great clarity and stating truth without falsification and dull awareness. All three actions create a substantial wave of harmonic interactions that create a fluid flow of moment to moment spaces that help heal inadequacies through recognition, validation, forgiveness, and love.

In providing spaces for harmonic vibrations to attune and manifest, your being will learn from each other and create the three manifestations. In creation of truth centered in grace and love, you will achieve peace.


Lie down in your favorite, comfortable space. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax your entire physical presence. See in your third eye that you are present in the center of a rainforest. It is raining gently. You feel the gentle rain upon you. It is cool and refreshing. It feels cleansing. As you breathe in and out the wonderful, cleansing air of the rainforest, you notice above you, high in the canopy between the trees, a rainbow. You rise above the rainforest floor with each breath, until you meet the colors of the rainbow. You feel the cool mist of colored water and the simultaneous warmth of the sun shining upon your skin. You move into the rainbow and into the color violet. You breathe in violet and breathe out violet. Violet fills the space of your being. You are now violet in your nature.

In recognizing your nature in the vibration of violet, you are determining that judgment of others is irrelevant to seeing the truth in others. In others words, violet recognizes a certain range of higher vibration manifested in higher attunement towards seeing the truth in others without anger and fear. In compassion, violet recognizes the royal consciousness that the Source has provided to all beings upon the earth within their true higher state of being.

In seeing the true higher state of awareness that is manifest in others, violet attunement gives space and credence to the ability of people to recognize their most high state of self. The state of truth, therefore, can exist alongside within the art of grace and the emotion of love.

When truth emerges within the state of love and grace, energies must begin to harmonize and attune due to the acknowledgement through truth from the higher state of selfhood to the higher state of selfhood. Universal law dictates automatic magnetic attraction from one like state to another. Truth, therefore, has to be acknowledged. Clarity then becomes an automatic state of being. In clarity there are accelerated changes that occur because knowledge is acknowledged.

In acknowledgement, more individuals are taking responsibility for their actions. Peaceful relations manifest. Life becomes an attainment of higher vibration state of being.

Relations between the self and within the self are harvesting higher stares of awareness. In peaceful acceptance of viewing and speaking the truth, harmonic conditions can prevail between nations.

For those who believe in the impossibility and improbability of peace, make way for new beginnings of seeing the reality before you by seeing the reality within you. You can prevail in understanding and projecting a world view of harmonic relationships engineered through your harmonic vibration. You are capable of being the Gods and Goddesses you are by giving yourselves permission to access the energy of the Source through your recognition you are from and of the Source.

Continue to ask yourself in a moment to moment observant state if you are allowing yourself to reside within the harmonic vibrations of grace and love. Speak your truth.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 5/10/2006 6:29 AM

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 5/11/2006 11:32 PM

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/17/2006 1:05 AM

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