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General : Top 10 Depression Recovery Tips
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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWind  (Original Message)Sent: 10/18/2008 8:19 PM

Top 10 Depression Recovery Tips
by Jeff Cohen


Studies show that people suffering from depression usually want to live a life that is not their own. They try to mimic a person’s life and constantly try to compare themselves to other people.

Depression comes with sleeplessness, dejection, and unhappiness, sometimes with suicidal tendencies. It is usually a state of hopelessness and unhappiness.

Depression usually makes you feel worn-out.
You might not even be aware that you are already losing your sense of purpose.

Losing a sense of purpose in life is losing the direction in which you want to go. It draws you to lose your drive to live.

You should internalize and assess all your talents and skills. This will help you rediscover your talents and the things you enjoy doing. Doing this will help you cope and gain purpose again to live.

It is good to understand priorities. Setting and maintaining them will give you direction to live your life reasonably.

Depression usually comes along with anxiety. Psychologists agree that treating depression is easier when it comes with anxiety, because anxiety is a treatable mood disorder.

There are also different Emotional Therapy programs that treat patients who are depressed.


Here are the things that can help you to recover from depression:

1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
It only makes you feel worse. Stop it immediately every time you catch yourself doing it.

2. Learn to forgive yourself.
Remember that no one is perfect. It is okay to commit mistakes. What is important is learning from them.

3. Think in a positive way.
Whatever happens, always think that there is a hidden purpose and lesson to learn from for everything that happens.

4. Stop worrying about the future.
Worrying about the future will only cause you to neglect the good things that currently surround you.

5. Stop caring what others think.
Worrying about others�?opinion will not do you any good. Remember the saying “you cannot please everybody all the time�?- it's true.

6. Smile more.
Smiling and laughing are the best therapies for just about anything. It relaxes your body.

7. Learn to love yourself.
Remember that before you can love someone else, you need to love yourself first. You cannot share something that you do not have.

8. Meditate.
This is a very helpful therapy because it relaxes your mind from worries and has a calming effect.

9. Be strong and fight negative thoughts.
The greatest challenge when treating depression is controlling your own mind. You need strength to fight negative thoughts that enter your mind.

10. Learn to appreciate.
Every person is unique and special. Do not think of yourself as inferior to others.

Following these simple steps can help you to recover from depression. Remember that treating depression is not an overnight recovery. A long self-help treatment requires patience and determination.

Make a list of the things that give you happiness, sadness, and worries. Compare each list.

Life is not a bed of roses. It is a battle of good and bad experiences. You need to be strong and adopt positive thoughts. Fighting back against the voices within that trigger panic and depressive moods is not easy. However, you need to have determination in order to live life to the fullest.


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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 10/20/2008 8:30 PM

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/21/2008 4:19 AM
Very true ... thanks for sharing hon,