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Mary Magdalene : DaVinci's Mary Magdaline
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 6/5/2006 10:33 PM
<NOBR>MSN Nicknamemyckkia</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 3/31/2006 9:52 AM
There is much truth in the so called FACTS of this Ingenious Works of ART by Dan Brown.   He has done a wonderful job of presenting the HARD to BELIEVE facts in a TAKE it or LEAVE it fashion.      And I dare say that there has been no other book (besides the Bible) that has launched such a number of controversial issues, documentaries, writings and discussions as this book.     Read it and Weep.     I started Reading it at about NOON one day in Januaray while I was down with the flu.     I didn't put it down until about NOON the next day.     I can't say any other book has done that to or FOR me.     I have not read any other of Dan Brown's works, but from what I can see, none of them packed such a punch.
Well, and about the Movie.   I am a TOM HANKS fan, but I am reticent about his ability to portray this main character in the proper light.     I will reserve further comments until after the movie.     
And lets take this just a step further.    I was examining the face of the so called Mary Madgaline in the DaVinci Painting.    It kept reminding me of someone.    Haunting as it were I knew that I had seen that face somewhere else.      The one day, I was researching a story that I am writing about a Past-life dream.    There is was!   
And you all can see this for yourself, but what I found is incredulous.    It was the same face as Marie Antoinette.      The Queen to King Louis XVI and beheaded as a traitor to France in the Late 1800's.     History has it that she is the dauther of Ferdinand and Maria Theresa, King and Queen of Austria  as well as the King and Queen of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.    
Now my poor overactive imagination is working overtime!    What if Maria Theresa is of the BLOODLINE ROYAL ?    What if the French Cardinal discovered this ?     It is a little known fact that the Church Backed the "PEOPLE"  in the conspiracy of the French Royals.    AND it is a little known fact that the French Cardinal was directly involved in that  historic Diamond Deal with a Marie Antoinette imposter that was reponsible for the launching of the events that led up to  the FRENCH REVOLUTION and open slaughter of French Aristocrocy.   
Well now that you KNOW what you KNOW......   YOU decide !
Love and Enlightenment........KIA

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 6/5/2006 10:34 PM
<NOBR>MSN Nicknameŋįģђŧmąŗę</NOBR> Sent: 4/1/2006 5:40 PM
yeah is pretty common knowlege that the mary Magdline & Jesue were both of jewish  royal tribal  blood lines Jesus I believe being of the line of David and Mary being of the other jewish tribal royal bloodline the begining of the new testament states the line  to Jesus so not hard to figure if you know anything about royals the only like to marry other royals   so would be a pretty safe assumption that the family line is still very much alive and inbedded into the eurasian royal families
which by the way keeps a log of all desendants of families no matter how far removed so you can go and look up if you are desendant of royal blood lines

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 6/5/2006 10:36 PM
<NOBR>MSN Nicknamenonoj5</NOBR> Sent: 4/9/2006 11:46 PM
Kia - Hello
The book that I am studying on it right now is called:
The Second Messiah (Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas)
Absolutely fabulous!
In discussion with a few people, we have come up with the fact that Jesus did survive, but only through his "Holy Blood".  His Blood Line will re-appear. It is very old and it has been and will always be, preserved.  It is just Jesus was - how do I explain - more than just human. Simular to the man we call Budda.  He possesed abitilities we are all now getting to know how to use.  Open your mind and your hearts and become one with the spirit, you will be able to achieve wonders.  But always breath in the white pure light, become balanced and listen.  
I will have more info I'm sure on this, if my guides will alow it, and I will very excited to share it. But please believe me, it isn't time for ALL of it to come out.
Take Care and may all your thoughts be Pure
Love Lots

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 6/5/2006 10:36 PM
<NOBR>MSN Nicknamemyckkia</NOBR> Sent: 4/19/2006 12:55 PM
Yes.. I do find this subject very very interesting.   I will have to get a copy of this book you speak of here.   And I do feel much the same way, that the HOLY BLOOD line is soon to be revealed and we will all be very surprised to know of it's history in the past 2000 years.  As I feel as well that there have been many who have sought to completely destroy it.    Conspiracy lives, am afraid.
Thank you for your sharing and I look forward to more of your comments.   They are very informative..
In Love and Lites..  KIA

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 6/6/2006 12:27 AM

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 6/18/2006 2:16 PM

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