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Telepathy is the psychic transfer of thoughts, concepts, images, sounds, and feelings. Empathy is a form of telepathy.

The most accurate telepathic reception comes from full a connection involving all five physical senses and emotions. Thoughts involving fewer senses can reduce accuracy. For the most detailed, accurate telepathy, focus on an entire situation instead of a single object, word, or number.

Creating a Link

Focus your thoughts on the target person. Create a clear image of him or her in your mind. Create a picture of a situation involving him or her, and imagine the sounds, smells, emotions, and surrounding atmosphere.

Create an energy link between yourself and the target.

It will have two parts: an emotional link between your hearts and an intellectual or conceptual link between your minds. The emotional part is important because connecting requires trust. Emotions and thoughts will go both directions through the links.

Strengthen both links until you feel strongly connected.

Telepathy should always be done with compassion for the other person's thoughts and feelings. You may learn personal information. If you betray this trust, future connections will be more difficult.

The target will not always consciously know that you are connecting, but will still respond subconsciously. He or she may block you out if upset with you. The receiver cannot force accurate telepathy. It only works when the sender and receiver both allow it.

Surface Thoughts

As you explore someone telepathically, you will notice many levels of thought. These levels exist in yourself and in the people you connect to. Some levels are more conscious than others.

The easiest level to reach is that of surface thoughts, the daily conscious thinking that people do in response to the environment. This level of thought is usually the least useful for telepathic communication, but it is the easiest to receive.

Sometimes those thoughts are obvious without telepathy. You see a child's eyes light up and know that he or she is excited and curious about something. Pets show their interest by pointing their eyes and ears. Remember that the communication is telepathic only if you know the thoughts without body language cues.

Broadcast Thoughts

Surface thoughts are easy to read because they are broadcast psychically. You may be talking with a friend, and suddenly both say the same thing at the same time. Or, one person may say something and the other respond, "Hey, I was about to say that!"

This happens because one of the people is "thinking loudly," almost verbalizing his or her surface thoughts by thinking about them openly. These thoughts are the easiest for other people to receive spontaneously. If you don't want anyone receiving these thoughts, you will want to shield them.

Shielded Thoughts

Surface thoughts can be shielded with careful practice. They usually don't need to be shielded because few people will receive them clearly. However, if you associate with many psychic people, you may find that they notice more than you want them to.

Some private thoughts will be unreadable by telepathy regardless. This is human nature; deeply private thoughts stay private. Thoughts about other people may seem to be private but are easily read through telepathy. They are also frequently conveyed through body language, and noticeable even without telepathy.

A person can learn to stop other people from reading any of his or her thoughts. This is usually not worth the effort for a long time, since most people aren't strongly telepathy anyway. However, it can be useful to keep a surprise secret.

Notice as you are reading or thinking how many of the words you are pronouncing in your mind. Any words that you pronounce mentally (even if you don't speak them) are loud thoughts.

You are likely to telepathically broadcast loud thoughts. If you think in pictures and ideas, or keep your mind quiet as you do pronounce words, you will broadcast less.

Observe your thoughts as you read and throughout the day. You will be able to tell the difference between your loud thoughts and your quiet ones. By changing your loud thoughts to quiet thoughts, you can make them less likely to be broadcast.

Deep Thoughts

Exploring a person's thoughts is like wandering a maze of his or her life. Past and present experiences are mixed with thoughts, daydreams, feelings, and pictures. Navigating through the maze for one specific idea can be confusing, but it will get easier with practice.

Thoughts and memories are related by similarity. Start by telepathically asking for a starting point relevant to the information you want.

Some images will appear. Watch for details in them. Focus on ideas related to the information you want. When new images appear, they will bring more information.

Focus in closer until you get to the level of details you need. If certain information you want isn't presented, ask a question about it. ("Show me more about your notebook. What have you written in it?") Follow the ideas that associate usefully with other ideas. You will eventually find a path to the information you want.

Passive and Active Links

There are two ways to make use of a telepathic link, passively and actively. You can watch passively by letting the other person direct where you look and what you see. Or, once you are seeing through his or her eyes, you can watch actively by telepathically suggesting where they should look and what they should do.

The passive way will give you better realistic information about the person's interests. The active way will let you look in more detail at something that was glanced over but not examined. Use passive links just as you would normal receptive telepathy. Use active links as a combination of receptive telepathy and suggestive telepathy.

Telepathic Suggestions

Telepathy can be used to suggest, not just to receive. This has only a minimal effect until the sender is very strong, and even then, it is suggestion only, not a controlling force. It is used mainly to ask questions of the target, to get specific useful answers.

Telepathic suggestions can not be used to make people do things that they would strongly object to. They can be used to ask for simple actions. The easiest types of suggestions are things like, "Scratch your ear," "Drop the pencil," and "Look behind you." Simple, instant, physical commands are much easier than complex commands.

To send a suggestion, create a normal telepathic link, and then think of information traveling from your mind to the target's, instead of vice versa. Formulate your suggestion very clearly. Involve a picture, sound, and concept with it, not just the words of the sentence.

Some people are able to tell when they are being telepathically influenced, and sometimes even recognize who is doing it. Work with a friend who has verbally given you permission to try to influence him or her telepathically. Then you can be sure you aren't offending anyone by doing so.


Make sure you're grounded, centered, well connected, and that the other person isn't shielding from you.

You'll need to practice navigation the person's thoughts. Start by asking, "Why do you feel that way? Tell me or show me," and then listen for an answer. Communicate just like speaking, and gradually visualize the person in his or her surroundings. Then you can look around him or her and see things for yourself. You can also view his or her memories like a video this way.

They may be literal, or they may be symbolic. Practice will make you more familiar with what to expect. This is just a case of needing more experience; keep trying.

Psychic Skills