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Telekinesis is the ability to move or affect matter with your mind. This includes all forms of affecting dice rolls, levitation, teleportation, etc.

Research has shown that telekinesis does exist in some people. Most studies are done using random number generators, to get measurable effects. There are a few rare cases of objects levitating, vanishing, and other large occurrences, but these are notoriously hard to repeat and study.

Micro Telekinesis

Affecting random numbers is called micro psychokinesis. It works on small events, and its results are only noticeable after collecting a large amount of data. This is the more common kind of psychokinesis.

A student practicing usually obtains better results with micro telekinesis, because it's more easily caused, counted, studied, and believed. This doesn't lend itself to flamboyant demonstrations, but it is scientifically valid and quite real.

Macro Telekinesis

Macro telekinesis, which means making objects move or fly, is less common and more difficult to study in a research lab. It takes much longer to learn.

Learning Telekinesis

The steps for doing telekinesis are quite straightforward.

  1. Remove all disbelief. "Do or do not. There is no try."
  2. Choose the goal you want. This could be a dice roll, a hand of cards, or whatever.
  3. Visualize that goal very strongly, being very confident that it can and will happen exactly as you want it to. "My will be done!"
  4. Shuffle the cards, roll the dice, or do whatever is necessary to pick the event.
  5. Check your results. Keep practicing.


Pay attention to your mood, distractions, day dreaming, beliefs, doubts, questions, and ideas. Practice with your eyes open or closed. Experiment with getting results immediately or later. Learn how each affects your results. Try working with objects that are already moving; it may be easier.

If you think a doubt interfered with getting your goal, then try again, and focus more on being confident. When you can clearly, confidently, and repeatedly visualize the goal you want, you will get better results. Encourage yourself. Celebrate your progress. Relax and rest.

Good results help overcome the rest of your doubts. The more you overcome the doubts, the easier it'll be to continue improving. This is one reason that practicing lots of micro telekinesis will tend to help more than attempting macro telekinesis. You can get good results a little at a time.

Doubt and Belief

Telekinesis forces matter to match your thoughts. Therefore, thoughts of disbelief won't work, only thoughts of belief will. Because it is so important, most of the necessary learning relates to believing. Faith can move mountains (well, dice at least).

Telekinesis does exist. Normal people do it. People who've gained control of the ability have no reason to believe that it doesn't exist. They've experienced it, and know that it exists. Society's disbelief no longer matters to them. Society's disbelief won't matter to you, either, once you've seen it with your own eyes and done it yourself.

Overcoming Doubts

You can overcome doubts by identifying them precisely, and then one by one challenging the incorrect beliefs. Once you make the challenge statements, repeat them to break the old habit and create a new supportive one.

Stating a new idea once or a few times isn't enough to change your inner beliefs. This usually takes a few months of repetition. There's no quick way to reprogram a thought habit.

Any belief you have which you want to change, you can, by finding a logical challenge statement that directly contradicts the incorrect belief. This works for any area of life. When you choose what to believe based on a rational view of reality, your inner beliefs will gradually change to match the new view.

The methods just discussed can reprogram your habits to support a more realistic view of the world. It takes time, but it is necessary for success.


People learning telekinesis may find they explain away good results as chance, if they are doubtful, or accept the slightest variations as proof if they are overly enthusiastic. Both these trends should be kept in mind when looking over results. Statistical methods exist to show the probability that psychokinesis was involved. The methods are detailed in the statistics and measurement section below.

Someone with intense doubts may score a statistically valid score, but in the wrong direction for the experiment, or significantly less than chance. Similarly, a person who is confident, focused, concentrating comfortably, and enthusiastic may be able to produce consistent good scores.

In this way, success tends to create more success, and failure tends to create more failure. Each is a reinforcement of a belief. Challenge statements may be needed to overcome a trend of failure before it becomes too much of a habit. This can be frustrating, but success doesn't happen overnight. It happens by learning from failure.

Psychic Skills