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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Ending Session 

Ending Session means stopping all psychic activity, totally but temporarily. Closing all psychic perceptions lets you stop to understand what you have experienced. It helps you recover from emotional surprise or shock and return to reality.

When psychic experiences frighten you, take a step back and relax. Breathe. Consider whether you really need to shut down, or whether you’d do better to think things over. Shutting down means you will have to completely stop thinking about what happened. Sometimes this may not be helpful.

If thinking about the experience bothers you too much, or makes your energy feel bad, go ahead and shut down for a while. If, instead, you can stop using the ability for a few minutes, sit back, and think, do that instead. Shutting down all abilities is an extreme step. It can always be reversed, but it will take some effort to open again. The section on personal changes discusses frightening experiences in detail.

Shutting Down

Shutdown happens when you focus all conscious thought toward the physical world. Become involved with other people, being social and discussing fun things. Do physical activity; walk around, stretch, jog, or do anything else that makes you more aware of your physical body. Let thoughts of the psychic experiences float away like a dream and stop worrying about them. If you like games, programming, writing, art, etc., do that. Do anything you can think of to keep yourself occupied, without memories of psychic experiences distracting you from it.

Returning to Psi

When you are ready to use psychic abilities again, start opening your perceptions as you would when you first practice any psychic ability. You can do this at any time, whenever you are comfortable and ready.

Dealing with Shock

Information and new experiences can be frightening. Try to find someone you trust to discuss things with. Realize that some of your perceptions may be inaccurate, especially if you were scared when you started.

If the perceptions really are true, what’s the absolute worst that could happen? Is the worst something life threatening? How likely is it to be true? How reasonable is it? If you received information about a person, is it something you have to tell them? Would they believe you, or would it be better to wait and see what happens?


Concentrate on the physical world. Don’t let memories distract you. Do something fun and involving, like watching a movie or reading a book. If you’re curious about your experiences, you may be too interested to ignore them. Make sure to stay as relaxed and calm as possible. If you feel insecure, try creating a shield instead.

Psychic Skills