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Paranormal Board : Ouija Board
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 Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 10/15/2006 6:34 AM



~History of the Talking Board~


In the year 1848, something unusual happened in Hydesville, New York. Two sisters, Kate and Margaret Fox, contacted the spirit of a dead peddler, became instant celebrities and sparked a national obsession that spread all across the United States and Europe.

It was the birth of modern Spiritualism.

The whole world it seemed, was ripe for communication with the dead.

Spiritualist churches sprang up everywhere and persons with the special gift or "pipeline" to the "other side" were in great demand.

These unique individuals, designated "mediums" because they acted as intermediaries between spirits and humans, invented a variety of interesting ways to communicate with the spirit world.

Table turning (tilting) was one of these. The medium and attending sitters would rest their fingers lightly on a table and wait for spiritual contact.

Soon the table would tilt and move and knock on the floor in a code to represent the different letters of the alphabet. Entire messages from the spirits could be spelled out in this way.

Another less noisy technique was a form of spirit writing employing a small basket with a pencil attached to one end.

The medium simply had to touch the basket, establish contact, and the spirit would take over, writing the message from the Great Beyond.

The pencil basket quickly evolved into the more sophisticated planchette, a small heart shaped table with two rotating casters underneath.

A pencil at the apex formed the third leg. Legend has it that the inventor was M. Planchette a French medium, but this is doubtful considering the fact that no information on such a person exists and that the word "planchette" in French means "little plank."

The problem with table turning was that it took far too long to spell out messages.

Sitters became bored when the novelty of a rocking table wore off and the chore of interpreting knocks began.

Planchette writing was often difficult if not impossible to read. Just keeping the thing centered on the paper long enough to get a decipherable message was a challenge. Consequently, many mediums simply dispensed with the spiritual apparatus altogether, preferring to transmit from the spirit world mentally in an altered state of consciousness called "trance."

Others eliminated the planchette but kept the pencil, finding the hand a more precise and less troublesome writing instrument. 

But there were also those who felt that utilizing the right equipment was of paramount  importance if they were going to contact the spirit world properly.

These resourceful individuals built interesting new alphanumeric gadgets (left), and bizarre looking table and pulley contraptions with moving needles and letter wheels (right).

Thus was born the "talking board" or "talking table" depending on your perspective.

It is clear that these early machines suffered from over-engineering if not lack of imagination.

Called dial plates,  a few made it to the marketplace where they appeared under a variety of names and incarnations.

By the 1880's, the planchette was a popular parlor game actively marketed by many US and European toy companies.

The dial plates were virtually ignored. This was probably because planchettes were easier to make and could be sold inexpensively as novelties.

Anyway, an interesting compromise was just around the corner.

Three enterprising Americans: E.C. Reiche, Elijah Bond, and Charles Kennard came up with a concept that would bring it all together.

Borrowing from the archetype of the earlier dial plates, they created an all new alphanumeric design. They spread the letters of the alphabet in twin arcs across the middle of the board.

Below the letters were the numbers one to ten. In the corners were "YES" and "NO."

They used a planchette like table (shaped more like a paddle) but instead of casters, used padded wooden pegs to permit a smooth glide over the surface of the board.

All you had to do was connect to the spirit world and let the planchette move from letter to letter and spell out a message.

According to some sources, Charles Kennard called the new board Ouija (pronounced 'wE-ja) after the Egyptian word for good luck.

Ouija is not really Egyptian for good luck, but since the board reportedly told him it was during a session, the name stuck.

Or so the story goes. It is more likely that Kennard got the name from the fabled Moroccan city Oujda (also spelled Oujida and Oudjda).

This makes sense given the period's fondness for Far Eastern cites and the psychic miracles of the Fakirs.

Charles Kennard subsequently founded Kennard Novelty Company with borrowed money and in 1890 began producing the first ever commercial line of Ouija boards.

His advertisements in local periodicals read:



Interesting and mysterious; surpasses in its results second sight, mind reading, clairvoyance; will give intelligent answer to any question.

Proven at patent office before patent was allowed.

Price $1.50. All first-class toy, dry goods, and stationary stores. W. S. Carr & Co., 83 Pearl street; New England News Co., 14 Franklin street; H. Partridge & Co., Hanover and Washington streets; R. Schwarz, 458 Washington street: R.H. White & Co.; Houghton & Dutton.Hollis St. Theatre program, November 7, 1891, Boston, Mass.

Unfortunately for him, Charles Kennard was not long for the Ouija business.

A hostile takeover in 1892 by his financial backers forced him out of the company.

Kennard's former shop foreman, William Fuld became the new owner and with that single stroke of fate came to be the one that history would remember as the father of the Ouija board.

William Fuld changed the name of the firm to Ouija Novelty Company and with his brother and business partner Isaac, began manufacturing Ouija boards in record numbers.

Isaac was subsequently fired from the company for alleged bookkeeping misdeeds, and the Ouija Novelty Company became finally the William Fuld Company.

Isaac went on to produce and sell Ouija facsimiles called Oriole talking boards, along with pool and smoking tables out of his home.

William went on to become the most successful Ouija manufacturer of his time, selling millions of Ouija boards, toys and other games.

In addition to his toy business, he kept a job as a US customs inspector and later in life became a member of Baltimore's General Assembly.

One of William Fuld's first public relations gimmicks, as master of his new company, was to reinvent the history of the Ouija board.

He said that he himself had invented the board and that the name Ouija was a fusion of the French word "oui" for yes, and the German "ja" for yes.

He also made other unlikely claims. Whether he took himself seriously is a matter lost to history.

In all likelihood he simply thought apocryphal tales were a fun way to sell Ouija boards and to poke fun at a gullible press.

Almost from the beginning, William Fuld's Ouija board suffered fierce competition from other toy makers.

Everyone wanted to make a variation of the Wonderful Talking Board.

Ouija imitations with names like "The Wireless Messenger" and "I Do Psycho Ideograph," flooded the market.

Some companies, like J.M. Simmons and Morton E. Converse & Son even used the Ouija name and the identical board layout.

Fuld responded with lawsuits and by marketing a second, less expensive talking board, the Mystifying Oracle.

For thirty-five years William Fuld ran the company through good times and bad. In February 1927, he climbed to the roof of his Harford Street factory in Baltimore to supervise the replacement of a flagpole.

A support post that he was holding gave way and he fell backwards to his death.

Several eyewitnesses testified that it was nothing more than a tragic accident but rumor mongers eager to create a sensation suggested that William was despondent and had actually committed suicide.

After his death, William's children took over and developed many interesting Ouija versions of their own.

In 1966, they retired and sold the business to Parker Brothers.

Parker Brothers continued to produce an accurate Fuld replica and briefly even made a Deluxe Wooden Edition Ouija. They own all trademarks and patents to this day.

In early 1999, Parker Brothers stopped manufacturing the classic Fuld Ouija board and switched to a smaller less detailed glow in the dark version.

Gone is the faux bird's eye maple lithograph and gone is the name William Fuld.

Although some of us may morn its passing, we must remember the Parker Brothers slogan:

"It's only a game—isn't it?"

Today, as in the past, there are other companies who produce interesting variants of the Ouija board.

Prevailing designs largely reflect current trends in New Age sentiment and manufacturers make every attempt to avoid any negative connotations.

Some of these designs are simple letter boards, while others incorporate complex astrological and Tarot symbolism.

With a few exceptions, manufacturing costs usually limit these boards to the folding cardboard variety.

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 Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: Scorpio8Sent: 3/24/2008 7:39 PM
I would like to tell you about my experience in an Irish boarding school. 8 of us cut up letters and numbers and placed in center of room. 1 would sit in the center and the rest of us outside. We all concentrated on our own question as he breathed into a plastic egg cup. He then would set the cup down and it would send all types of answers (as could be exspected from 7 sources) . If anyone came into the room the cup would go to the center of the circle and bounce up and down hight about 3 inches until intruder left. At the end of seccion it would always say "Thank you well wishers of Issis". These meetings were soon brooken up because the medium went into oblivion for at least 2 days.
Sorpio 8

 Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 3/25/2008 3:34 PM
There are many people today who claim to be receiving information from the spirit world in various ways.
Some claim that Jesus Christ and other 'adepts' are telling them important things that they communicate to the rest of the world.
I saw one of these people on tv the other day.  Her name is Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Pat Robertson is another one.  I believe he predicted that America would get hit with another terrorist attack sometime in 2007. 
Often that's where they get into trouble.  They give specific dates about when things will happen.
But even though what they say doesn't happen they provide explanations to their followers. 
Elizabeth Prophet stated that something horrible was going to happen sometime in the 1990s I think.  All of her followers went into the bunkers but when they emerged the world was still here. 
So she sais this was only a 'practice run'.
The ouija board comes up in the movie 'The Exorcist'.  Ragan made an imaginary friend named 'Captain Howdy'.
Little did anyone realize that her head would soon be turning around 360 degrees.
Some people claim that forces in the spirit world are controlling their body and cause them to write down very important messages.  That's called 'automatic writing'.
Angel communication is another big area.  They say the arch angels such as Michael and Gabriel are telling them things.
These people often say that they have very important information that will save the world.
Other mediums claim they can communicate with people who have died and moved back into the spirit world. 
The strange book about Atlantis called 'A Dweller On Two Planets' was apparently communicated to someone by a strange being from the spirit world.
                                                                               Jeff Marzano
Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing Way
Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing Way by Phylos the Thibetan (Paperback - Mar 1997)

 Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 4/28/2008 2:34 PM
interesting I enjoy learning the history thank you for sharing

 Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 6/12/2008 1:56 AM
I know I am knew here and I hope I don't offened anyone. I would just like to comment on the Ouija Board or other call it the witching board. This can be a very helpful tool to be used to contact spirits. I have known many that have used and played with an Ouija Board, some had plesents outcomes others was a nightmare. As someone how deals with the spirit world on a daily bases I would warn those who have no idea what they are doing to please don't use the Ouija board. And for those who know what they are doing .... well if they really know then they shouldn't have to use the board.
Wishing Everyone Goodness

 Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 6/12/2008 8:47 PM
I agree with you about this.
That's what happened in the movie 'The Exorcist'.  Regan made an imaginary friend in the Ouija board named Captain Howdy.
What do you mean that you work with the spirit world on a daily basis ?
                                                   Jeff Marzano

 Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 6/13/2008 1:05 AM
I agree these boards should stay out of most peoples hands

 Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 6/13/2008 3:17 AM
I have always seen heard and feel spirits for as long as I can remember and I can remember events that happened around me before my first birthday. The first spirit I can remember was the pretty lady on the stairs in the apt that my family lived in. she use to help me up and down them so I wouldnt fall.
Years later I found out from the owner of that house that a young lady had lived in the back aprtmnt before our family. She had fell down the stairs and died of a broken neck. I always wondered why she never left the stairs... she seem to live only on the stairs. Well from then on I always had company (spirits) my mom and dad thought I had a wonderful imagination. I always seem to be making up playmates. Little did my parents know that I wasn't making up playmates ... just not everyone could see them.
Now as I walk down the streat or at the beach or pretty much anywhere I see spirits most of the time. Pretty much on a daily bases. Some are friendly, some are very lost, and some are very confused and then there are the not so nice ones.
I have had to go into many homes and send unwanted "spirits"  that people have let into their lives by playing wtih the Ouija board. These are the ones that have no idea what they are dealing with.  And like I said people that know what they are doing don't need to use a Ouija board.... I never had to use one myself.
ok now I am sounding like a know it all, Im sorry I don't mean too. Its just I have seen familys torn apart because of these spirits they have invited into their home while playing with the Ouija board thinking its just a party game.
Now I am babbling sorry I will shut up now

 Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 6/14/2008 5:32 PM
I to see spirits and agree you shouldn't mess with that board

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