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Crystals : Amulets
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/3/2006 12:55 AM
<NOBR>Eerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 3/31/2005 6:54 PM
[ Amulets by MarBeth Title]

Metaphysical Stone Properties

Select your stones and create your own personal amulets!

Go to the Amulets by MarBeth order page to place your order.

AGATE: All agates are very grounding and balancing, opening for acceptance, protection & abundance.

SILVER LEAF AGATE: Silver Leaf agates are very grounding and balancing, they open the wearer for acceptance, protection and abundance. Brown, gray and creamy white with interesting patterns.

CRAZY LACE AGATE: A Crazy lace agate balances physical energies and can be used to reach high physical levels.. Swirls or yellow, red and brownish black in a lacy pattern

MOSS AGATE: Moss Agate provides healing and growth. It balances the blood sugar level and helps self -esteem and emotional balancing. From translucent to opaque with moss-like inclusions.

AMAZONITE: Amazonite is soothing to the nerves, It enhances communications concerning love. A confidence builder, it brings trustfulness, eliminates negative energy and aggravation, and balances male and female energies. Pale aqua blue, to rich aqua blue in Russian Amazonite.

AMBER: Amber changes negative energy into positive. It helps in manifesting what you desire and calms the nerves. It emits a sunny and bright soothing energy which helps to calm nerves and to enliven the disposition. Rich translucent honey colored.

AMETHYST: Amethyst is the "stone of spirituality and contentment". It opens channels to universal flow, and facilitates connection with one¹s Higher Self. It is a soothing, calming, tranquilizing stone that helps business affairs to prosper and helps in meditation. and in the assimilation of new ideas. Pale to deep translucent purple.

AVENTURINE: Aventurine balances male/female energies, It enhances creativity, reinforces decisiveness, and amplifies leadership qualities. It also is used at the heart chakra to both activate and clear and protect the heart chakra, It provides joy and clarity to the wearer. Pale to deep green.

AZURITE - MALACHITE: Azurite malachite assists in dissolving egoism, conceit, arrogance and vanity. It calms anxiety and facilitates rationality. It provides insight into all areas of one's life and stimulates the third eye. Intense, opaque blue and green.

BLOOD STONE: Bloodstone is an intense healing stone, the "Stone of courage". It revitalizes love, relationships and friendships. It brings purification, orderliness, prosperity, and instills wisdom, enhances creativity, and supports decision making. It is also useful for blood disorders. Translucent or opaque green with blood red splashes.

CARNELIAN: Carnelian encourages brotherhood among all. It stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It protects against envy, fear and rage, and helps banish sorrow. It can assist in drama and theater. It is opening to creativity, individuality, prosperity and also, aids lower back problems and pains, pollen allergies and colds. Rich, somewhat translucent reddish orange.

CHAROITE: Charoite enhances ones giving nature and opens the heart to help one "see" with love. It is a stone for transformation that brings the ultimate benefits in situations encountered. It helps the pancreas, eyes and heart. An opaque purple stone.

CHRYSOCOLLA: Chrysocolla when placed on the heart chakra can help ease emotional heartache and increases ones capacity to love. It can produce great inner strength, harmony and releases stress from negative emotions. It purifies home and environment and can help to regenerate the pancreas, to assist in the regulation of insulin, and to balance the blood sugar. It also helps the lungs and re-oxygenates the cellular structure. A rich, bright greenish blue with inclusiions.

CHRYSOPRASE: Chrysoprase instills a state of grace, facilitating deep meditative states, non-judgmental attitudes, and acceptance of others and ones self. It encourages the maximum beneficial outcome to situations and helps to heal a "broken heart". It encourages fidelity in business and personal affairs. It is useful in treating disorders of the heart, in increasing ones dexterity, and for treating the reproductive organs A luminous, translucent pale green.

CITRINE: Citrine, when placed in one's cash box, assists in acquiring and maintaining wealth. It balances yin-yang energy, soothes family or group relations. Helps dispense with the fundamental level of fear. Available for accents only. A translucent orange stone.

DUMORTIERITE: Dumortierite reduces excitability and eliminates stubbornness. It helps one stand up for one¹s self and promotes patience. A denim blue colored opaque stone.

FLUORITE: Fluorite brings order from chaos. It is the "stone of discernment and aptitude" that acts as a protective, psychic shield and auric cleanser. It also helps relationships and encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect and emotional well-being. Available in translucent purple and green.

FOSSIL STONE: Fossil stone helps dispense with old programming and schedules. It helps in the business realm and instills quality and excellence. It is also used to enhance telepathic communication. Opaque gray with fossil inclusions.

GARNET: Garnet is the Œstone of health¹ It acts with speed to produce expansiveness in awareness and manifestation. It brings creativity into fruition. Available for accents only. Rich, translucent red stone.

HEMATITE: Hematite is a stone for the mind. It helps one to "sort-out" things in one's mind and can be used for mental attunement,memory enhancement, original thinking and technical knowledge. It is calming and encourages one to "reach for the sun". It is said to attract "kind" love. It brings peace, self-control and inner happiness. Opaque, shiny silver.

HOWLITE: Howlite builds innate decency and dispels criticalness, and cold selfishness. It eliminates pain, stress and rage. It is a stone for artistic inspiration and creativity and helps balance calcium levels in the body. Opaque white with thin dark lines.

IRON PYRITE: Iron pyrite harmonizes energies, improves circulation, and eases anxiety, It is a money magnet. that shields from negative energy and physical danger. Shiny opaque gold color. Available in small sizes only.

JADE: Jade is the "Dream stone" and "Stone of Fidelity". Placed under the pillow, it helps with dream work. It is a stone for strengthening, wisdom, protection and luck. .It allows one to actualize aspirations and attain limitless achievements. Opaque, greenish white, red, pale green, dark green. Available in disks and old jade carvings.

JASPER: "The supreme nurturer", Jasper is known as the "Patron stone of counselors and healers". It is very healing and balancing and was often worn by shamen for protection. It reminds us that we are here on the physical plane to bring joy and substance to others, and to help free them.

BRICK RED JASPER: Brick red jasper helps rectify unjust circumstances and promotes companionship with the same gender. Opaque, terra cotta.

PICTURE JASPER: Picture jasper helps with the re-evaluation of life¹s issues. It facilitates development and continuance of business pursuits and activities leading to increase. Opaque beige with darker brown patterns.

FANCY JASPER: Fancy jasper facilitates tranquility and helps eliminates worry and depression. It also brings mental clarity. Opaque creamy beige with lavender or green swirls.

POPPY JASPER: Poppy jasper brings attunement to animals and heals animal allergies. Opaque dark red with black flecks.

TIGER IRON JASPER: Tiger iron jasper assists creative endeavors. It helps one find havens of refuge when danger is perceived and stimulates physical vitality. It also helps assimilate B vitamins. A combination of red, dark silver and gold.

XMAS TREE JASPER: Christmas tree jasper is for empowering success, it combines dynamic and intellectual energies. Opaque, red and green.

JET: Jet dispels fearful thoughts and protects the wearer against illness and violence. It protects one during pursuit of business, and helps stabilize one¹s finances. Soft black.

LABRADORITE: Labradorite protects ones aura. It unites the personal self with the understanding required to both realize and achieve the destiny of this life and synthesizes intellectual thought with intuitive, mystical and psychic. Semi translucent greenish gray with opalescent flashes of color.

LAPIS LAZULI: Lapis lazuli increases psychic abilities, It helps meditation and is useful for "neutral perception" in emotional issues. It can help organize one's life and protect the wearer. It promotes the connection between the physical plane and the celestial kingdom. It also furthers connectedness between male and female. Deep rich blue.

LEPIDOLITE: Lepidolite activates the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the third-eye, and the intellect. It also opens the crown chakra and allows for the flowering of the inner blue lotus. It helps one to restructure and reorganize old patterns, and smoothes changes in one's life. It helps with transitions from one life to another, facilitates astral travel, assists in birth and re-birthing. It can also be used to locate energy blockages within the body. Purple, semi opaque.

MALACHITE: Malachite is the "Stone of Transformation". It helps clear and activate the chakras, and clears the path to your desired goal. It brings fidelity in love and friendship and is a protective stone for the aviation field. It brings tolerance, flexibility,and patience, and a stabilizing influence. Rich opaque green with darker swirls or stripes.

MARCASITE: Marcasite helps one re- evaluate life's issues in a gentle way. It provides a view of oneself from an outside perspective and produces insight into the perfect method for eliminating unwanted traits. It helps one change these corrections easily. Dark gray with bright flecks.

MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN: Mahogany obsidian stimulates growth of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual centers and can be used in the elimination of energy blockages and in the relief of tension. Rich reddish brown with black flecks. Also called Buffalo Obsidian.

MOONSTONE: Moonstone is the feminine energy stone, a stone of intuition that helps with the total fulfillment of one¹s destiny. Translucent to opaque white or peach. Available for accents only.

MOTHER OF PEARL: Mother-of-Pearl helps to stimulate intuition, sensitivity, imagination, and adaptability. It helps with clarity in decision making. Shiny pearly white.

OBSIDIAN, SNOWFLAKE: Snowflake obsidian helps calm high frequency types. It helps one to recognize unnecessary patterns in ones life and to re-design thought patterns. Black with gray snowflake patterns.

ONYX: Onyx is for security, It is stabilizing and calms excess female energy. It also helps banish grief, and enhances self-control, and stimulate the power of wise decision-making. Shiny black.

PEARL: The pearl signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide a focus to one's attention. Available for accents. Pearly white.

PERIDOT: Peridot emits a warm and friendly energy. It assists in the understanding of the changes that are occurring and detrimental patterns. It is a shield of protection around the body. Available for accents. Translucent green.

PICASSO MARBLE: Picasso Marble can assist one in the development of creative talents, and the fulfillment of artistic enterprises. It reduces stress and brings peace. It promotes peak states o meditation and total recall of dreams. It protects the wearer and brings physical and worldly circumstances into balance. Opaque brown, cream and black.

PIPE STONE: Pipe stone has been used for hundreds of years by the Native American Indian to carve fetishes that are used in sacred ceremonies as protective devices, and to enhance skills. Available as carved spirit bears. Terra cotta red.

QUARTZ: All quartz amplifies and transmits energy. Clear quartz is used extensively in meditation, spiritual development, and healing. It helps one to recognize the origin of a disease. It has been used in diagnostic healing, in raising the consciousness toward the enlightened state. Translucent clear.

AMETHYST: (purple quartz) see amethyst

AQUA AURA:Aqua Aura Quartz is the product of the fusion of high grade natural quartz and pure gold, a highly energized stone that enhances one¹s ability to communicate inner truth. It can be used to soothe anger, cool feverishness and release stress. Aqua Aura Quartz can help to plumb one's emotional depths while retaining inner peace. It helps one open to channeling. Wearing Aqua Aura is said to help one shine with one¹s inner beauty, to attract wealth and success, to relieve depression and anxiety and to help create an aura of peace and well being in oneself and one¹s surroundings. Luminous blue with shimmering purple, turquoise and green.

AVENTURINE:(green quartz) see aventurine

ROSE: Rose Quartz is "the stone of gentle love". It brings peace and calm to relationships and works on all the chakras to remove negativity and reinstate forces of self-love. It brings healing, emotional balance, and channels universal love, It also helps heartbreak and childhood pain. Translucent pink.

RUTILATED QUARTZ: Rutilated quartz assists one in getting to the root of a problem and helps access the reason for a disease or discomfort, so one can remedy the situation. It stabilizes relationships, marriages, imbalances and brings strength with love, growth in all areas, and calm, reason and order. Translucent champagne color with darker lines.

RHODONITE: Rhodonite is for projecting elegance. It balances Yin-Yang energy. A "stone of Love", it helps one achieve ones ³greatest potential. It encourages generosity of spirit and dispels anxiety. Opaque pink with occasional black accents.

RHYOLITE: Rhyolite represents change, variety and progress. It lights the fire of creativity within the soul. It also helps with self realization and balances the emotions and increases self respect,, self worth, and the capacity to love. Olive green, or creamy caramel swirls with chunks of quartz and darker green.

RUBELLITE TOURMELINE: Rubellite tourmeline strengthens the will to understand love and promotes creativity in the various realms of loving aspirations. It also provides physical energy and vitality. Available in accents only. Rosy translucent.

RUBY ZOISITE: Ruby zoisite amplifies the entire energy field of the body and helps reach and utilize talents and abilities of the mind. It stimulates psychic abilities and improves disorders of the heart. It encourages one to follow bliss The ruby will light the darkness of ones life,to conquer darkness on all levels. It brings lucidity to the dream state, It also helps toxins and chemicals to exit the body quickly. Deep green with rosy red patches.

SERPENTINE: Serpentine helps the meditative state. It can be used to clear the clouded areas of the chakras and helps in the rise of the Kundalini. It can be used to help disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system and the mental structure. Translucent pale green.

SUGILITE: Sugilite attracts healing power. "A love stone for this age", it represents perfection of spiritual love, helping it manifest on the Earth plane. It helps one forgive oneself and other and brings forth acceptance and belief in oneself. It eliminates hostility and infuses the being with inspiration and confidence. Sugilite/manganese heals headaches and discomforts, simply by holding it. Deep purple.

TIGERS EYE: Tigers eye brings clarity and enhances psychic ability. It can help discipline sexual, emotional life and allows one's life to open and blossom. A stone to stimulates wealth and helps to maintain it. It brings protection, practicality, softens stubbornness and balances male/female energy.Golden opaque, shiny brown.

TURQUOISE: Turquoise is a master healing stone that promotes spontaneity in romance and stimulates the initiation of romantic love. It balances and aligns all chakras and subtle bodies and can bring all energies to a higher level. A highly spiritual stone, yet grounding, it brings soothing energy and peace of mind. It brings strength, wisdom, protection, and positive thinking. Bright blue or olive green with black lines and patches.

UNAKITE: Unakite brings self assertiveness, power, and the ability to assume complete control. It focuses in present and helps one deal with blockages caused by the past. It can help treat the reproductive system, and stimulate healthy pregnancies. Olive green with pink.

ZEBRA ROCK: Zebra rock brings compassion and understanding for others and helps one see beyond the superficial. It stimulates physical energy and is great for athletes endurance. It also helps treat bone loss, muscular spasms, and heart palpitations. Gray with zebra stripes.

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/16/2006 10:02 PM