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Shields : Protection Exercise
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/2/2008 8:37 AM
Protection Exercise

The key to ABSOLUTE protection is practice!

It is extremely dangerous to dabble in spirit communication without preparing yourself thoroughly and arming your mind with the protection it needs!

It is essential to learn how to control the level of activity within yourself, as this is key to avoiding unwelcome or inappropriately timed communication or "bad" experiences.

Spirit on the whole respect your mental and physical space, and if you ask not to receive certain methods of communication it is generally complied with.

For example, I often ask Spirit not to materialise in front of me but to speak to me or show images and channel emotion to me instead.

It is essential to protect your self and be able to "open up" and "close down" in order to avoid psychic events taking over your life 24 �?7.

If you stay "open" all the time, you are not only attracting spiritual and psychic energies, but emitting energy from your own aura �?this is draining and will lead to psychic and mental & physical burn out. You will become run down, sleepless and generally unwell! Imagine leaving a powerful heater on maximum burn all the time, something will give out eventually!!!

Of course, Spirit itself can not & will not be controlled by the medium -it is after all the ultimate essence of the souls�?freedom.

There will be rare times when strong (but friendly!) Spirit will find a way to get a message through, even when you are closed down, but I really don’t recommend rushing up to complete strangers to give them a message �?they will think you are crazy!! I am happy to say these instances become extremely rare if you do your protection exercise regularly.

In time you will "become" protected by Spirit itself.

Here are some essential exercises - these are the basics of protection and sound development:



You can do this anywhere, I personally go through my protection with eyes closed and don’t speak out loud �?I know other mediums who do theirs eyes open & speaking �?whatever suits you is fine!

You can be sitting, standing or lying down, just as long as you are comfortable and not restricted in any way as this will distract you.


1) Take deep breaths, allowing the air to come into your body to cleanse and relax you.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Do this until you feel comfortable and relaxed.

2) Visualise a strong, beautiful white ray of light - the light comes from above, it is of the same essence as Spirit, it is pure and filled with love & great protection. 

3) You feel the light surround your body, covering you, totally enclosing you in its protection.

Now the light forms a bubble, extending to about 2 feet around your whole body starting at the top of your head. It is like a strong elastic white bubble that is full of universal energy and the powerful protection of Great Spirit. Every cell of your body is being bathed by the light, you are safe here.

4) Take a deep breath and feel the peace and love as your body completely relaxes in its protective bubble of white light.

(If you have trouble visualising this, imagine and hold that feeling of being immersed in a hot bubble bath �?nice !)

5) Now ask Spirit for protection. Word it as you wish, here's a couple of typical examples:-

"Great Spirit, please grant me protection, peace, wisdom, truth, love and light, keep me safe in your power."


"Great Spirit, I come in search of the righteous light, for within your light I know no harm can come to me. Please protect me and my loved ones in your power."

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 1/13/2008 7:09 PM

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/28/2008 4:17 PM
thank you for sharing