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Shields : Shielding Others
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/2/2008 10:17 AM
Shielding Others

Everybody should be able to protect themselves from psychic intrusions. In fact it should be taught in grade school right next to arithmetic and spelling. I can just see it now, "Mrs. Johansen, Billy keeps thinking at me!"

"Just shield as I taught you deary?"

It isn't though, it won't be for some time. It makes my life harder too. In fact a large percentage of the mental and emotional problems I encounter are directly related to psychic intrusions into unshielded minds.

True, as a psychic healer and researcher I see more than my share of people with innate psychic talent, but it still is a large problem in our society.

Because so few know how to protect themselves from outside mental and emotional influence we are seeing a rise in depression and anger management problems.

How can a person stay sane and well balanced all the time when they can't tell if a thought is there own or someone elses? Because so very few people realize they are doing it, many are walking around projecting their troubles to the world around them, making it even harder for the unshielded sensitives in their lives. This lack of training in both ways creates problems.

It often happens though, that those with empathic inclinations come to see me in such a worked up state of mind, that they could not shield themselves properly, even if they knew how.

When trying to help someone in such a position it is important to know how to generate external shielding.

The basic process of shielding someone else is not really all that difficult on its face. You are establishing shields, much as you do for yourself, but around another person.

The difficulty lies in the little details of course. Because of some small influences we have to make corrections in external shields that we make on a subconscious level when generating our own.

Even when under tight shields, we normally, instinctually leave certain avenues of information open. On a subconscious level we leave ourselves with the ability to pass through our own shielding psychiclly, to gather information about possible threats and simple information about the emotional states of loved ones.

When we place shields around other people we have to make sure that we do not totally isolate them from the world by emplacing uncomfortably opaque guards around them. We also have to make sure that we do not foster dependency.

It is often such a relief to an empathicaly sensitive person to finally get a bit of mental peace that they often feel they cannot live without help. This is not true for the most part, they should be coached in creating their own shields, external help being only a stopgap measure.

In general, you should never shield a person for more than six weeks, the length of time it will take for them to get out of the habit of using what shielding skills they had developed on their own.

Other things can be done with well developed shields as well. You can place shields around specific people, places that they frequent or even their automobiles. You can also select very specific information that will be allowed to pass through any of these fields.

By selecting the data that can pass through, you are in effect, creating a filter for psychic information, when all other pieces of psychic information are quiet, it is far easier to pay attention to and understand what remains.

So much so, that I highly recommend that you use such filters when you know that you are going to need only specific classes of data.

These steps are somewhat fluid and have room for alteration, so it will pay to experiment with them as you practice. Different forms of shielding will be right for different people.

Make sure you have a good feeling for what is needed and be willing to mend any mistakes you might have made. Shielding is so benign in nature that you can freely try new things without fear of harming yourself or others, so have fun with it!

Prepare yourself with a bit of meditation before starting. The deeper your brainwave state, the more effective you will be.

Gain a sense for the person, place or thing you are shielding. You will want to keep this contact the entire time you are working, so that you can make certain that you are leaving enough psychic space for them to work with comfortably.

To establish a shield, use conceptual thought processes, think in ideas that is, define the space you wish to cover, solidify the outer membrane of the field to keep unwanted information out and define what information to exclude.

That's all it takes. While I am giving suggestions for disciplined techniques, it really amounts to knowing what you want to happen and giving it time to happen.

Hold this field stable until it takes little thought or will to maintain.

Now that the field is organized, you can make it self-sustaining by holding the concept as you focus on the organized field. Hold for around fifteen minutes.

This will give you a good solid shield that will help the person without mentally choking them. If well organized it should last for around a week.

You can organize shields that will keep out any given information of an empathic, telepathic or psychic nature.

By spending more time on the field and making it self-propagating you can even defend against psychokinetic tampering and psychic information gathering techniques that might slip past lesser shielding.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 1/13/2008 8:21 PM

(1 recommendation so far) Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/24/2008 2:12 PM
thank you for sharing