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PC Tips.. : Check for Copyright
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2007 10:17 AM
There are a lot of graphics available on the internet, but it is hard to tell exactly what is Copyrighted and what is not.
Since Msn enforces Copyrights for people it is possible that posting a Copyrighted picture may get your site closed.
There is one fail safe way to check if a picture is Copyrighted.
a. Open Notepad you can find it at start, then programs, then accessories, then notepad.

b. Place the graphic on your desktop. 
c. close all windows except for notepad.

d. Click on the picture and while holding the mouse button down drag it onto notepad.

e. You should now see a lot of code in the notepad window.
f. Scroll down looking for copyright notices.

Here are the steps on how to check for a Copyright.

  • Go to the album where the image is stored.
  • Right click on the image and choose SAVE PICTURE AS.
  • Save the image to your desktop. It'll put an icon on the desktop.
  • Open Notepad
  • Drag the icon into the notepad text area and lines of code will open up.
  • If an image is copyrighted, somewhere in that code will appear either the word 'copyright' or the copyright symbol.
  • You might also see the terms "all rights reserved" or "unauthorized use prohibited" or "for non-commercial use only"
  • After checking the code, just close Notepad without saving it
  • Delete the icon from the desktop and it'll go to the recycle bin.
  • If the image is copyrighted, go to where it is stored and delete it.

I went to Community Feedback today and asked for some clarification on terms.

Here's what I was told:

  • All rights reserved = Get permission to use it
  • Unauthorized use prohibited = Get permission to use it
  • For non-commercial use only = You can use it if you're not selling anything on your website.

Please Check a graphic first... before you upload it to your albums.

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