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Goddesses : Laima
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/24/2006 4:24 PM



Biding of the Wreaths (Lithuania)


Themes:  Love; Unity; Blessing; Luck; Destiny; Magic

Symbols:  Wreaths; Swans

About Laima:  The Lithuanian goddess of fate, luck, beauty, and magic swoops into our lives in the form of a swan, reminding us of the transformative power of love.  Traditionally, all Laima needs to change from one form to another is a swan feather, alluding to her nature as a shape-shifter who uses magical charms to manifest her will.

To Do Today:  Around this time of year, young people in Lithuania gather in a temple at sunset, then go into the forest to harvest summer flowers.  From these, circlets and strings are made to crown and bind lovers together in Laima's and nature's beauty.  Then the young people dance together round a birch tree (rather like a Maypole) singing to the goddess and asking for her blessing.  This is a lovely tradition that can be adapted by gathering summer flowers and holding hands around them at your family supper table.  Allow Laima to renew your love and unity in a moment of silence before dinner.  If you live alone, invite a close friend to join you instead.

Also, find a small rose-vine wreath at a craft shop.  Adhere the image of a swan to this somehow (representing Laima), and hang it where you can easily see the wreath regularly.  Each time you do, remind yourself that love is the most powerful of all the goddess's magic--and that includes loving yourself!

By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess

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