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Surname M : MOSS Charles
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 Message 1 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameConnemaraKate  (Original Message)Sent: 6/29/2008 9:33 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 28/06/2008 20:42
My 3 x great grandfather CHARLES  MOSS  was born  I believe in Ormskirk Lancashire --his DOB seems to be between 1805 & 1811, (I think that I read that  at one time ages were marked to the nearest 5 years) in earlier census returns?
According to the 1841 census --& beyond--he was a miller and was living in Liverpool by then
His wife was Ann--proabaly  Dobson-I have found a marriage --which I need to confirm--for them in St Peter's  Church Liverpool in 1832. both "of this parish" although according to census forms she was born in Whitehaven Cumberland---I have found the baptism records of some of his children in the same Church which has led me to think that the Moss/Dobson marrige could be the right one.
There seems to be some confusion re his place of birth although information  re the family on census forms seems to be the same
1851--Ormskirk Lancs
1861-- Upholland ! Lancs
1871-- Ormskirk Lancs
1881-- Liverpool Lancs
I have tried to find his birth in Ormskirk & Liverpool without success--IGI--OPCs and wonder if somebody can suggest anywhere else that I can look please. I don't at this moment want to go to Liverpool to check his marriage which would give me both fathers & a lead to the previous generation, but think this may be my only option
Any advice please will be very welcome
Thank you--Eileen

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 Message 29 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 7/5/2008 9:15 AM
Just a quick up date. I made it to Liverpool--a 12 hour day all told from door to door! (possibly 11 hours and 50 mins!!)
I was able to comfirm  that the parents of William (my direct ancestor), Edward & I think  2 other children, ( hunted for 2 more in the same church & another likely newer local church--but no definite years etc,so didn't find them ) were Charles & Ann--Charles being a miller. I also saw the marriage  of Ann Dobson & Charles but no more info on the record than we had.
I spoke with one of the staff about the places of birth on the census forms and he felt that Ann probably was born in Whitehaven & Charles in Ormskirk. I can check what I found in Whitehaven on OPC at my local records office as W haven is covered there.
I asked if the member of staff thought that James Moss the witmess at the Moss/Dobson marriage could be  father of Charles as the names of parents weren't required at that time--he obviously couldn't say he was, but felt it was likely he was a relative. I thought that maybe father signed as he was there anyway.Will try to find a James Moss in Preston if I find  Charles  there. As James signed with a cross & Charles didn't, it could be possible that James was an earlier generation, but obviously not proof!
I did find some other information I was looking for--not Moss--but it didn't  seem a lot for nearly 5 hours! takes a while to sort out church records to look up though (as you'll know)
There was an LDS "road show" in the library so I went in there after I left the records office.They, I think, were there for beginners really , but  they keyed in Charles Moss Lancashire & wife Ann & did find somebody else whose dates fitted but I had to leave to  catch the train--they printed off the list & I will look them up& let you know what I think.
Once I have been to Preston & Kendal and if I don't find a probable  Charles and Ann, I'll follow up the Liverpool Ann Dobson, but didn't really have time yesterday.
I have to sort out the info from yesterday & will fill you in a bit more when I have
I'm sorry if this seems a bit sketchy after all your hard work but am telling you this from memory before I have to go out. I couldn't have done as much as I did yesterday without your help--I also kept thinking of you both "willing me on" while I was there--especially when I began to tire.!

 Message 30 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemickym1951Sent: 7/5/2008 9:27 AM
Hello Eileen you are right to go through everything,we can only find them.
Checking them out is the best thing to do.Submitters make mistakes.
Registrations will not give all details,Certificates will
I WOULD imagine after the trip,your day probably felt worthless ,but remember one thing.ALL YOUR HARD WORK WILL PAY OFF IN THE END.
You are a step closer to finding them,you now have towns or areas to discover more facts.Its like reading a book,you never know what happens until the end.
Take care and let myself and Marian know your findings

 Message 31 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 7/16/2008 10:23 PM
Hi Mike & Marion,
Latest update--or non update!
Spent a few hours in Preston records office today looking for Charles Moss .I  went through the baptisms for several years pre & post the likely dates to see if he had been christened with siblings etc--(I also kept an eye out for a James Moss--witness at the wedding ) --and checked all churches in the area No sign of a Charles Moss.Made a note of 4 i think it was, Moss baptisms in case of any connection later.
One of the staff suggested that he might not have been baptised until a much later age--e.g 18 --for some reason.. This made me wonder if,& she agreed it was a possibility,  he may have been baptised in Liverpool in order to get  married in church, if this hadn't happened as a child. Or of course--he may have moved to Liverpool as a child anyway & been baptised there! 
I also checked Upholland as there was an odd ref to him being born there on one census form but the names etc were in alphabetical order in a book so 2 minutes work to see that didn't happen
I am now going to start to check the OPC for St Peter's Liverpool from shortly after he was  probably born.Can do that gradually and look for a James at the same time
If/when I find anything, I will of course, let you know
I'll be dreaming of records tonight!

 Message 32 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemickym1951Sent: 7/16/2008 10:29 PM
Well Eileen The Hard work will Pay off in the End

 Message 33 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameConnemaraKateSent: 7/17/2008 12:03 AM
Hi Eileen
Yes, children were not always baptised as babies, but sometimes quite a bit later.  One of my ancestors was christened when he was ten, together with one of his younger siblings.
You are doing well, and as Mike says all the effort will pay off in the end.

 Message 34 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 7/17/2008 10:24 AM
Thank you both for your encouragement

 Message 35 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 8/2/2008 8:12 PM
Really just to let you know I haven't forgotten to keep in touch
I'm no further on and beginning to think that this is my 3rd ancestor who seems to have just psrung up out of the ground!!
The other 2 did this in Scotland--one in the far north, the other near Glasgow.
I'm obviously very careless the way I lose ancestors all over the place!!
One day---!

 Message 36 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemickym1951Sent: 8/2/2008 8:28 PM
Eileen This is a Good site to search

 Message 37 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 8/3/2008 5:36 PM
Thank you Mike--will try this--not come across this site before

 Message 38 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 8/13/2008 2:39 PM
Just to keep you  in touch--A "bit " of an update re Charles Moss.
Haven't found his DOB etc yet, but have followed up one of his sons--also Charles--and found out that he too was a miller --later corn dealer --like his father --& 2 of his sons followed him into the business--nothing earth shattering --but all part of the family picture & part of the continuity. From this info I have  been able to contact  somebody into whose family Charles Moss the younger (sounds like a dynasty!!)  married--he has no more info than I do--less in fact--but could confirm my findings re the son & his children.
I am currently back on the trail of my irish ancestors

 Message 39 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 10/14/2008 6:12 PM
Keeping you both up dated
A lady contacted me this morning--my name had been passed on by Lost Cousins. A few weeks ago, I typed in Charles Moss with no real expectation that anything would happen!It seems that he is also her 3 x great grandfather, through I think. the sister of my 2 x great grandfather. She made no mention of any birth for Charles but did say if we do have the same Charles she does have other info--I have some to share which I hope will help her
Unfortunately, she has gone on holiday today until the day I go away! Should be a law against this sort of thing!!
Will let you know what happens when we both are able to get in touch!

 Message 40 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemickym1951Sent: 10/14/2008 6:21 PM
Hi Eileen Well Done Please let us know how things go

 Message 41 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 10/14/2008 9:14 PM
Will do Mike, but likely  to be a few weeks before we are in touch--Eileen

 Message 42 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFellwalkerEileen1Sent: 11/9/2008 5:24 PM
Hello again.
Things have progressed slightly re Charles Moss. My new relation & I are both back from holiday--but I unfortunately,Idon't think she knows anything about Charles' birth.
However, she has a photo of Ann Dobson that she is going to send me--his wife-also has info about a son of Charles--another Charles also a miller. The details confirm what I had found about him which is good & she has pics of son Charles & Ann's son,Charles's mill on the Wirral which I can also have + some photos opf graves -always interesting & as you know--often heplful. We are also finding out about each other's branches which is exciting.
Can you tell me yet please , how I can get onto our new site? I don't want to lose you! --best wishes with the move
Thank you-Eileen

 Message 43 of 43 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemickym1951Sent: 11/9/2008 7:29 PM
Eileen If you contact me on
i will send an invite.
It makes it easier

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