Just a quick up date. I made it to Liverpool--a 12 hour day all told from door to door! (possibly 11 hours and 50 mins!!)
I was able to comfirm that the parents of William (my direct ancestor), Edward & I think 2 other children, ( hunted for 2 more in the same church & another likely newer local church--but no definite years etc,so didn't find them ) were Charles & Ann--Charles being a miller. I also saw the marriage of Ann Dobson & Charles but no more info on the record than we had.
I spoke with one of the staff about the places of birth on the census forms and he felt that Ann probably was born in Whitehaven & Charles in Ormskirk. I can check what I found in Whitehaven on OPC at my local records office as W haven is covered there.
I asked if the member of staff thought that James Moss the witmess at the Moss/Dobson marriage could be father of Charles as the names of parents weren't required at that time--he obviously couldn't say he was, but felt it was likely he was a relative. I thought that maybe father signed as he was there anyway.Will try to find a James Moss in Preston if I find Charles there. As James signed with a cross & Charles didn't, it could be possible that James was an earlier generation, but obviously not proof!
I did find some other information I was looking for--not Moss--but it didn't seem a lot for nearly 5 hours! takes a while to sort out church records to look up though (as you'll know)
There was an LDS "road show" in the library so I went in there after I left the records office.They, I think, were there for beginners really , but they keyed in Charles Moss Lancashire & wife Ann & did find somebody else whose dates fitted but I had to leave to catch the train--they printed off the list & I will look them up& let you know what I think.
Once I have been to Preston & Kendal and if I don't find a probable Charles and Ann, I'll follow up the Liverpool Ann Dobson, but didn't really have time yesterday.
I have to sort out the info from yesterday & will fill you in a bit more when I have
I'm sorry if this seems a bit sketchy after all your hard work but am telling you this from memory before I have to go out. I couldn't have done as much as I did yesterday without your help--I also kept thinking of you both "willing me on" while I was there--especially when I began to tire.!