 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 6/23/2005 10:22 AM |
ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | Welcome back, after a 1 month hiatus from TV, we once again find ourselves tunning into USA just intime to catch the concluding credits of Nash Bridges. As the Credits fade to black ‘Encore�?by Eminem blasts over the PA and the ICWA Demented Reel begins to play on the ‘Dementa-Tron�?/P>  |   | The cameras sweep the arena as JR says, "WELCOME TO ICWA TUESDAY NIGHT DEMENTED!!! I’m Jim Ross alongside Paul E. Heyman, and we are glad to be back here on the USA Network, broadcasting live to you and yours!" Heyman, "Speak for yourself! I think that USA is just as despicable as TNN, or now "Spike T_V". Network, listen and listen good, your actions were deplorable and I for one will not sit by and act as if I am just as happy as a fly in defecation to be back under the USA Label! I HOPE that Mr. McCallister finds another Network and I HOPE that he signs with that Network and then USA can go back to their little dog snows and syndicated re-runs while we bring the ratings into a REAL Network!" JR, "Paul certainly does not speak for the ICWA nor any of it’s staff, fans, or affiliates�? Heyman, "No, "Paul" speaks for the same person "Paul" has always spoken for, And that’s "PAUL"!" JR, "In any event, we have got quite the card lined up tonight as in the main event will be a rematch from resurrection as�? *STRYKER/JENSEN BANNER* The crowd pops as the promotional shot for the main event hits the Dementa-Tron and JR continues, "As the current number 1 Contender to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship in Jimmy Stryker will go one on one with Scott Jensen in a rematch from the ICWA Resurrection Pay Per View." Heyman, "But the match that I am personally looking forward to is seeing Brock Lesnar’s Women’s Division Debut! I see Brock’s come a long way since getting rid of me as his manager (laughs)." JR, "Only an IC and World title reign further than he went with you�?Never the less, Brock Lesnar is an interesting name to draw up as we are less than two weeks away from the ICWA Royal Rumble, where Brock Lesnar really made his mark in the ICWA by winning the event last Season, which would lead him to his eventual World title victory. It was at ICWA Wrestle Mania where for the second time ever, the World and Intercontentl championships were decided in the same match�?The first time of course being at WWF Wrestle Mania 6 where The Ultimate Warrior defended his IC Title while challenging Hulk Hogan for his world title�?In any event, the point that I am making is that the Royal Rumble is an opportunity to write your name in history just as Brock Lesnar did, just as The Ultimate Warrior once did�?And the winner of the Royal Rumble has a guaranteed shot at ICWA Thunderstruck, The Grand daddy of em all, in August." Heyman, "Are you done?" JR, "Well yes�?I believe I am�? Heyman, "THANK GOD!!" >>>The following was written by Johnny Invincible<<< As the lights go out Click Click Boom starts to play across the arena. A green neon light appears a guy standing on the ramp way with his hands out to his sides. The fans start booing and calling him names as Steve Weigel makes his way down the ramp way and up the stairs. As he gets to the ropes he goes under the top rope and into the ring. As he gets in the ring the crowd starts to boo louder as Steve puts his arms out to his sides once again and looks to the sky. The music starts to slowly fade away. Finkle:: Making his way to the ring from Saint Louis,Missouri weighting in at 255lbs. Steve Weigel!! As "ASAP" blasted through the PA system then the lights starts to blink blue and white then The Great One Flashes across the Dementatron then everyone hears Howard Finkle "Weighing in at 175lbs,5'11" from Atlanta, Georgia he is known as "The Great One" Lorenzo Johnson as he steps in the ring, i do something that the rock would do then looks at the camera then does the peoples eyebrow then the screen turns black. }As the two men get set Referee Charlie Robinson calls for the bell. Collar/elbow tie-up to start out the match. As the two men jockey around for position. Weigel knees Johnson in the gut and then Irish whips him into the ropes…Cloth line attempt by Weigel but, Johnson ducks and comes back with some lefts and rights to the face of Steve Weigel. Johnson now goes off the ropes and this time Weigel nails him with a cloth line. Weigel stays on him stomping away at him keeping him down on the ground. Weigel then goes for the early win Ref: 1�? Renzo kicks out quickly but, is covered again Ref: 1.. This time after one Renzo kicks out again. Weigel argues with the ref and Renzo capitalizes on it by dropkicking him in the back. Weigel is shoved into the referee who falls to the ground. Renzo waits for Weigal to get back up and then hits a hurricanrana out of nowhere. Seeing the ref down Renzo goes to revive him and as he wastes valuable time on the ref Steve Weigel has time to sneak in a chair. WHACK!! Johnson falls to his knees and Weigel disposes of the chair before going for the cover Ref: 1�?2 Kick out! Weigel holds his head in disbelief . Weigel pulls Johnson up and quickly nails him with "Your Suicide". A cocky arrogant Weigel laughs at the fallen Johnson and points to the crowd as he goes to the corner and up to the top rope. Weigel measures him up but, Johnson digs down deep and arm drags him off…Both men are down and out of breath as Robinson begins his ten count Ref: 1�?2�?3�?.4�?.5�?6�?/P> Johnson kips up and stocks Weigel as he slowly recovers a the count of eight. Canadian Destroyer Johnson gets it. Ref: 1�?2�?3 Johnson cannot believe it he won his debut match for the ICWA. Finkle:: Here is your winner Renzo!!! >>>End Johnny Invincible writing<<< With that the cameras go to the parking garage where we see a long black limoseen pulling in. JR, "I wonder who this is�? Heyman, "Give it 30 seconds and I’m sure we’ll find out�? JR, "Are you having a bad night tonight?" Heyman, "Do I ever have a good night when I’m stuck out here with you?!" JR, "Never the less, it appears that the limo door is opening�? Just as JR had said we see that the Limo is stopped and the Limo Driver has began opening the door. As he does so we see Bobby Johnson get out of the limo as the crowd delivers a mixed reaction. He has on a pair of black dress slacks and a white dress shirt which is buttoned except for the top button, but most noticeably is that not only does he have the ICWA Hardcore title around his waist, but over his shoulder is a World Heavyweight Title that is unfamiliar to most ICWA Fans. Bobby reaches into the limo and as he comes back out we see that he is aiding the ICWA US Champion, Alexis Davis, who still has her ankle heavily braced but appears to of eliminated the crutches. The crowd boos but she just flips her hair back and smirks as finally emerging from the limo is the Corporate Icon himself, WallStreet. The crowd boos extremely loud , The Chicago fans hating WallStreet more than any as he stands with his ICWA Tag Team championship slung over his shoulder and a smirk on his face. WallStreet, "Bobby�?The entire ICWA had almost a month off due to our USA Contract problems�?We still did our house shows but it was a very lax schedule�?Yet of all of them, it was you�?It was you who decided to keep working and to add to your legacy as you went back down to the Indy promotion from which you originated and showed off the skills that you have acquired with the ICWA�?And now you are the XWA Heavyweight Champion and if that doesn’t show why I hired you and Ryan Ross from the same company at the same time, and you’re stepping out of the Entourage Limo, dressed from head to toe in designer clothing and holding a championship title that cements you as the Toughest man in the ICWA, and he’s off playing house with Blaze Inferno and jobbing to the Entourage on whichever random night I see fit�?Well I just DON’T Know what does�? WallStreet laughs as he gives a huge pat on the back to Bobby who simply smirks and soaks it up. WallStreet gets ready to head off when Heather McMahon steps into the scene. The crowd pops for the former Women’s champion although judging by her very professional ensemble we can assume she’s not here to compete. Heather, "Mr.McCallister�?The show is in progress and Death Dealer is no where to be found." WallStreet, "And?" Heather, "He’s booked to face Ice (crowd pops) in Ice’s ICWA Debut�? WallStreet sighs, "Damn�?Fine, I’ll find a suitable replacement before the night’s over with�? Heather smiles and nods and begins to update WallStreet on the current affairs of the night as the Entourage begins walking into the arena, and we fade out on the limo’s license plate which reads "Entourage". *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | As the cameras return from the commercial we see Seifer standing with his BUD Heavyweight championship around his waste�?The Chicago crowd erupts as Seifer simply smirks. JR, "There’s a site I never expected to see�? Heyman, "He just came onto ICWA TV with the BUD Title, you don’t have to worry about seeing it again�?Wonder if they’ll resurrect Valek to take it or if they’ll just put Obie over�? With JR not having the fortitude to make any further comments or to provoke Heyman to make any further comments we focus on the Dementa-Tron as the camera pans out onto Jacob Mitchell making the crowd pop, although not as loud as they might in any other city. Jacob is bent down lacing his boots but he quickly finishes and gets up as he says, "Well damn Seif, what are you doing here?" Seifer, "I see you haven’t been doing so well on your own these past couple weeks�? Jacob shrugs, "Just Jimmy Stryker (crowd boos) being the Jobberific Pus�?Excuse me, don’t wanta get us thrown off USA again (rolls eyes), The Jobberific Bitch that he is." Seifer, "Thought it was shown that it wasn’t Stryker?" Jacob, "He can say and do whatever he wants, If it wasn’t him it was a friend of his, and why not�?If I had me as the difference maker between reobtaining Prime time glory or being shipped to the Retirement home, I’d want me attacked with a Monkey wrench, a sledge hammer�?Hell, if I was Jimmy Stryker I’d use the whole damned Tool shed!" Seifer laughs as he says, "Well there shouldn’t be any Monkey Wrench attacks tonight, I’ve got your back." Jacob, "Watch yourself now, do you really want your crab infested boss to see you on ICWA Demented with the BUD (Crowd splits with pops and boos) heavyweight title?" Seifer laughs, "It doesn’t much matter to me, I’m me, period. I don’t represent BUD, I don’t represent the ICWA, I rep the nWs and Myself, period." Jacob nods, "Well you’ve been in this place long enough to know the hot spots, lets go out and grab some drinks�? Seifer, "Well I have the Mercedes sitting outside, let’s go�? Jacob, "Not yet�?I have a feeling we should stick around for the main event�? Mitchell smirks as the cameras fade to the ring. JR, "That can’t be good�? The arena goes entirely black as the first bass beats of "Walk Into The Darkness" begin to play over the p.a system, a blacklight begins to glow, and two bright red strobe begin pulsing with the songs bass. The aisle leading to the ring suddenly bursts into flames, and through the center of the stage at the top of the ramp rises the Dark Goddess…She comes through the floor arms raised and two immense red pyros shoot from the ceiling shaking the building as they hit they spot next to her feet on the ramp Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following bout is scheduled for onefall and has a ten minute time limit! On her way to the ring, hailing from Cape Vincent New York�?DAZI_DARKSIDE!" Dazi makes her way down the ramp as JR says, "First we have the BUD Heavyweight championship showing up on ICWA Demented, and now we’re going into Brock Lesnar’s ‘Women’s Division�?debut�?And we’re not even half way through the not yet Paul!" As Dazi enters the ring The chords of the electric guitar sound and the familiar sound of "Next Big Thing" hits the PA system. From behind the curtain comes Brock Lesnar. He stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the fan reaction, which isnt very positive, then he begins to jump from side to side to get himself pumped up. Finkle, "And now on his way to the ring, He weighs in at 291 pounds and is making his way from Minneapolis Minnesota�?Ladies and Gentlemen he is the ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION�?BROCK_LESSSSSSSSSSSNAR!!!" He then slowly begins to walk down the ramp. He gets to the bottom of the ramp and the stops to do some more pumping up. He then leaps up onto the apron which sends pyro from each of the four ringposts. He then gets into the ring and pumps himself up even more... The crowd is going wild�?They may not be huge fans of Brock Lesnar but they’re eating up the idea of a 290 pound "Manster" as the Women’s champion. The music slowly fades and the lights adjust as referee Brian Hebnar takes the Women’s title from Lesnar, handing it down to a crew member before calling for the bell. Lesnar stands in his corner, glaring across the ring at Dazi Darkside, who is getting a fair amount of support from the Chicago crowd. Dazi seems slightly hesitant as she is giving up nearly 200 pounds to the Women’s champion and isn’t quite sure how to approach him. Finally however, Brock decides to even things up. Brock goes to center ring, places his hands behind his back, and says ‘Go ahead, I’ll give you the first shot�? Dazi approaches with great hesitation as Brock simply stands, hands behind his back as he looks up to the sky. Dazi gets right up to him and looks him over trying to determine just what the best approach is, but as she contemplates Brock swings out of no where and cracks Dazi across the face with an insanely devastating right hand that drops her with great impact to the mat. The crowd erupts with boos as Brock just glares down. Dazi slowly rolls to her chest, holding her face but Brock gives her no time to recover as he reaches down, grabbing her by the hair and the waste line of her pants and hoist her up to her feet, only to literally, physically throw her across the ring, slamming her back into the turnbuckles. The fans boo louder but Brock ignores them as he walks over, bending down and grabbing the middle ropes, only to drive his enormous shoulder right into the ribs of Dazi. JR, "OH COME ON ALREADY!!" Heyman, "What?!" JR, "WHAT?! WHAT?! You mean to tell me you don’t see anything wrong with this?!" Heyman, "Of course I do�? JR, "Well thank God�? Heyman, "Brock should of ripped Dazi’s shirt off first�? JR, "You’re unbelievable�? Back in the ring Brock has been repeatedly driving that shoulder into the ribs of Dazi, however he is seemingly hitting his last strike as he pulls away and watches Dazi grab her ribs and stumble out of the corner. Brock grabs her, throws her up onto her shoulders and gets a small smirk as he slowly paces center ring, soaking up the loud boos from the crowd. Brock suddenly starts shaking his head as the cameras pick him up saying ‘Oh No�?Not yet…�? Brock jumps and instead of the F5, He nails a Perry Saturn style Death Valley Driver. Brock stays on the mat, sitting as the crowd boos as Dazi lye’s in a heap. Lesnar gets a bit of a smile as he gets up and begins poking at Dazi with his boot, almost as if he’s trying to see if she’s still alive. Brock starts strutting around the ring slowly, until we see a plastic cup bounce off the top of his head. Lesnar jumps around and flies to the ropes where he leaps up onto the first rope as he leans forward and starts shouting at the crowd with fierce anger. One of the fans in the front row, a somewhat overweight female fan with a ‘Christian Skywalker: United States Champion�?T Shirt on, hops up and is talking the shit right back at Lesnar with full force. Brock, "Why don’t you take that cellulite covered ass of yours back to the kitchen and pour my happy ass a glass a faygo, and fix my happy ass a cheese platter�?And try not to eat it before ya get it to me tubby!" JR, "What an appalling individual�? The fan shouts back and while we�?/FONT>re not sure what she said, Brock seems to get a small chuckle out of it and we hear him point to her and say "If you want it, come and get it�?Or do I need to call you into the ring? Here�?SUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-Y! SUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-Y! Here wittle piggy�?Come on Fatty Fatty Fat Fat�? The Woman goes to get over the guardrail but Security stops her. Brock yells down "Hey, get your minimum wage Rent a cop ass out of her way�?That bitch is a celebrity, don’t put your hands on Free Willy, just let her in." Security backs off and the girl starts trying to get over the barricade. Due to her lack of verticalness and extra cushion for the pushin�?so to speak, she’s having a hard time which makes Brock crack up. Brock grabs his ribs with his left arm and points at her with his right, laughing all the while as she seems to be stuck on the barricade. As Brock is laughing about he doesn’t realize that Dazi has finally started to get up behind him and is just to her feet. Dazi realizes Brock is distracted so she rushes behind and delivers a low blow to the women’s champion and then follows it up with the school boy roll up as the official drops down and counts ……�?………�? Barely two as Lesnar powers out and nearly sends Dazi flying. Lesnar rolls to his feet and glares at Dazi as he holds�?erm�?himself. Dazi runs and delivers a drop kick to his right knee making him drop down to a knee hard. She runs back again and bounces off the ropes, this time looking for a modified crossbody but Lesnar catches her, making the once erupting crowd begin to boo. Lesnar gets up and then drops back down to a knee, driving the side of her ribs into his knee. He repeats this process two more times before he finally throws her off to the corner. Brock slowly stalks over to her as she sits, her back against the turnbuckles and her face filled with confusion as she just can’t figure out what to do to take out this beast. She goes for a kick between the legs but Brock closes his legs, trapping her leg between his knees. He bends down, grabs her by the trapped leg and the throat and throws her up to her feet. Not sure what else to do she slaps Brock across the face. Brock glares at her and then sure as shit, he slaps her back but as he does his hand makes a thunderus "THWACK" Across the side of her face and she’s driven down to her knees. JR, "THAT’S ENOUGH!! That’s a Woman in there!" Heyman, "And that’s the Woman’s champion�? JR, "That’s a damned joke and you know it!" Brock is breathing hard as he simply stands over Dazi, glaring down at her back as she’s on her knees holding her face. Lesnar reaches down, grabs her hair, throws her up and sends her to his shoulders as the crowd boos. He walks out to center ring and then with great power�?BAM! F5! Lesnar places his right boot across the ribs of Dazi as Hebnar drops down and counts ………�?…………�?…………�?! JR, "Well thank God this is over!" Finkle, "YOUR WINNER�?BROCK_LESSSSSSNARRRRRR!" Brock spits down, hitting Dazi right in the face as the fans continue booing with great loudness. JR, "What a classless, vial, sick son of a bit�? Heyman, "BROCK LESNAR has defeated Dazi Darkside, Showing that Mr. McCallister CLEARLY made the right call when he found a replacement for Missy Nobody." Lesnar looks out into the crowd and sees Security is finally helping the large woman back down off the guard rail and to her seat. As he sees that it’s taking 2 well built Security guards to get her down he can’t stay pissed as he begins laughing again. Brock reaches between the ropes and a crew member hands him his Women’s title and the microphone. Lesnar slings the strap over his shoulder and pulls the mic to his lips as he says, "And you people wonder why we come to Chicago once every blue moon�?It’s filled with nothing but worthless mounds of monkey piss and obese anal warts whose only reason for existence is to cram another moon pie in there fat face! I mean damn, look at this woman�?We both have big pecks but the difference is that mine are solid, and are the result of proper diet and exercise while yours are drooping down, nearly to your knees, and the only reason they don’t hit your knees is because your gut won’t let em! For Godsakes, wear a bra, nobody wants to see that sh*t! Have some damned self respect! If I looked like you I’d never leave my house�?All of you�?Not just this one dumb broad, each and everyone of you are nothing more than grotesque filth and trash�?I spent one night working in this city for your beloved home company�?ONE NIGHT, and I left because I couldn’t deal with all you pigs and frickin morons! If I were you I think I’d consider a mass suicide�?I mean seriousl�? Suddenly ‘Watch Me�?blasts over the PA making the Chicago fans erupt knowing exactly who to expect. Brock Lesnar however, seems less than enthused, or certain as he simply raises an eyebrow and attempts to figure out who is disrupting a perfectly good bash fest on the crowd. Blue and grey spots lights sweep the arena trying to locate whomever is coming out as JR says, "You don’t think�? Heyman, "No, You don’t think. I on the other hand, think frequently and I THINK that this is deplorable! Whomever is disrupting this Public Service Announcement should be forced to watch Jay Marshal tapes for eternity�? Finally one of the blue spot lights picks up a crowd around a man in the audience. As we slowly zoom down we see that it is a dark man in a pair of black Roca-Wear jeans and a black and red ‘Originator’s Jersey�? The crowd is going wild as JR says, "IT IS�?IT’S OBM!! THE ORIGINAL BAD MAN IS AT DEMENTED!!" Obie stands amongst the fans as he suddenly throws the ‘O�?up and many of the fans around him do the same. Finally Obie breaks through and runs through his fans, and is just missed by security as he jumps the guard rail and slides into the ring. Obie jumps right into Lesnar’s face, chest to chest, nose to nose ((of course Obie has to look up as Lesnar has a little size on him)), Obie doesn’t give an inch, nor does Lesnar as they glare into each others eyes. Obie makes the first move however as he rips the mic right out of Lesnar’s hand. The fans erupt and the music slowly fades as the two keep their glare locked. Obie, "Homie, you’re about to piss me�?Nah, scratch that shit, you ALREADY done Pissed Me Off! (Fans pop) You can run around shootin off at the mouth all you want about this guy and that guy in the ICWA, that’s cool�?Do you man�?But once you start popin off about Chi-Town, then it becomes beef." The crowd is going absolutely nuts as they begin chanting �?STRONG>OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE, OB-IE…�?/P> OBM, "But I’m a decent guy, I’ma letchu walk away from this, because on the same night as this places little Royal Rumble, I got me a match with your World Champs boy-toy Seifer, and I just GOTSTA whoop that ass (crowd pops)�?But you need watch that mouth, your jaw keeps running like that and somebody might have to have that sh*t wired shut homie!" The crowd isn’t letting up with their ‘Ob-ie�?chant as the Original Bad Man drops his mic and just looks up, waiting for Lesnar to make a move. He holds his glare briefly but he realizes that Lesnar isn’t planning on Jumpin so Obie just nods and steps off. Obie walks to the ropes as he is probably intending on leaving but he’s blindsided by a huge forearm to the back from Brock Lesnar. The fans begin booing as Lesnar begins unloading right hands into the back of the head of OBM. JR, "AWW COME ON!" Heyman, "COME ON?! COME ON?! OBIE SHOULDN’T EVEN BE HERE, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN COME ON?!" JR, "THE MAN WAS JUST DEFENDING HIS HOME!" Heyman, "HE WAS TRESSPASSING!" Lesnar pummels Obie into the corner and begins unloading right hands on him until Obie finally gets the left arm up and blocks the shot. Lesnar seems infuriated but OBM pays it no mind as he begins unloading a series of right hands of his own, slowly pushing Lesnar back and getting himself out of the corner. With each shot Lesnar losses a step as he seems shocked yet pissed at the same time. Finally Obie gets Lesnar to center ring, raises a knee into his gut, runs back, bounces off the ropes, and leaps, with a running fist to the head, dropping Lesnar. Both men quickly get up but Lesnar is staggering slightly. Obie quickly delivers a quick to the gut of Lesnar, throws him up on his shoulders, and then BAM! JR, "KILLER B! OBIE HIT THE KILLER B ON BROCK LESNAR!!!" Heyman, "SECURITY!!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as Obie pops up after delivering his version of the F-U. ‘Watch Me�?Blasts over the PA as Obie throws the ‘O�?up making the fangs go even more beserk for him. JR, "BAH GAWD, WHAT AN IMPACT FROM CHICAGO’S OWN OBM!!" Heyman, "Why don’t you just go apply for Ernie Schavonie’s Job!?" JR, "I’m not supporting them, but you can’t deny that somebody needed to shut Lesnar’s mouth and it looks like OBM was the man to do it!" Heyman, "Sure I can�? Obie continues playing to the crowd as the cameras fade to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | As the cameras return from commercial we find ourselves in the back again and we see our all too familiar friend in his dark cloak with the infamous Monkey Wrench in hand. Heyman, "HA-HA, watch out Mitchell, you may not even make it to the Rumble�? JR, "Well with Seifer and Mitchell both in the building tonight he may need more than a Monkey wrench if he hopes to survive�? Heyman, "He won’t need more than a Monkey Wrench, he’ll simply need common sense and the proper attack strategy�? <<<<<<<<<<<<< The Following Was Written By Johnny Invincible >>>>>>>> The time is set for what is going to be one helluva match up, everyone's favoraite ring announcer, Howard Finkel is standing in the ring holding a microphone, he has it raised to his lips getting ready to announce our first competitor. Howard Finkel- The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Saint Louis, Missouri weighting in at 245lbs. Carl Cross The lights in the arena go to a faint glow as "Blowfish" by Steve Vai begins to blare throughout the Alltel Arena. Everyone's favorite Carl Cross runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. The picture goes back to Fink who still has the microphone raised to his mouth. Howard Finkel- And his opponent from Parts unknown weighting in at 235lbs. Angelous The stage lights up with with red laser lights. They fly around hitting the fans and the ring as four flames erupt and burn across the stage. As they burn Angelous's voice comes over the PA Angelous The Angel of death has decended upon you all and your souls shall feel his wrath With the final words the flames die and red pyros erupt across the stage as "Prayer" by Disturbed blasts over the PA and a mist flows down over the entrence way. A figure appears in the mist and stands there for a second as the lyrics play Another dream that will never come true. Just to compliment your sorrow. Another life that I've taken from you. A gift to add on to your pain and suffering. Another truth you can never believe. Has crippled you completely. All the cries you're beginning to hear. Trapped in your mind, and the sound is defening. Angelous steps out from behind the mist and stands on the stage as the fans erupt in cheers. Angelous raises his hands up in the air and points at the ground as the boos begin. He raises his hands again as flames roll down the rampway.
Let Me enlighten you This is the way I pray. Living just isn't hard enough. Burn me alive, inside. Living my live's not hard enough. Take everything away He takes and brings his hand up to his forehead and then down to his chest as the fans boo even louder. He then brings his hand to his right shoulder and moves it over to his left finishing off his cross.
Another nightmare about to come true Will manifest tomorrow. Another love that I"ve taken from you. Lost in time, on the edge of suffering. Another taste of the evil I breed. Will level you completely. Bring to life everything that you fear. Live in the dark, and the world is threatening Let me enlighten you. This is the way I pray. Angelous starts down the ramp stopping and mouthing off the fansfans hands as he does. He takes one of the Angelous banners and holds it up high for all to see before chucking it to the ground.
Living just isn't hard enough. Burn me alive, inside. Living my life's not hard enough. take everything away. Angelous gets to the ring and slowly walks up on the ring steps and looks at all the fans with a look of discust. He He brings his hands togeather infront of his face and slowly lowers his head before steping under the ropes and heading for the turnbuckle
Return to me. Leave me no one. Turn to me. Return to me. Cast aside. You've made me turn away. Angelous climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and glares at all the fans as he points to the floor below. Angelous brings his arms up to his face once again and places them togeather and red pyros erupt in the ring behind him. .
Living just isn't hard enough. Burn me alive, inside. Living my life's not hard enough. Take everytyhing away Angelous steps down from the turnbuckle after the pyros finish and the music slowly fades as he waits for his opponent to make his way down to hte ring Immediately a staredown begins, Angelous licking his lips waiting for the bell to ring so he can get his hands on Carl Cross, The ref calls for the bell and we are underway. Carl Cross the self proclaimed King of Old School goes charging at Angelous who just moves out of the way. POP! shoulder first into the ring post. The fans begin to chant Ohh, as Cross fails back and holds his shoulder in pain. Angelous goes over and picks Carl up by the head and then locks on an armbar immediately going to work on the shoulder of Carl. JR- I expected this in the match this should be a wrestling clinic. Heyman- Maybe, but, I think it will be a little one sided. Angelous twists and pulls on the arm of Carl Cross trying to rip it out of socket. Cross manages to over power Angelous and knocks him down to the mat. Cross finally gets some offense in at this point in the match and goes to work keeping his growing fan base yelling while he uses jabs to the face of Angelous. Cross forces Angelous into the ropes and whips him across the ring on the return Cross locks on a sleeper cutting off the blood supply to the head of his opponent. Angelous's eyes seem to be glazing over as Cross forces him down to the mat. The ref has no choice but to administer his count Referee- 1....2.... Angelous manages to stay in it getting back up to his feet. Elbows to the stomach of Carl Cross now and this match is slowly changing tides. Angelous grabs Cross now and hits a vertical suplex...He keeps it locked in as he rotates his hips...One more suplex...Angelous does it again...Yet another suplex and the crowd is keeping count....He tries for another but, Cross starts to beat him on the back of the neck with his fists....As it looks like Cross is about to gain control out of no where Angelous gets that fourth suplex regardless...Feeling the tide turning Angelous heads to the top rope looking for an elbow drop...And he connects with a vengence...Cross rolls to his stomach and then out to the ringside floor to catch his breath. Angelous walks over and grabs the head of Carl Cross as he climbs back into the ring. Angelous knees him the gut and sets him up for a suplex...Holy Shit Cross reverses it and suplexes Angelous to the concrete floor on the outside. Cross rolls in under the ropes and pulls himself up rope by rope while the ref counts Angelous out... Referee- 1..2..3..4...5...6... Angelous rolls back into the ring getting stomped by "The King of Old School" As Cross keeps stomping Angelous gets further and further to his feet. As he does Carl Cross just whips him into the ropes and as he comes back to him Snap Suplex....Angelous grabs his back in pain and rolls around to push himself back to his feet. Carl Cross beats him up and then hits a DDT and then he goes for the cover. Referee- 1..2.. Kick out by Angelous...Carl Cross just pulls him up and DDT's him again followed up by another pinfall Referee- 1...2... Carl Cross looks to be annoyed that he can not put Angelous away. Finally he runs the ropes and kicks Angelous in his face as he begins to sit up off the mat. and again another pinfall attempt.. Referee- 1..2... He just does not quit...Carl picks Angelous up and pushes him into the cornor Palm Stirke to the face, followed up by an uppercut...The ref forces Cross to let up and pushes him away as he does Angelous just falls to his face onto the mat. Cross gets a smile on his face and goes for the cover. Referee- 1...2... JR- Kickout again...How many pinfall attempts has that been? Heyman- Beats me Mr. Wrestling but, Carl Cross is staying on top of Angelous. Carl Cross looks at the ref and at the crowd as they start to get behind him in his attempt to win. Angelous gets dropped back down to the ground as he just gets up with a bulldog...Cross hooks on a Boston Crab..You can see the pain in his opponents eyes as Cross drags him further and further away from the ropes. the ref checks on Angelous through this making sure he is still in there..Angelous just shakes his head and rolls through it kicking Carl Cross away. Cross looks at Angelous in shock and goes to pin him but, Angelous fights back to his feet and just fires off lefts and rights to the head of Carl Cross. Angelous now with a DDT of his own sending Cross's head to the mat what an impact that was. As Cross struggles to get back to his feet Angelous gets set to end it all right here. Sin's Revealed on Cross he gets it and goes for the cover. JR- This could be it Paul Referee- 1...2....... Carl Cross kicks out of it....Angelous stands up and pulls Cross back to his feet this time singaling the end of the match...Heaven's Gate. JR- Carl Cross welcome to Heaven Referee- 1...2..3. The bell rings as Finkel announces the winner . Howard Finkel- The winner of the match... Angel...O....US.... <<<<<End of Johnny's writing>>>> JR, "Whether ya agree with his ways or not, ya can’t deny that Angelous has just made an impact�? Heyman, "I can, and I will." With that the cameras go to the back�?To the Parking Garage as a matter of fact�?We see the Entourages Limo, however it looks nothing like it did when it was left. The windows are all shattered, the sides are dented in, the roof has been decimated, the antenna is on the ground. JR, "Mah Gawd�?WallStreet is not gonna be pleased when he sees this�? The Limo driver walks into the scene sipping on a cup off coffee when he suddenly notices the wreck that was once his limo and drops both his jaw and his coffee. Driver, "I’M DEAD!! I’M SO DEAD!!!" The driver gets a face of panic as he franticly rushes away from the scene and we fade to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | When cameras return from the commercial break we see Michael Cole standing by with former Chicago Bear Travis O’Neil. The crowd erupts for their hometown football legend as Travis just smirks. Cole, "Travis O’Neil�?One of the baddest men to ever play in the National Football Leauge�?And now, you join the ICWA�?And for your professional Wrestling Debut you have been booked against none other than the Human Suplex Machine, Taz, in a Chicago Street Fight (crowd pops)�?" Travis, "Hell yeah Cole�?What a better way to make my impact in the ICWA than to do it on my very first night in front of my home town against one of the biggest legends in our Sport in the match that HE is famous for�?Redhook’s hard, I won’t take nothin�?away from Taz or the NYC�?But Chicago’s harder (crowd pops), and you can bet I’m badder!" The crowd is getting into Travis as Cole says, "With this being your debut, aren’t you even a little nervous?" O’Neil snickers and says, "I played in stadiums that make this place look like a High School Gym, am I nervous? Why don’t you ask me about my nervousness after the show when I’m back her celebratin�?my victory�?If I hit too hard for the NFL, Imagine what I’ma feel like to a midget with no pads�?I got this Cole." With that Travis walks off and the cameras head to the ring�?/P> <<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Johnny Invincible >>>>>>>> -The lights cut and the arena goes black as blue spotlights start to scan the arena. Crossfade-Cold- hits the pa as an eerie fog sets in on the entrancway. (Crowded streets are cleared away.... One by one... Hollow heroes seperate... As they run....) Ice then emerges from behind the curtains standing admist the fog looking through the crowd from his far left to his far right (You're so cold... Keep your hands in mine... Wise men wonder while... Strong men die...) He then takes a step forward raising his two hands up and as they come down in a forceful thrust an explosion of white pyros go off behind him and the music kicks up as he walks down the rampway stopping every so often to slap the hands of the fans (Show me how it ends its alright... Show me how defenseless you really are... satisfied and empty inside... Well that's allr right... Let's give this another try...) Ice jumps up onto the mat grabbing onto the ropes as he tests them by pulling at them and leaning back. He then goes into the ring between the ropes and as he gets in he quickly makes his way to the opposing turnbuckle raising both hands up to the crowd with his fist clenched. He takes a look around until he hops down from the turnbuckle and begins his caged animal pace in the ring- Finkle: The following bout is scheduled for onefall! Already in the ring, he weighs in this evening at 260lbs. from Montpelir, Vermont...ICE! ICE sets his sights on the entry way waiting on Shawn Allen to make his way down to the ring to get the match started when out of no where Shawn Allen comes from behind and drops him to the mat. The bell sounds as the Shawn Allen stomps away at ICE. Allen is taking no time at all to end this match as quick as possible. Allen whips ICe across the ring and on the return sidewalk slams him then going for a pin. Ref:: 1...2... Ice kicks out of the cover and pushing Allen off of him he gets to his feet and attacks like there is no tomorrow...Punches and kicks sending Allen into retreat...Ice grabs the head of Allen and pulls him into position DDT. Allen grabs his head checking for blood but, Ice stays on him like a rabid animal with lock jaw. Ice sends Allen into the cornor and drives his shoulder into the gut of Allen. The ref counts to five and Ice backs up but, only long enough to break the count before going back with another series of thrusts to the stomach. Shawn Allen stumbles out of the cornor and looks pissed off at Ice grabbing him and hooking both his arms. A knee to the chest and then Crack! Double arm DDT. Allen hops back up quickly knowing Ice is almost up himself and Snap spinning neck breaker...Ice grabs his neck and looks to be in pain. Here comes Allen charging at full force. Drop toe-hold on Allen and his face goes straight into a turnbuckle. Ice smirks as he sees his opening he grabs Allen's head and bounces it off each on and ending it at number ten at the top turnbuckle. Allen's eyes are rolled back in the back of his head. Ice is being ruthless here and he looks to be ready to end it all right here. Cold Fate is locked on. The ref gets in position and begins to drop the hand of Allen....Allen manages to keep his hand up but, Ice just squeezes tighter and tighter. Again the ref grabs Allens hand but, still he manages to keep his arm up. Ice senses that he will have to change his game plan and awaits for Allen to get back up to his feet right here. Blizzard connects to the chest of Shawn Allen right here and Ice goes for the cover. Ref:: 1....2.....3 Finkle: And your winner by pinfall, ICE!!! <<<<<<<<<<End of Invincible writing>>>>>>> JR, "What a debut for ICE!" Heyman, "I hope him AND his one legged buddy both take a long walk off a short peer!" The cameras then go to the back where WallStreet and the Entourage are all in the parking garage with a crowd of staff around them, waiting to see how WallStreet reacts to the busted up limo. Bobby, "What the Hell�?Whose got the brass to mess with OUR limo?!" Alexis, "I’ll bet his NLCS, that guy can’t take no�? Bobby, "Nah, it’s probably that Matlock dude, he can’t handle being lower than me in this place�?Or maybe Ryan Michaels�? WallStreet, who has yet to take his eyes off the limo, says, "I know who it was�? Alexis and Bobby both look at WallStreet who’s simply glaring at the limo. WallStreet, "I’m going out to the ring, this ends�?NOW!" With that WallStreet turns as the sea of humanity around him part and make a path for WallStreet who is followed closely by the Entourage. WallStreet spins around and says, "No�?I didn’t say ‘We’re going to the ring�? I said I’M going to the ring�?I’m gonna handle this one on one�?Man to�?BITCH!" WallStreet turns back around and walks away as Alexis and Bobby look at him a little surprised. JR, "Oh Boy�?I think Business is fixin�?to pick up!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | as the cameras return from commercial we see WallStreet in the ring as ‘Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent is just fading away and the lights are readjusting. WallStreet, "I’ve seen all the little promos�?For over a month I’ve seen them, and I’ve allowed them to go on�?I’ve allowed you to play your little games and get your little kicks at my expense�?Did I notice? Of course I noticed, You’re gonna hit my radar when you come at me as you have, no matter how irrelevant you may be. But between last week and this week�?Well frankly Kid�?You’re starting to wear thin on my last nerve so�?JOHNNY INVINCIBLE (Crowd pops)�?Get Your ASS out Here!" WallStreet glares up the ramp as the crowd is going wild, just waiting for someone to come out and whoop the Corporate Ass. WallStreet, "What Johnny? All of a sudden you don’t feel like making an appearance? COME ON! You want me so DAMNED bad�?COME AND GET ME! COME O�? ‘Knee Drop�?by cKy blasts over the PA as the crowd is on their feet in anticipation. Suddenly from behind the curtain steps, the one and only Jamie Peirce. WallStreet glares up the ramp as Jamie just smirks and stands on the ramp with a mic in hand. Jamie, "WallStreet�?Ya know�?You really are just as dumb as you look (crowd pops)�?Johnny Invincible didn’t bust up your limo�?I DID!" The crowd goes wild as WallStreet’s eyes grow wide and his anger grows. Jamie, "Do I have your attention yet? Good. Your little Entourage just doesn’t cut it for me. I’m sick of seeing the same faces on TV, sick of hearing the same repetitive crap week after week after week, and I’m sick of seeing guy after guy attempt to take you down only to either suffer a political defeat or to decide it wiser to end up joining you�?Pus*ies like James, like Alexis�?And for what? Because you pay the checks? Pfft.. Sh*t son, go ahead and fire me, like I have an financial worries." WallStreet flings the mic up as he says, "JUST WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" Jamie laughs slightly and says, "Well that WallStreet�?That’s fairly simple�?I want�?STRONG> YOU!" Jamie drops his mic on the stage as it makes a loud thud and he begins walking the ramp. The crowd is going wild as WallStreet steps back into center ring and begins unbuttoning his shirt, never taking his glare from Jamie’s eyes. WallStreet gets his shirt completely unbuttoned and untucks it as he then rolls up his sleeves and waits as Jamie Pierce has just reached the black ringside mats. JR, "BUSINESS IS ABOUT TO PICK UP FOLKS!" Jamie goes to head for the stairs when the lights in the arena go out and the Dementa-Tron lights up. On the Dementa tron we see both Bobby Johnson and Alexis Davis unconscious and seated on a concrete floor as they are tied back to back with gags in their mouths. The cameras go to the wall where we see written in the same blood color from last Demented�?/P> The Time Is Now�?/STRONG> On Demented, Here In Chicago�?/STRONG> The ICWA Goes OLD SCHOOL The crowd is going wild as ‘Suicide Messiah begins blasting over the PA. The music continues blasting when from behind the curtain steps none other than�?/P> JR, "Is that�?IT IS! JOHNNY INVINCIBLE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!" The crowd is going wild as Johnny walks the stage, soaking it up. Back down at the ring, WallStreet is ready to go, just waiting for the two on one attack as at ringside Jamie Pierce, who was momentarily distracted by Invincible, turns back to the ring and makes his way up the stairs. Pierce goes to duck under the bottom rope when he hears, "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA�? Jamie stands back upright and turns his head, looking up the ramp where Invincible is slowly walking down with a mic in hand. Invincible, "Hey, Prodigal douche bag�?I don’t know where you’ve been for the last month, and frankly, I don’t care�?But the jackass in the ring belongs to me so why don’t you just get your happy ass right back outta here the same way ya came and let me handle business." Jamie’s eyes grow slightly wide as he can’t believe that this guy is talking to him like that. Jamie just shakes it off and bends down, entering the ring. Just as he gets up in the ring Invincible says, "Hey kid, maybe you think I’m just playin with ya or something but this isn’t a game�?Take another step toward MY pray, and I’ma break your ass in half." Jamie rolls his eyes and progresses to center ring, locking eyes with WallStreet. Invincible, "Alright�? Invincible, who is almost to the bottom of the ramp, drops the mic and sprints to the ring. Jamie turns his head giving WallStreet just enough time to drop down and roll under the bottom rope. Jamie turns back, seeing WallStreet escape, and is then spun right back around by Invincible who nails a hard right hand, followed by a second�?But Jamie doesn’t take much of this unanswered as the two begin brawling, throwing punch for punch, neither gaining much leverage over the other. At Ringside WallStreet just shakes his head and walks around the ring toward the ramp. The fans are booing as they really wanted to see WallStreet get his, plus they see that the referees are flooding the ramp so the fight in the ring is bound to be separated. JR, "Mah Gawd�?Johnny Invincible has debuted, Jamie Pierce has returned, and this has all exploded in the ring!" The officials rush the ring and begin attempting to separate Johnny and Jamie in the ring. The slowly pull the two away although many of the refs are being tossed the same as they don’t show any sign of relinquishing their brawl. JR, "WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!" *Commercial break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | When the cameras return from the commercial we find ourselves in the back, just outside of the gorilla position where a good portion of officials are still attempting to seperate Johnny Invincible and Jamie Peirce. JR, "If you're just joining us, Johnny Invincible has finally made his physical debut to the ICWA and now he and Jamie Peirce are actually fighting over which one of them will get to get their hands on the Chairman first." A Flood of ICWA Staff members begin pouring into the scene, assisting the officials in restraining Invincible and Peirce. We see wrestling legends such as Arn Anderson, Kevin Nash, Road Warrior Animal, and others who have retired from the ring and obtained themselves office jobs with the ICWA. Finally the staff and officials manage to get Invincible and Peirce off of each other and away from each other as Invincible yells out, "Screw WallStreet, You've just made yourself the first I'ma gonna take Old School!" Peirce, "ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!" With that the cameras fade to the ring. JR, "The tempers flying, what a night!" <<<<<<The Following was written by Johnny Invincible...>>>>>>> This next match is scheduled for one fall..The arena darkens and the picture of a dark haired little girl flashes across the Tron. The camera focuses in on the little girls face as she breaks into a smile. The little girl starts to run across the field in which she was playing. The camera follows her and shows her fall face down into the dirt. The little girl gets up, her face now covered with dirt. Tears stream down the girls face cutting tracks into the dirt. The Tron goes black as Ostergelectric hits over the PA system. Cali stands at the top of the ramp with her head bowed. She lifts her head slowly and scowls out across the crowd before strolling slowly towards the ring. Howard Finkel- Making her way to the ring, at 5'7 from Albury, Australia...Cali ! Akasha's Theme song comes on over the PA system. The Lights go out except a single blood red spot light which makes it's way to the top of the ramp. Akasha comes out with her long black trenchcoat on out from behind the curtin. She makes her way down the ramp with the lights still out. She climbs into the ring and she raises her arms up and Red pyro goes off threw out the arena. The lights come back on and Akasha Yels for them to shut of her music. Howard Finkel- And her opponent, also as 5'7, from Dracula's Castle Akasha ! Cali and Akasha stare each other down neither one looking happy to be around. They tie up in the middle of the ring as the bell rings. Akasha gets the upper hand and whips Cali into the cornor. Her she goes with a back-flip elbow to the face of Cali. Akasha then sends here to the other cornor but, as Akasha charges after her Calit lifts afoot up and Akasha gets a taste of Cali's boot. Cali digs her finger nails into the side of Akasha's skull and swings her around by the hair until Akasha lands hard on the mat. Cali seems to like putting her through pain and stomps on the head of the defenseless Akasha. Cali mouths off to Akasha who lays there on the ground dazed and flips her off before mounting her and then slapping the taste right out of her mouth. Cali then pulls Akasha up and hits a textbook Evenflow DDT upon Akasha then making the cover Ref: 1...2.... Akasha kicks out just before the ref makes the three. JR- What, heart by Akasha here. Heyman- Really? I did not know vampires had hearts JR. Akasha gathers herself up and slaps Cali across the face getting some distance to try and mount some offense. As it works Cali gets in a coupld of shots. Akasha now pulls the hair of Cali and digs her finger nails into the skull of Cali. Cali checks the side of her head as Akasha let's her go and there is blood. This infurates Cali who goes in and kicks the living hell out of Akasha here. Cali sets Akasha up infront of her and nails a picture perfect Straight Jacket Suplex. Cali goes for the cover. Ref: 1...2... Akasha gets back to her feet and goes ballistic upon Cali. Cali's blood is all over Akasha's hands here. Akasha goes off the ropes as does Cali... Double clothline they are both down. The ref counts but, Akasha and Cali some how manage to dig down deep and get back to there feet Akasha takes control of the match as Cali is begining to feel a bit confused because of the loss of blood...here it is The Spine Chiller no...Cali ducks and clothlines Akasha down..Akasha rolls back up to her feet and this time nails the DDP and going for a cover. Referee- 1...2...3 The bell rings, and Akasha stands up as the referee raises her arm in victory. Howard Finkel announces the winner. Howard Finkel- The winner of the match, AAKKKASHHHAAA Akasha just looks at the crowd before dropping down and rolling out of the ring to head to the back. <<<<<<<End of Johnny's Writing>>>>>> With that the Cameras go to the back where we find ourselves with Jacob Mitchell and Seifer yet again. The crowd pops for the ICWA and BUD Heavyweight Champions as Mitchell says, "So in all seriousness... Is it really THAT windy here?" Seifer laughs as he says, "It can be." Mitchell, "To bad the Bulls can't get any wind to help get the ball in the basket (crowd boos)... Hard to believe that less than a decade ago this was the hottest franchise of all time." Seifer, "The Chicago Bulls are actually a lot like The Originators, They had a star leader who made the entire franchise seem like Gold, but as soon as he left they became nothing more than a washed up name in history which will stay just there... In History." Mitchell laughs as he says, "Kind of Ironic that you compare Michael Jordon to Jimmy Stryker, after the last season Jordon had with the Wizards I think it's safe to say that they're about equally washed up. Guess the only real difference is that MJ genuinly was one of the greatest of all time where as Jimmy Stryker simply went from a career of Mediocracy with a few fluke achivements, straight to the washed up nothingness that Michael now has." The two share a laugh as the Chicago crowd is really giving em a lot of heat now, shaking the arena with their boos. As the two nWs members laugh, they turn the corner but the camera doesn't follow them. Instead it stays focused right where Jacob and Seifer were. As it does so, into the scene steps the cloaked man with his Monkey Wrench, and this time he actually finds himself being cheered as he simply stands, showing that he is in stalk of the Heavyweight champion. JR, "This may not bid well for the Champ and his comrad..." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | As the cameras return from commercial break we see James in the back with his feet kicked up on a coffee table, relaxed on a leather sofa with a cold bottle of Molson beer in his hand. The once adoring crowd boos as He has the CWA Championship around his waist, the nWWF Title over his right shoulder, and his left hand is the ICWA Tag Team Championship which he holds with WallStreet. As he relaxes watching his monitor we hear a knock at the door. James, "Yeah?" "It's The Living Legend Larry Zybsko, You said you'd grant me an interview..." James rolls his eyes as he says, "Then come in here and let's get it done already." The door opens and in steps the former student of the original "Living Legend" Bruno Samertino. Zybsko, "James, how does it feel to be the very first person in this great company's history to not only hold 3 Championships at one time, but to hold TWO heavyweight titles at one time." James smirks, "It feels about right... And once I get the ICWA Title, it'll feel completly right." Zybsko, "Speaking of "right", alot of your fans have been asking all week, why you joined the Entourage, why you aligned with WallStreet, why..." James, "Whoa... Hold up, I didn't "Join The Entourage". I just squashed my problems with Street and his cliq. Let's face it, Street and I have been at each others throats for four years now... We've battled in nearly every promotion we've been in, and we've both seen victory and defeat at the hands of each other... I'm the best in the business, I think that's fairly obvious, but IF I have an equal, than it's Street. And with Y2Jackoff... (Sarcasticaly) Sorry Network... With Y2J rigging the tag title lottery back in April and forcing WallStreet and I to work as a coheaseve unit to defend these tag titles, it was just the break from beating each others ass that we needed to realize that the only thing stoping us from taking over the Industry was each other, so why keep inadvertadly saving the world from each other when we can work together and rule this business with a cast iron fist that no man, woman, or combination of the two could ever stand against. I'm not a member of a The Entourage, but your tag team champions are finally a legitimate team and since we've demolished every team we've faced as enemies, you have to wonder just how bad the tag scene got now that we're on the same page." Zybsko, "Speaking of your titles, just two weeks ago No Limits Christian Skywalker (crowd erupts) issued a challange to you for the Unified CWA - nWWF Championship at the Royal Rumble... Have you accepted or declined that challange?" James laughs slightly, "Of course I accept (crowd pops), If it wasn't his ass I beat at the Rumble it'd just be somebody elses so what difference does it make? That's about the dumbest question I've ever been asked... Ya know what, for that question you now join Michael Cole on the list of interviewers who are no longer allowed to speak my name. Get out of here." Zybsko looks at James with a bit of surprise as James seems to get a little annoyed and says, "What, you don't speak english? I'm sorry, I don't speak 'Washed Up Nobody', if I did I'd go carry a conversation with Marshal, now get the Hell out of my locker room before I put you out." Zybsko turns and leaves as James shakes his head and smirks and the cameras fade to the ring. JR, "Ya know... he's become a real jackass..." <<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Johnny Invincible >>>>> The camera focuses on the rampway as everybody hears Howard Finkel announcing the competitors. Howard Finkel- Making his way to the ring, weighting in at 230lbs., from Chicago, Illinois... THE HEAD HUNTER....Travis O'Neil !
The lights in the arena go off, and Travis's music, "U Don't Know Me" by T.I. starts to play over the PA system. The Dementatron comes on and it shows two of Travis's bodyguards standing guard in front of his locker room. A stagehand comes and knocks on the door and informs Travis that it's time for him to go to the ring. Travis's door opens, and two beautiful ladies walk out, followed closely by Travis, and behind Travis, two more bodyguards appear. Travis is wearing a navy blue robe, with orange trim, and he wears the hood over his head. The two ladies are dressed in matching black evening gowns, and mink coats. The four body guards are dressed in Black custom made Armani suits. Travis and his entourage continue down the hallway, Travis and the two ladies are surrounded by the four bodyguards, and as they make there way through the Gorilla Position, blue and orange lights start to flash. Travis and his people finally make it through the curtains and the crowd gives him a huge pop, as Travis and his entourage walks down to the ring in no real hurry. When they finally get to ring, the two bodyguards in front walk up the ring steps and go and sit on the first and second ropes. The two women walk up the steps next, followed by Travis, and one at a time, they all get into the ring, and they walk to the center of the ring. The two bodyguards that were in the back follow the rest of the group up the stairs and get into the ring, and position themselves over by the far ringposts, one standing in front of each of them. The two bodyguards that were sitting on th ropes, stand up and take there positions at the other two ringposts, and then all four bodyguards turn and face the crowd and put their hands behind their backs. The two beautiful women then start to caress Travis's chest and slowly make their way down to his waist. Each woman then grabs a hold of the string thats hold Travis's robe together, and gives it a slight tug, loosening it. Travis parts his arms a little to make it easier for the ladies to take his robe off. Under his robe Travis is wearing navy blue spnadex like shorts with orange letters that T.O.. He doesn't wear a shirt, and he wears navy blue wrestling boots with orange trim. The two ladies give Travis a kiss on each cheek, and leave the ring. The four bodyguards then follow the ladies. Travis walks to the opposite corner and waits for his next opponent to come out. Howard Finkel- And his opponent, weighting in at 240 lbs. from Red Hook... TAZZZZ. The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echos through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Titan Tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine! Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. Taz gets in the ring as the bell sounds the start of the match and right off the bat both men slide out and lookd underneath the ring for something to use against their opponents. Taz pulls out a chair as does O'Neil and both men look at each other. O'Neil drops his as Taz comes running around the ring to chase him down. O'neil cuts Taz off at the pass by going through the ring and baseball sliding him through the steel chair. This crowd goes wild for their homegrown hero. O'neil picks the chair up and wraps it around Taz's head a coupld of times before getting rid of it. The Head Hunter goes over to the guard rail and flirts with a couple of ladies sitting in the front row as Taz tries to get on his feet. As Travis sees Taz back up he comes running at him for a clothline but...Out from no where Taz sprays something in the eyes of his opponent..It's pepper spray that has to sting. Taz hooks him up and suplexes him to the cold concrete floor and putting on a clinic with his hands and his feet before picking him back up and ramming O'Neil's head into the ring post. O'Neil grabs his head and screams in pain as Taz comes over and sets is arm up on the steel steps. Taz now sees the steel chair and uses it to take aim at the opening here. O'Neil moves and you can hear the thunderous shot throughout the building. Taz goes over to get some shots in on O'neil who is no where to be seen. Taz looks around and sees hide nore hair of his opponent. The referee checks on Taz and all of sudden SMACK Taz falls face first onto the ground. The camera comes around and sees O'neil come out from underneath the ring pulling out a piece of pipe. O'Neil measures Taz up here and swings connecting with the pipe to the head of The Human suplex machine right here...The chicago crowd chanting for O'Neil to take him out...And O'neil does just that Travis picks Taz up and carries out towards the parking lot on his shoulders....The camera follows Travis through the curtain and down the long black hall with Taz on his shoulder...As Travis carries Taz it gives him time to regroup and come back to his senses Taz falls off and pushes Travis straight into an equipment case in the back. Taz takes his shots and opens the lid up placing Travis's neck inside sitting up a gillotine....WHACK Taz shuts the lid causing Travis to roll around in pain. Officals and other wrestlers are seen just standing by as he Taz drives O'Neil through a plate glass window. The camera watches the shattered glass stick into the body of O'Neil. Taz crawls through the window and picks up his fallen opponent suplexing him onto what is left of the window. O'neil just falls limp onto the ground motionless and lifeless. Taz kicks at him and punches him as he is down before pulling his arm and going out into the parking lot. Taz picks Travis up and carries him over to a near by car....He slams him down with a belly to belly suplex onto the hood of the car. Travis's body just slides down the hood and onto the black top where Taz makes the cover... Ref: 1.....2.... Taz pushes him back down for another pin Referee- 1..2.. Again a kick out. You can hear the Chicago crowd cheering on their hometown hero. Taz goes to hook on a front face lock but, Travis has to much heart and just over powers Taz here sending him crashing into the hood of the same car. Travis tries to catch his breath as Taz comes back to but, the Chicago native can see the light at the end of the tunnel right now. Travis slings Taz and picks him up throwing him into the windsheild of the car. Taz just jerks and can be heard screaming. Travis yells out it's finished and grabs Taz setting him up Unsportsmanlike Conduct straight to the black top. Referee- 1...2...3 The ref signals for the bell, he then raises the arm of the victorious Travis O'Neil as Howard Finkel announces the winner. Howard Finkel- The winner of the match.... THE HEADHUNTER, TRAVIS O'NEIL <<<<<<<<<End of Johnny's Writing>>>>>> The crowd is errupting for their hometown hero as JR says, "Bah God... What a Slobber knocker!" With that the cameras go to the back where we see a split screen, showing both Jimmy Stryker and Scott Jensen in their own respective sides of the Arena heading to the Gorilla position for the Main Event. JR, "When we get back Jimmy Stryker goes one on one with The Machine Scott Jensen in a Resurrection Rematch..." As Jimmy turns the corner on his screen, we stay focused where he was and see Jacob Mitchell and Seifer arrive into the scene as the crowd boos and the nWs running buddies grin. They nod at each other and turn the corner going the same way as Stryker did as the camera still stays focused right on it's original spot, and yet another presence steps into the scene, however this time it is our cloaked assassian and his Monkey Wrench. JR, "Mah Gawd... What's gonna happen here... I reckon business is about to pick up!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | <<<<<<The Following Was Written By Jimmy Stryker>>>>> Finkle: The Follwing Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a ICWA Resurrection REMATCH...Making his way...uh I mean in the ring from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing 290 pounds The Chaotic Mastermind JIMMY STRYKER!! <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> -Jimmy is seen sitting in the middle of the ring on a chair with a slurpee in one hand and a porn mag in the other as he waits for Scott Jensen to come out. Jimmy then seeing a picture of Missy then throws the magazine to the ground. Jimmy then continues to sip on his slurpee as the lights start to flicker....<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Finkle: And his opponent....from Cleveland, Ohio weighing in at 252 pounds...."THE MACHINE" Scott Jensen!!!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> -Scott makes his way to the ring as he just looks at Stryker who is paying no attention to him. Scott then walks up the 3 steps and onto the ring apron. Scott then climbs through the middle and bottom rope as he walks up to Jimmy who still pays no attention to him. Jimmy is then seen being handed a microphone.-<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Jimmy: Back away Junior before I have to hand you your ass!! Now if you dont mind I think we need to get this party started.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Jimmy then lays a hard right hand to the gut of Jensen who just loses his breath for a moment. As Scott gets his wind back slowly, Jimmy then clotheslines him down to the mat hard. Jimmy then begins to lay the boots to Jensen as he then looks up to the rampway. Since no one is coming, you can see the match continue to progress as Scott is seen being pushed back into the ropes trying to get away. Jimmy then backs off of Scott as the ropes signal a break in the action.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: Oh how sweet he backed off!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: Pathetic Bastard!! Jimmy is a perfect Gentleman!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: To who?<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: To me you dumb son of a bitch!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> As Scott is still trying to get back his breath, Jimmy then goes back and sits down in the chair and grabs his slurpee. Jimmy then looks over at Scott who is now trying to charge him, but Jimmy moves himself and the chair as Scott crashes to the mat beneath Jimmy and the chair. Jimmy has thoughts about using the chair but notices the ref is watching him and then tosses it outside the ring. The ref the gets a smirk on his face as Scott then punches Jimmy in the midsection and does a impressive leg sweep to take Jimmy down. Jimmy looks up at Scott who is now to his feet and smirks at him in amazement. Scott then does not waste another moment as a foot lands hard in the face of Jimmy making his head nail the mat with a hard hit. Jimmy who is down Scott then picks him up and then irish whips Jimmy into the ropes. As Jimmy rebounds Scott connects with a huge high angle belly to back suplex. Jimmy comes crashing down to the mat as he just holds on to the back of his head. Jimmy then tries to get up but gets an immediate knee to the face sending him back down to the mat. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: Frickin Jensen, always cheating to win!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: He is not!! He is trying to make a name for himself.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: Bull!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Jensen who is in full control picks up Jimmy and whips him into the corner. As Jensen tries to attempt the 10 punch Jimmy connects with a desperate powerbomb. Jimmy and Scott both lie on the mat as Jimmy and Scott begin to both get to their feet. Jimmy and Scott then start delivering hard right hands back and forth to one another, as Scott begins to wobble a bit. Jimmy then decides that this is enough as he kicks Scott in the midsection and delivers a version of Eddie Guererro's Three amigos. Jimmy connects with all three without fail. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: YES KICK HIS ASS JIM!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: Sit down and shut your mouth Heyman!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: screw you fat boy!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: Im not the only one who has love handles!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Scott then stands up quickly as Jimmy tries to swing a right hand at him. Scott then duck and nails Jimmy with a huge neckbreaker. Jimmy crashing down hard as Scott then picks up Jimmy and nails him with a version of the Olympic Slam and goes for the cover.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Ref: 1....2....Kickout<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: Kickout by Stryker, man this guy is amazing!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: You would think so!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Scott a little frustrated with the outcome then picks Jimmy back up and nails him with his version of the 3 amigo's. Jimmy crashes down as Scott then gets up quickly as he holds the back of his head since he banged it hard on the ring while attempting one of the moves. Scott trying to end the night early then hitting Jimmy with the Pura Locura Slam and makes the quick cover.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Ref: 1...2....thr...Kickout!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> JR: Almost pinned the bastard!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Heyman: But he got out in time...THANK GOD!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Jimmy then rolls to one knee as Scott is seen arguing with the referee. Jimmy then reaches into his pockets to reveal a pair of brass knuckles. Jimmy then bunches up his fist and as Scoot gets closer Jimmy hauls off decking him hard send Scott into next week. Jimmy then falls upon his stomach stuffing the knucks down his pants. Jimmy crawls over and makes a cover.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Ref: 1....2....Thr...KICKOUT!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> <o:p></o:p> Scott Jensen is then seen exiting the ring as Jimmy is over complaining with the referee. Scott then enters the ring with a chair. Jimmy then turns in time to nail him with a kick to the midsection as the chair drops to the mat. Jimmy grabs Scott by the back of the head and drage him to the corner as well as the chair along the way. Jimmy then lays the chair against the turnbuckle as The ref is tying his shoe. Jimmy then whips Jensen into the corner nailing the referee sending him crashing down to the mat. Jimmy once again pulls out the brass knucks and connecting to the gut and then the jaw of Jensen sending him crashing to the mat. Jimmy then helps Scott to his feet and nails him with the Supreme Killing, and goes for the cover.... A brief pause but no referee. Jimmy then goes to revive the referee, but when he turns around Scott Jensen cracks Jimmy across the skull with a chair and then tossing it out of the ring before it was sending Jimmy down hard to the mat. Scott then makes the cover on Jimmy now that the ref is sort of with it. The ref counts.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Ref: 1........................2...........................3!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Finkle: The winner of the match.......................SCOTT JENSEN!!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Scott begins to celebrate as Jimmy lies out cold in the middle of the ring. Jimmy then is not seen moving for a few minutes. <<<<End of Stryker Writing>>>. | |
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ICWA Demented Live June 16th, 2005 | JR, "Not only has Scott Jensen defeated Jimmy Stryker but he has finally managed to break his lossing streak here in the ICWA! Things are looking up for Scott Jensen!" Heyman, "This is a travisty!" Suddenly 'The Propaganda' by Limp Bizket blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts with boos. JR, "What the..." Suddenly from behind the curtain comes ICWA Heavyweight Champion Jacob Mitchell. The crowd is going wild with hatered as Mitchell takes a few steps down the stage and then jolts down the ramp and slides into the ring. JR, "Oh boy..." Mitchell hops up in the ring and is face to face with Jensen as Stryker is slowly getting up in the background. Mitchell and Jensen stand face to face eye to eye as the cameras grow close and Mitchell finally speaks, just loud enough for the camera to hear him say "My beef's not with you man..." Jensen nods, falls back and rolls under the bottom rope as Mitchell smirks and stands in wait. Stryker gets up, slowly turns around and... JR, "PRODIGAL DROP! BAH GAWD HE JUST HIT STRYKER WITH THE PRODIGAL DROP!! IF HE DOES THAT AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE HE'S GONNA KEEP THAT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!" Heyman, "Well wouldn't that be just fantastic, let's have the nWs run the entire damned circut!" JR, "And what's so wrong with that? the nWs ain't hurtin nobody... at least not without being provoked in anyevent." Heyman, "Oh yeah, they're just great people... Why doesn't Mitchell do us all a favor and when we leave he can stay here and get cozy working in Chicago." JR, "How can ya hate him bad enough to wish that upon him?" Heyman goes to respond but the lights suddenly begin to flicker about. The crowd is going wild with anticapation as the arena is pitch black. JR, "What the... What the Hell... Am I still on?" Heyman, "Unfortunitly, yes." JR, "Well... Well I'm not sure what just happened but the lights are down, even the Dementa-tron's off... I'm... well I'm completly confused Paul." Heyman, "All I know is that if we lost feed this cheap arena better pay back our boss... Leave it to a no good place like Chicago to have a no good arena like this. God I hate this place, I just wanta get this show over with and get out of here! I can only think of two places that equal this deficational hole, Atlanta and Oklahoma!" JR, "Now what's wrong with Oklahoma! Oklahoma's a fine place!" Before their arguement can progress the lights kick back on and both Jimmy and Mitchell are laid out in the ring. Sitting in the center of the ring are two steal chairs, one Silver and one black, but most noticibly, around the ring, is a 3 Tear Cage. JR, "WHAT THE.... WHERE THE HELL'D THAT THING COME FROM?! WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! BAH GAWD PEOPLE, DON'T MISS US, LIVE NEXT WEEK ON USA..." All name and Copyrights reserved to the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance 2002 - 2005. | |
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