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PPV : King of The Ring 6/27/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 10:22 PM

KSCWE King of The Ring

Results 6/27/04 Live From Atlanta, Georgia 

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

Tony: Welcome everyone to KSCWE King of The Ring. WCW is here opening up the show tonight and what a great night of action it should be

Tenay: Several Huge Title Matches from both WCW and SCWE Tonight and we will have a SCWE And WCW King of the Ring Crowned here plus...The WalkerZone hangs above the ring

Madden: By order of Scott Hill we are not allowed to show you the WalkerZone but trust me it is scary

Tony: Well guys without further ado lets send things down to the ring for the opening contest

Penser: The Opening Contest of KSCWE King of the Ring is the Finals of the Queen of The Ring Tournament(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: What a way to kick things off

Penser:(Lollipop Princess hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring, From Germany, Jenna Banks

Tenay: Jenna Banks got here by defeating Tori in Round #1 and scoring an upset victory over Marrisa Bischoff due to some help from Stephanie McMahon

Penser:(Figured You Out hits, Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, Representing Evolution X, Kelli Helmsley

Madden: Kelli Helmsley got here by defeating Stephanie McMahon in Round #1 and Jasmine in The Semi-Final's

Tony: This should be a great contest

Queen of The Ring Final's: Kelli Helmsley vs Jenna Banks
Kelli and Jenna lock up and Kelli catches Jenna in a sleeper hold. Kelli tosses Jenna off the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Jenna kicks her in the head and takes her out with a modified Twist of Fate. Jenna tries to make a quick cover, 1......2....Kelli kicks out. Kelli gets up and starts to open up on Jenna with some big right hands then she nails Jenna with a DDT. Kelli covers for a 1......2.....Jenna kicks out. Kelli picks Jenna up by the hair and tosses her off the ropes and takes her out with a big knee to the gut. Kelli sets her up in powerbomb position but in mid air Jenna reverses it into a head scissors and hooks the leg, 1.......2........Kelli kicks out. Kelli starts to become mad and slaps Jenna right across the face. Jenna fires back with a slap of her own but Kelli spears her down to the mat and starts hitting her head against the ground. kelli picks her up and throws her to the outside of the ring. She then follows Jenna out. 1.....2......Kelli hits Jenna's head off the ring apron......3......4.....Kelli throws Jenna back in the ring....5.....6....Kelli gets back in herself and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Kelli jumps at Jenna with a flying crossbody and nails it, turning it into a pin, 1.......2.........Jenna kicks out. Kelli gets up, but Jenna trips her and catches her in a roll up pin, 1.....2.....but Kelli reverses into a pin of her own, 1.......2.....Jenna kicks out again. Kelli gets very aggrivated and she picks Jenna up and sets her up for a Pedigree. Jenna backdrops her, but instead Kelli catches her with a Sunset flip, 1........2.......Jenna kick out and tries to go up top, but Kelli throws her off, causing her head to hit the ground. Kelli sets her up for the pedigree, and this time she nails it. Kelli crawls over and makes the cover, 1............2............3!
Winner: Kelli Helmsley (Queen of The Ring)

Penser: Your winner and 2004 WCW Queen of The Ring, Kelli Helmsley

Tony: The First Ever Queen of The Ring has just been crowned

:Matt Hardy V1 comes down to the ring and celebrates with Kelli Helmsley:

Madden: What a great way to kick off the night

Tenay: I never expected this to be so one sided but Kelli Helmsley showed tonight that she is ready to take that next stop and we could be looking at the Next WCW Women's Champion once she recieves her title shot

Tony: Well we will be back later on but now lets send things over to JR and The King for some SCWE Action

:Announcer Switch:

 JR: Hello ladies and gentelmen and welcome to the SCWE side of things for the King of the Ring!!! I am here along side Jerry "The King" Lawler!!!
Jerry Lawler: Well we have already seen some WCW action tonight. We have three SCWE matches up next!
JR: I am amazed at that structure hanging above the ring. The WalkerZone is an amazing structure and it will be WCW's Main Event.
Jerry Lawler: Well JR we have our own Main Event and it will feature the World Champion Maven versus the Intercontinental Champion Mr. Bullion is a First Blood Match! I cant wait!
JR: We will also Cron our King of the Ring tonight. who will it be? Will it be Mikey? or will it be Undertaker or Charlie Hass or maybe even Sonny Siaki!
Jerry Lawler: I dont know JR but lets head down to the ring where we are going to start things off with the European Championship on the line!
JR: Bandon will have his hand full tonight as he takes on Jeff Corruption and Do or Die!!!

("Down With The Sickness" hits and fans fill the arena with boo's)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Triple Threat Match... and it is for the European Championship!!! First making his way to the ring from Ottawa, Canada... Representing Never Ending Nightmare... Jeff Corruption!!!

JR: Jeff Corruption has a chance to bring some gold home to Never Ending Nightmare! I know Raven would love that.

("You Can Do It" hits and fans fill the arena with cheer's)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring... From Miami, Florida... Being accumpanied to the ring by Amy Walker... do or Die!!!

Jerry Lawler: This isnt fair. Look at Amy Walker. Do or Die is too lucky. He doesnt deserve her!

("Overnight Celebrity" hits and fans fill the arena with boo's)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring... From Knoxville, Tennessee he is the SCWE European Champion... Brandon!!!

JR: Molly Holly isnt escorting Brandon down to the ring tonight because sh ehas a huge match tonight in the Fatal 5 Way TLC match.

Brandon(C) vs Jeff Corruption vs Do or Die w/Amy Walker

Brandon looks from side to side at both Do or Die and Jeff Corruption. Brandon than tackles Do or Die and jumps back up. He ducks a Jeff Corruption clothesline. Than takes Jeff down with a neck-breaker. Brandon than pounds away at Jeff with boots to the gut but Die comes from behind and takes him down with a reverse DDT. Die than picks up Brandon and throws him into the ropes. Die takes him down with a snap suplex. Die goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Die gets up and is met with a dropkick from Jeff. Jeff than picks up Brandon and throws him into the turnbuckle. Jeff than picks up Die and throws him into the same turnbuckle. Jeff than runs into them with a spinning wheel kick. Jeff rolls up Die 1�?�?kickout! Jeff gets up and picks up Die. Jeff throws Die into the ropes. Die ducks a clothesline but is than knocked down by a Brandon clothesline. Jeff than turns around and is met with a scoop slam than is hit with an elbow drop. Brandon picks up Jeff and hits him with a few knife edge chops and than throws him into the ropes and hits him with a turning spine-buster. Brandon than puts Jeff into a head lock. Brandon tightens the hold as Jeff begins to pass out. Die breaks the hold with a kick to the head of Brandon. Die picks up Brandon and hits a few kicks to the gut than takes him down with a snapmare. Die than locks in a Dragon Sleeper. Brandon struggles a bit but soon stops moving. The ref asks Brandon if hes ok and than picks up Brandons arm and drops it. Jeff than hits a drop kick to the back of Die. Brandon and Die both go to the ground. Jeff goes to pin Brandon 1�?…kickout! Jeff than picks up Brandon and puts him in position for the InVertal Krash. Jeff taunts the crowd and is than met with a dropkick from Die off the top rope. All three men are down and stay down for a bit. Die is the first up and he picks up Brandon. He lays into Brandon with hard right hands and than throws him into the ropes. Brandon ducks a running clothesline but Die comes back and hits a hurricanrana. Die goes for the pin 1�?…Jeff Corruption breaks it up! Jeff than kicks Die in the back several times and goes to the top rope. Die and Brandon both get up slowly and Jeff leaps and hits a headscissors take over on Brandon while hitting a cross body block on Die. Jeff goes for the pin on Die 1�?…kickout! Jeff looks pissed and argues with the ref. Brandon gets up and waits for Jeff to stop arguing. Jeff turns around and Brandon goes for The Rush! Jeff moves and Brandon nails the ref! Brandon gets up and turns around he is kicked in the gut and than dropped with an InVertal Krash from Jeff. Jeff goes to get the ref but Die turns Jeff around and hits him with a Death Trap! Die than locks in the Death Lock on Jeff and Jeff begins to tap out. Die holds it but the ref is still knocked out. Amy Walker tries to revive the ref. The ref begins to move slowly. Die releases the hold and picks up the ref and helps wake him up. Die than goes to pin Jeff and the ref makes a slow count 1…�?Brandon breaks up the count! Die and Brandon both get up. Die goes for the Death Trap but Brandon shoves him into the ropes. Die comes back and Brandon takes him down with The Rush! Brandon than turns around and ducks a Jeff clothesline and throws him over the top rope. Brandon picks up Die and hits Die with The Last Stop in the middle of the ring. Brandon than goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Winner: Brandon

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still SCWE European Champion!!! Brandon!!!

JR: What a way to kickoff SCWEs side of King of the Ring. Brandon is a lucky man to be retaining that title.
Jerry Lawler: I knew he would retain it. Brandon is a mastermind! Hahaha.
JR: Lets head backstage where Miss Shannon is standing by with the Intercontinental Champion... Mr. Bullion.

Miss Shannon: Mr. Bullion, tonight you have a huge oppurtunity to be a double champion. However it will be a very brutal matchup. What are your thoughts on tonights match up versus Maven?
Mr. Bullion: Hahaha. Miss Shannon tonight I plan on destroying that pathetic fool. Maven will be in a hospital bed by the time I am through with him. I am going to walk out of this arena tonight with not one belt but two belts. There is no way I can lose tonight. I mean lok at me. I have stlye... Maven doesnt. Hahaha.
Miss. Shannon: Well Mr. Bullion last week on RAW during the six man tag match you and Maven were shown to be fighting each other pretty evenly. Than Sid vicious came out and put both of you guys through tab-

Mr. Bullion: Before you finish! Let me say that Sid Vicious interfered and he is the only reason why I didnt kick Mavnes ass all around that arena! You know what this interview is over!

JR: I think Miss Shannon made Mr. Bullion a bit angry.
Jerry Lawler: Miss Shannon sure did but its ok because Mr. Bullion will come through tonight and beat the hell out of Maven and become a double Champion.
JR: I wouldnt be so sure there King. Maven is the World Champ for a reason. I think it will be a good match up.
Jerry Lawler: Mr. Bullion will win because he has styl and Maven doesnt! Just like he said... Haha.
JR: Wrestling about a lot more than Style King. But lets head ot the ring where we will have our number one contender mach for the Tag Team Titles!

 ("Crimson Calling Theme" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Triple Threat Tag Team Match! It is for the Number One Contendership to the Tag Team Titles! First making there way to the ring... At a combined weight of 430 pounds... Representing Crimson Calling... John Doe and Coach T!!!

JR: Coach T looks a little soar but it is impressive that he is out here after what happened to him last week on RAW.

("Closure" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... Weighing in at a combined 458 pounds... Being accumpanied to the ring by Scarlett... Twister-X and Cerebral!!!

Jerry Lawler: Twister-X is still looking for his first victory and maybe it will happen here tonight.

("Lance Storm Theme" hits fans give mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... Weighing in at a combined 470 pounds... Lance Storm and Jamie Gunz!!!

JR: Jamie Gunz and Lance Storm both would of rathered teamed with other people but Ernest Miller has made them team up tonigh. Lets see how they co-exist. If they can.

Twister-X & Cerebral vs John Doe & Coach T vs Lance Storm & Jamie Gunz

John Doe, Coach T, Cerebral, Twister-X, Lance Storm and Jamie Gunz all look around and pick who they are going after. Cerebral and Twister-X than break the pause as they both go after each team. Twister knocks down both John Doe and Coach T with a double clothesline. Cerebral does the same to Lance Storm and Jamie Gunz. Twister than picks up John Doe and hits a few punces on him but Coach T stops twister with an axe handle to his back. John Doe and Coach T begin to double team Twister X with lefts and rights. Cerebral is exchanging punches with Lance Storm and than is hit with an atomic drop from Jamie Gunz. Lance Storm and Jamie Gunz than pummel Cerebral with boots to the face and abdomen. John Doe and Coach T deliver a double suplex to Twister. Lance and Jamie than clothesline both John Doe and Coach from behind. Coach is sent over the top rope and John Doe is than double teamed by Lance and Jamie. Jamie throws Doe into the ropes and than Jamie drops to the ground making John jump over him. Lance than takes John out with a Superkick. Twister than hits Lance with a spear. Jamie Gunz goes to clothesline Twister but Cerebral interrupts it and rolls up Jamie 1�?…kickout! Coach gets back in the ring and clotheslines both Twister and cerebral down. Coach than picks up Cerebral and throws him into the ropes. Cerebral is than met with a flapjack. Coach goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Coach gets up and is met with a dropkick from Lance. Lance puts Coach in the Maple Leaf. Coach struggles to get out but John Doe breaks it up with a kick to the head of Lance. John than picks up Lance and throws him into the ropes. He goes for an Amnesia Attack but Cerebral low blows John and than hits him with a bulldog. Lance and Cerebral than start to exchange lefts and rights. Lance gets the upper hand but Cerebral than pokes Lance’s eyes and than knees him in the head. Cerebral than hits The Depths of Hell on Lance. Cerebral turns around and is met with a fishermans suplex from Jamie Gunz 1�?�?Twister breaks up the pin! John Doe and Twister and Jamie Gunz all look at each other. Jamie and Twister than hit a double drop kick on John Doe ending him over the top rope. Twister than clotheslines Jamie down. Twister picks up Jamie and throws him into the turnbuckle. Twister than hits a Twister Splash on him. Twister throws Jamie towards Cerebral. Cerebral his him with a belly to belly suplex. Cerebral goes for the cover as Twister guards 1�?…kickout!  Coach T than sneaks up behind Twister and hits him with 3 consecutive German suplex. Cerebral waits for Coach to turn around. Cerebral goes for a side winder but coach ducks it and than delivers 3 consecutive German suplexs to him. John Doe gets back in the ring. John Doe and Coach T pick up Lance Storm and deliver a double suplex. Coach than hits a leg drop on Lance. John Doe picks up Jamie Gunz and throws him into the ropes and than hits the Amnesia Attack! Coach than locks in a sharpshooter on Lance Storm. Twister than gets back up as does Cerebral. Twister and Cerebral point at Lance. Cerebral goes towards Lance but Twister than hits him with a dropkick to the back of the head. Twister than throws Cerebral into the ropes and hits him with a Press Slam. Twister than picks up Cerebral and hits him with the X-Effect! Twister and Scarlett than walk up the ramp way and disappear behind the curtain. Cerebral is laid out. Lance is forced to break the hold and John Doe is kicking Jamie in the gut. John Doe throws Jamie over the top rope and Coach throws Lance over the top rope. Coach than goes to pin Cerebral as the ref counts 1�?�?!!!

Winner: John Doe & Coach T

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners... John Doe and Coach T!!!

JR: The crimson Calling has won it! They will be facing Never Ending Nightmare for that Tag Team Titles!
Jerry Lawler: Yea, but when?
JR: I dont know King, Hopefully soon.
Jerry Lawler: What was with Twister-X?
JR: I dont know but he turned his back on Cerebral and left with Scarlett. I dont know what happened between them. Lets head to the parking lot where it seems that someone has just arrived.


-Parking Lot-

Jerry Lawler: Its Charisma Adams! She is here. Thank god.  Iwas worried that Ernest Miller would be running the show tonight.
JR: Well  I wonder what Charisma Adams has in store for us tonight.


Jerry Lawler: I dont know JR but lets take a look back at RAW where sadly Mick Foley returned.

-Footage from Last Week-

:::(Both Jamie Gunz and Raven are shown anxiously awaiting to see who is comming out next)

("Dudes Shack" hits and fans goe CRAZY)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from Knoxville, Tennessee... weighing in at 287 pounds... MICK FOLEY!!!

JR: Oh My God Mick Foley is here! We are going to have Hardcore Legend verse Hardcore legend!
Jerry Lawler: Yea, and poor Jamie Gunz is in there to haha.

Jamie has a look of worry on his face as he climbs out of the ring. Raven and Mick walk up to each other toe to toe. Both saying they are the hardcore legend. Raven and Mick than exchange lefts and rights. Raven delivers a kick to the gut but Mick than hits an elbow to the head of Raven. Mick than hits a few hard rights to the head of Raven. Mick than hits him in the gut with a knee. Mick drops Raven with a Russian Leg Sweep. Jamie than comes into the ring and goes to hit Mick with a chair but Mick ducks it and grabs the chair out of Jamies hands. Mick than kicks Jamie in the gut and hits him in the back with the chair. Raven than gets up and grabs a chair of his own. Mick and Raven than pound away on Jamie with the chairs and than Raven goes to the outside and gets a pair of handcuffs. Raven and Mick lock Jamie to the steel post.  Mick and Raven than start to unleash on each other with kicks and punches. Raven gets the upper hand with an eye rake he than clotheslines Mick to the ground. Raven grabs a stop sign and waits for Mick to get up. Mick gets up and Raven hits him with the stop sign. Mick drops to the ground and Raven than throws him into the steel barrier. Raven than hits a elbow drop. Raven goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Raven picks up Mick and throws him into the turnbuckle. Raven follows Mick and goes for a clothesline but Mick stops him with his elbow. Mick than hits a swinging neckbreaker onto Raven. Mick gets up and pulls out Mr. Socko as the crowd begins to go nuts. Mick waits for Raven to get up. Raven turns around and Mick goes for the mandible Claw. Raven drops to the ground before Mick can reach him. Raven than kicks Mick in the gut and clotheslines him down. Raven gets a chair and puts it up in the middle of the ring. He than throws Mick into the ropes. Raven goes for the drop toe hold but Mick holds onto the ropes. Mick than hits an elbow drop on Ravens legs. Mick goes to the outside and he than pulls out his 2 by 4 covered with barbed wire. Mick raises it in the air and enters the ring. He waits for Raven to get up. Raven gets up and Mick goes to hit Raven but Raven puts his arms up to block it from his head. Ravens arms r busted open and he drops to the ground in pain. Mick drops his weapon and goes to pin Raven 1�?…Shoulder up! Mick looks shocked. Mick than gets up and gets a trash can. Mick sets the trash can up in a turnbuckle. He picks up Raven and throws him into the trash can. Raven hits it hard. Mick than goes to pin Raven again 1�?…shoulder up! Mick is in complete shock. Mick than picks up Raven and hits him with a few hard knife edge chops. Mick than throws Raven into the ropes. Raven ducks under Micks clothesline and comes back with a spear. Both men are down. They both are slow to crawl up to there feet. Mick and Raven exchange lazy lefts and rights. Mick gets the advantage and drops Raven down with a spinebuster. Mick than hits Raven with a elbow drop. Mick goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mick gets up slowly and gets a chair. Mick drops the chair next to Raven. Mick picks up Raven and goes for a double arm DDT. Raven reverses it into a back body drop. Raven picks up Mick and hits Mick with a right hand. Mick goes for a right hand but Raven ducks it and than drops Mick with an Evenflow DDT into the chair! Miks is busted wide open. Raven goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!:::

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:23 PM
Jerry Lawler: Poor Jamie Gunz, spent the whole match pretty much trying to get himself out of handcuffs.
JR: I think it was better off for him. He was looking at some serious trouble in that match with two hardcore legends in the ring. Raven got the win though and retained his belt.
Jerry Lawler: Up next though we may have round 2 in the 10 man over the top rope battle royal.
JR: Lets head down to the ring now.

("I Stand Alone" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled ten man over the top rope Hardcore Battle Royal! And it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship!!! First making his way to the ring.... The SCWE RAWCore Champion... Representing Never Ending Nightmare!!! Raven!!!

("Not Falling" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Las Vegas, Nevada Representing Never Ending Nightmare!!! Chris Corruption!!!

("Never Gonna Stop" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Toronto, Canada Weighing in at 235 pounds... Edge!!!

("My Band" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Rockford, Illinois Weighing in at 235 pounds. Representing Crimson Calling!!! Eminem!!!

("Therapy" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Aubrun, New York. Weighing in at 253 pounds. Represeting Crimson Calling!!! Mark Jindrak!!!

("Dudes Shack" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Knoxville, Tennessee Weighing in at 287 pounds. Mick Foley!!!

("Duality" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Boston, Massachusetts Weighing in at 230 pounds. Mortis!!!

("You Look So Good to Me" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing in at 228 pounds. Rico!!!

("VooDoo" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring. Weighing in at 400 pounds! Scar!!!

("Duality" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... West Minster, Colorado. Weighing in at 160 pounds. Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Raven(C) vs Mortis vs Rico vs Tre2 Ozbourne vs Eminem vs Mark Jindrak vs Mick Foley vs Scar vs Edge vs Chris Corruption

All ten men start batteling it out on each other. Eminem and Mark jindrak are teaming up on Chris Corruption with lefts and rights. Chris is than dropped down with a Russian leg sweep from Mark. Car than hits a head-butt on Eminem and than one on Mark Jindrak. Mick Foley than grabs a chair and cracks it over Scars head. Scar wobble around and is than hit again. Scar leans on the ropes and is than dropped o the mat with a third chair shot. Raven is delivering shots to Edge in a turnbuckle and he takes a signapore cane and hits Edge in the abdomen. Raven than throws Edge across the ring where Mortis picks him up by his neck and drops Edge into a trash can. Raven and Chris Corruption than hit a double drop kick on Mortis that sends him down. Raven picks up Edge and throws him towards Chris Corruption who delivers a hip toss that sends him over the top rope! (Edge has been eliminated via Chris Corruption) Chris Corruption than turns around and is met with a 2 by 4 to his head than opens him up from Mick Foley. Mick than picks up Chris Corruption and hits a double arm DDT. Raven than grabs a trash lid and smack Mick in the head with it. Scar than picks up Raven from behind and bench presses him over his shoulders and than drops him onto a stop sign. Scar than sees Chris Corruption and clotheslines him over the top rope. (Chris Corruption is eliminated via Scar) Scar than turns around and is met with two chair shots one from Mark Jindrak and the other from Eminem. Eminem and Mark Jindrak start to deliver lefts and rights. Scar than grabs both of them by the throat and delivers a double chokeslam to them. Mick Foley than team up and go after Scar with chair shots. Scar than drops to the ground and Raven and Mick both hit each other with chair shots and fall to the ground. Tre2 and Rico are exchanging blows to each other. Mortis than comes over and interrupts them. Rico and Tre duck Mortis’s clothesline and than they deliver a double dropkick to send him over. (Mortis has been eliminated via Rico and Tre2 Ozbourne) Rico and Tre continue to exchange lefts and rights as Rico than gets the upper hand and knocks down Tre with a Roundhouse kick. Scar than gets up and walks towards Rico. Rico offers a hug and Scar grabs him by his neck. Eminem and Mark than take out Scar knees with dropkicks to them. Eminem, Mark and Rico all pick up Scar and try to get him over the top rope. Mick comes over and helps give them a final push to get him over the top rope! (Scar has been eliminated via Mark Jindrak, Eminem, Rico and Mick Foley) Mark Jindrak, Eminem, Rico, Mick Foley Tre2 Ozbourne and Raven all stare at each other. Tre than darts towards Rico and clotheslines him down. Raven and Mick than dart towards each other and deliver lefts and rights. Mark Jindrak and Eminem look at each other and laugh. Raven and Mick look at Mark Jindrak and Eminem and than clothesline them down. Mick picks up Mark and throws him into the turnbuckle. Mick than takes out Mr. Socko! Mick locks in Mr. Socko on Mark Jindrak. Mick than drops Mark to the ground. Mick picks up Mark who is unconscious and tosses him over the top rope. (Mark Jindrak has been eliminated via Mick Foley) Raven than hits Eminem with a Evenflow DDT onto a chair that busts Eminem open. Raven than picks up Eminem and throws him over the top rope. (Eminem has been eliminated via Raven) Raven turns around and is clotheslined over the top rope by Mick. Raven hold son though and rolls back into the ring. Mick is celebrating but Raven than clotheslines him from behind. Raven picks up Mick and throws him into the ropes. Raven than runs towards Mick and they meet each other with hard clotheslines. Raven and Mick hit the mat hard and don’t move. Tr2 and Rico are stil batteling it out. Rico has the upperhand and is kicking Tre into the turnbuckle. Rico than throws Tre into the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. Rico than hits a leg drop on Tre. Rico picks up Tre and tries to throw him over the top rope. Tre grabs the top and middle ropes tight. Tre than kicks rico in the face and drops back into the ring. Tre gets up slowly and exchanges punches with Rico. Tre DDT’s Rico and grabs a chair. Tre waits for Rico to get up. Rico turns around and ducks a chair shot. Rico than hits a Rico Roundhouse Kick into the chair that hits Tre’s face and Tre goes over the top rope. (Tre2 Ozbourne is eliminated via Rico) Rico turns around and is tan clotheslined over the top rope by Raven. Raven urns around and sees Mick getting to his feet. Both men circle each other. Raven and Mick lock up. Raven gets the upperhand with a knee to the gut. Raven throws Mick into the ropes and hits a drop toe hold. Raven gets a chair and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Raven than picks up Mick and hits him with a few hard right hands. Mick than knees Raven below the belt and they both drop to the ground. Mick and Raven lay on the mat for a while. Mick rolls out of the ring and goes under the ring and gets his 2 by 4 wrapped in barbed wire. Mick raises it in the air and gets back in the ring. Raven grabs a chair but Mick doesn’t notice it. Mick than swings at Raven but Raven ducks. Raven than hits Micks 2 by 4 with the chair and sends it right into Micks face! Mick is busted wide open. Mick drops to the ground and Raven smiles. Raven gets the 2 by 4 and hits it right across the back of Mick! Mick is motionless as he is knocked out from the pain. Raven smiles. He picks up Mick and ties him up in the ropes. Raven than talks trash at Mick and slaps him across the face. Raven picks up a steel chair and smacks Mick right across the face with it. Raven than sets up a chair a few feet in front of Mick and leans Mick against the ropes. Raven than hits a drop toe hold into the steel chair! Raven laughs more and than picks up Mick and throws him over the top rope! (Mick Foley is eliminated via Raven)

Winner: Raven

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still SCWE RAWCore Champion... Raven!!!

JR: Oh My God! Mick Foley needs help he has been brutally beaten at the hands of Raven. We need some EMTS down here now!
Jerry Lawler: JR. We have to head on over to WCW side of things.

:announcer switch:

Tony: Welcome back to to the WCW Side of things

Tenay: Well we have save seen great action thus far tonight and it should only get better

Madden: I can't wait for the WalkerZone but we got the WCW Tag Team Title's to be decided next

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Tag Team Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: We have three of WCW's Best Teams competing here

Penser:(Oh You Didn't Know hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making there way to the ring, Challengers #1, being led to the ring by Kristin Styles. Weighing in at a combined weight of 481 Pounds, The "Road Dogg" Jessie James & The "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn, The New Age Outlaws

Tenay: The New Age Outlaws are back together and have a chance to win some WCW Tag Team Gold here tonight

Penser:(Bodies hits, Crowd Boo's) There opponents, Also The Challengers, Representing Evolution X weighing in at a combined weight of 474 Pounds, The Team of The Love Machine and Randy Orton!!!

Madden: Here are my picks for this match because there Evolution X and both of them have held Tag Team Gold are two of the greatest US Champions in history

Tony: Well lets see if that can translate into Tag Team Gold

Penser:(Bombshell hits, Crowd Cheers) Finally They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Weighing in at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, From New York, New York, Bubba Ray & D-Von..The Dudley Boys!!!

Tenay: Here comes the only Triple Crown Tag Team Champions in KSCWE History

WCW Tag Team Championship: Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley(C) vs The Love Machine & Randy Orton vs "Road Dogg" Jessie James & Billy Gunn W/Kristin Styles
The ref calls for the bell to be rung. D-von and Gunn start off the match. The two get in each other’s face and begin to talk smack when Orton and TLM come from behind and attack the two. Bubba and Road Dogg get in the ring and all 6 men start brawling. Gunn throws TLM outside and follows him and D-von throws Road Dogg outside and follows him leaving Orton and Bubba in the ring. Bubba and Orton begins to exchange lefts and rights. Bubba gets the upper hand and whips Orton into the ropes and nails him a shoulder block knocking Orton down. Bubba goes over to D-von and gets tags him in. The two men hit an old school 3D on Orton and D-von goes for the pin�?1�?.TLM makes the save and continues to stomp away on D-von until the ref tells him to get out of the ring. Orton gets to his feet and Stumbles into D-von’s spinning shoulder block. D-von sees TLM coming in the ring to make the save and knocks him down and TLM rolls out of the ring. D-von backs up into the wrong corner and Road Dogg tags himself in. Road Dogg gets in and covers Orton�?1…�?.5……D-von pulls Road Dogg off of Orton. Road Dogg gets in D-vons face again and Orton crawls over to TLM and tags him in. TLM comes in the ring and clotheslines both D-von and Road Dogg down. TLM puts the boots to Road Dogg until he slides out of the ring. TLM turns his attention to a still fallen D-von. TLM stands D-von up knocks him back down with a hard chop and the crowd goes WOOOOOO!!!!! TLM drops the million-dollar fist drop right to D-von’s face. TLM stands back up and taunts the New Age Outlaws watching in the corner. TLM drags D-von over to his corner and tags in Orton who jumps over the top rope and drops a knee on D-von’s chest. Orton gets his feet and waits for D-von to get up and runs towards him looking to hit the RKO but D-von shoves him off and backdrops him as Orton turns around and Orton stumbles into the N.A.O. corner. D-von slowly crawls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Bubba. Bubba jumps in and clotheslines Orton back down as he gets to his feet. Bubba then backdrops TLM onto ORTON when TLM charges him. The Road Dogg is holding Orton back when Bubba Ray charges Orton with a splash. Road Dogg makes the blind tag on Bubba and gets in the ring. Bubba confronts Road Dogg about the tag and Orton and TLM charge the two but the two duck and nails Orton and TLM their signature 3 punches followed by the knockdown. Road Dogg follows his up with a shaky knee drop to TLM. And Bubba follows his up with a shaky knee drop of his own to Orton. Bubba rolls TLM out of the ring while Road Dogg Covers Orton�?1�?.2�?.Bubba breaks the count and the ref gets in his face.  Road Dogg drags Orton over to his corner and tags in Gunn. Gunn gets in the ring and whips Orton to the opposite corner and follows it up with the splash. Gunn smacks his thigh signaling for the Fame-ass-er as Orton gets to his feet and nails it and goes for the pin�? TLM jumps in the ring just in time for the ref to stop him and Road Dogg comes in and knocks TLM out of the ring and goes outside with him. The ref comes to make the pin�?�?…Kickout by Orton. Gunn can’t believe this and goes to hit another Fame-ass-er but this time Orton moves out the way as he gets to his feet and nails Gunn with the RKO!!!!!! With both men out the ref begins a 10 count�?�?�?�?…Orton begins to get to his feet�? 5�?…Gunn gets to his feet…TLM gets into the ring to try and pull Orton to his corner but D-Von and Bubba get in TLM’s face and TLM backs up back into his corner. Bubba drags Orton over to TLM and uses his hand to tag in TLM. D-Von TLM and brings him over the top rope and into the ring. Gunn and Road Dogg then fight the Dudleys until he are both back on the apron. Gunn and TLM start a shoving contest and TLM shoves Gunn into the Dudley corner and D-von makes the blind tag. D-von gets in a ducks a TLM clothesline and counters into a neck breaker followed by the pin�?�?…Road Dogg, Gunn and Orton makes the save. Those three men begin to fight and it spills to the outside of the ring where Bubba joins the fray. Gunn is fighting off Orton and Road Dogg is fighting off Bubba. TLM and D-von are both lying in the middle of the ring getting to their feet. Outside the ring...Orton sends Gunn into the steel post shoulder first while Bubba just back dropped Road Dogg through the Spanish announce table. Bubba sees Orton sneaking around the ring and nails Orton with a stiff back elbow. Bubba goes for the Bubba bomb and Orton counters it into the RKO!!!!! Inside the ring TLM and D-von are exchanging lefts and rights. D-von gets in a stiff knee to TLM’s gut and goes for the saving grace but TLM somehow flips over. D-von turns around to TLM and TLM nails D-von with the Pepsi Plunge and goes for the pin…�?…�?…�?as Bubba tries to get in the ring but Randy Orton is holding his legs…�?3.
Winners: The Love Machine & Randy Orton (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and New WCW Tag Team Champions, Randy Orton & The Love Machine

Madden: I told you Evolution X would do it

Tony: I can't believe what we just saw

Tenay: Evolution X's Orton and Love Machine are leaving Atlanta as the new WCW Tag Team Champions

Madden: Like I predicted

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room:

:Ric Flair, Matt Hardy V1, Vince McMahon, Kelli Helmsley, Scott Hill, Kaci Hill(Who is holding baby Nick), Triple H, Kurt Angle, Stevie Richards, & Victoria are shown smiling while watching the monitor of Orton and The Love Machine's big win:

Triple H: Well thats two down, four to go

Stevie Richards: Don't worry boss I will bring home the Hardcore Title

Matt Hardy V1: We all know the plan for me beating Sting

Kurt Angle: Plus the WalkerZone is in the bag and Stephanie is going to bring home the WCW Women's Title

Triple H: Then I guess tonight is our night


Tony: Well Evolution X's gameplan seems to be coming true so far

Madden: Kelli Helmsley has become Queen of The Ring and Randy Orton and The Love Machine are the new WCW Tag Team Champions so I would say so far so good

Tenay: And in our next match. Evolution X's Stephanie McMahon has her shot at becoming Women's Champion once again

Tony: The WCW Women's Championship is set to be defended here but before this lets look back at the history of this

:Footage Leading up to the WCW Women's Title Match is shown:

Tony: All four of these ladies are former Women's Champion so none of them are strangers

Tenay: All four of these Ladies are also KSCWE Hall of Famer's

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Women's Championship(All Grown Up hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut representing Evolution X, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Stephanie is a former SCWE Women's Champion, SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, and two time WCW Women's Champion

Penser:(Need a Little Time hits, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, Challenger #2, From Toronto, Canada, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Torrie is a former Two Time SCWE Women's Champion and Former WCW Women's Champion and is trying to regain the title she lost Last Monday Night

Penser:(Pour Some Sugar On Me hits, Crowd is mixed) There opponent, Challenger #3, From Greenwich, Connecticut She is the Assistant General Manager of WCW, Marrisa McMahon-Bischoff

Tony: Marrisa has never held the WCW Women's Title although if she has been SCWE Women's Champion and is the only ECW Women's Champion in history so tonight could become the only Triple Crown Women's Champion a feat nobody could ever accomplish except for Marrisa

Madden: And being Eric Bischoff's wife doesnt hurt her chances either

Penser:(Strip Show hits, Crowd Boo's) Finally, From Brooklyn, New York, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Dawn Marie!!!!

Tenay: Dawn Marie was the very first Women's Champion in KSCWE History and is a Three Time SCWE Women's Champion

WCW Women's Championship: Dawn Marie(C) vs Torrie Wilson vs Marrisa Bischoff vs Stephanie McMahon
Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson start the match off and Dawn is bragging about how she beat Torrie last Nitro and Torrie then locks up with Dawn and Torrie forces Dawn down to the mat much to the dismay of Dawn who gets up and locks up again with Torrie but Torrie once again throws her down. Both ladies then lock up again with Dawn going for a headlock but Torrie sends her off the ropes and Torrie delivers a back elbow to the head of Dawn knocking her down. Dawn then tags out to Marrisa. Marrisa comes into the ring and shakes hands with Torrie before pulling Torrie into a clothesline. Marrisa then picks up Torrie and slams her back down. Marrisa then drops an elbow onto Torrie before picking Torrie back up and whipping her into the corner. Marrisa then goes over and delivers several chops to the chest of Torrie. Marrisa then puts Torrie up top and Marrisa climbs up and delivers Sugar and Spice to Torrie. Marrisa covers Torrie for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Marrisa can't believe it but Stephanie McMahon tags herself back in much to the dismay of Marrisa who has words with her sister. Referee Charles Robinson forces Marrisa back out as Stephanie picks up Torrie but Torrie rolls up Stephanie into a small package for a 1---2---2.9-kick out. Stephanie is pissed and delivers a clothesline to Torrie as she is getting back up. Stephanie then picks up Torrie but Torrie delivers a European Uppercut to Stephanie and Torrie then catches Stephanie with the Torrie Wilson Stunner. Torrie though gets hit from behind by Dawn Marie who picks up Torrie and delivers a devistating Devine Valley Driver to Torrie driving her neck into the mat. Stephanie then covers Torrie for the 1---2--3.

Penser: Torrie Wilson has been eliminated

Dawn Marie then attacks Stephanie and knocks her into the ropes and Dawn goes to hit Stephanie but Stephanie moves and Dawn hits the ropes and Stephanie rolls up Dawn with some tights but Marrisa comes in and chick kicks Steph in the face knocking Steph off but in the process causing Steph to yank Dawn's pants down giving the world a good view of her bare backside as Dawn tries to pull her pants up, Marrisa connects with a Chick kick to Dawn. Marrisa then goes up top and delivers The Lights Out Moonsault on Dawn but Stephanie grabs Marrisa off and throws her through the ropes to the floor. Stephanie then picks up Dawn and Stephanie goes for the Pedigree but Dawn trips Stephanei up and Dawn locks in the Hallow Horizon on Stephanie who is riving in pain and Stephanie is about to tap out when Marrisa comes back into the ring and kicks Dawn in the head. Marrisa then picks up Dawn and whips her off the ropes and delivers a backdrop sending Dawn onto Stephanie. Marrisa then clotheslines Dawn over the top to the floor after Dawn had gotten up. Marrias turns around though and walks right into an RKO from Stephanie. Stephanie covers Marrisa for a 1----2---2.9-Shoulder Up. Stephanie can't believe it and Stephanie picks up Marrisa and sets her up for a Pedigree but Marrisa trips Stephanei up and then flips over into a bridge pin for the 1---2---3.

Penser: Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated

Stephanie is pissed and Marrisa waves good bye to her as Dawn Marie gets back on the apron to get into the ring but Stephanie on the floor grabs a Steel Chair and gets back into the ring and hits Marrisa in the back with the chair as Charles Robinson finally gets Stephanie out but Dawn catches Marrisa with the Devine Valley Driver on the Chair and Dawn covers for the 1----2--3.
Winner: Dawn Marie

Penser: Your winner and Still WCW Women's Champion, Dawn Marie

Madden: An impressive win for Dawn Marie there

Tenay: Marrisa got screwed by Stephanie not being able to handle the loss

Tony: I am sure this issue between those three ladies is not over and hopefully later on in the night or Next week on Nitro we can get more info on Torrie Wilson's condition but lets send things back over to SCWE

:Announcer Switch:

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:24 PM

JR: We are back to the SCWE side.
Jerry Lawler: We have already had an explosive SCWE side of King of the Ring so far JR. I cant wait for it to continue.
JR: Well King in our next match we will crown our King! It will be the first ever Fatal Four Way King of the Ring Finals! It will most definitely be a slobberknocker.
Jerry Lawler: Well JR before you get to escited lets head to the ring.

 ("Worlds Greatest" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Fatal Four Way and it is the King of the Ring fianls! First making his way to the ring... From Edmond, Oklahoma... Weighing in at 262 pounds... Charlie Haas!!!

JR: Charlie Haas has made a big impression on the SCWE by making it into the King of the Ring finals.

("St. Anger" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring... From Bronx, New York... Weighing in at 200 pounds... Mikey G!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes the Italian Stallion! Hahaha...

("In Da Club" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... From the Isle of Somania... Weighing in at 254 pounds... Representing Never Ending Nightmare! Sonny Siaki!!!

JR: Sonny Siaki is in my mind a suprise to be here. He has been on some type of role of late. I guess Never Ending Nightmare saw him as the stronger man over Taker to win this thing.

("Da Ministry" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... Weighing in at 328 pounds... From Death Valley... The Undertaker!!!

Jerry Lawler: The Undertaker is staring at Sonny Siaki all the way down the ramp... This cannot be a good night for Sonny Siaki.

Mikey G vs The Undertaker vs Charlie Haas vs Sonny Siaki

All Four men lean against a certain turnbuckle. They slowly walk towards each other all aware of who is around them. Undertaker breaks the ice by clotheslining Sonny Siaki down. Charlie Haas and Mikey G than go at it and exchange lefts and rights. Mkey G kicks Charlie in the gut and goes for a 3 handed cadenza but Charlie doesn’t give in. Charlie reverses it into a suplex type maneuver. Undertaker is pounding away on Sonny with right hands in the corner. The ref tries to break it up but Undertaker pushes Sonny away. Undertaker than picks up Sonny and tosses him right back into the turnbuckle. He than delivers a few hard throat thrusts. Undertaker grabs Sonny’s arm and climbs the ropes he than goes old school on Sonny. Undertaker than picks up Sonny and throws him into the ropes. Sonny comes back and ducks a big boot. He than hits a desperation cross body block. Both men are down. Mikey G DDT’s Charlie Haas and than puts him in a arm bar type lock. Charlie Haas quickly reaches the ropes. Mikey gets up and picks up Haas and than throws him into the ropes. Mikey chases after and is met with an elbow to the face of Mikey. Chalie than jumps to the middle rope and clotheslines Mikey down. Charlie than puts Mikey into a surfboard submission. Sonny kicks Charlie in the face to break it up. Sonny than helps Taker up and they begin to battle it out. Sonny gets the upper hand with an eye rake followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Sonny goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Sonny than picks up Underaker and throws him into the turnbuckle. Sonny chases after him and hits a clothesline. He than picks up Taker and puts him onto the top rope and hits a super plex. Sonny goes for the pin 1�?…Mikey breaks up the pin. Mikey picks up Sonny and throws him into the ropes and than hits him with a enzuguri! Mikey gets up and is than met with a spine buster from Charlie Haas. Charlie than puts Mikey into a sharpshooter. Mikey tries to get towards the rope but Charlie pulls him into the middle of the ring. Mikey looks to be ready to tap out but Taker clotheslines Haas off of Mikey from behind. Undertaker than hooks Mikey’s leg and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Taker cant believe it. He picks up Mikey G and sets him up for a Tombstone. Sonny delivers a dropkick to Takers left leg and Taker drops Mikey as he favors his leg. Sonny thank delivers a few hard kicks to Takers left knee. Sonny bounces off the rope and runs towards Taker and is met with a Big Boot! Taker than turns around and ducks a Charlie Haas clothesline. Charlie Haas than walks into a Chokeslam! Undertaker goes for the pin 1�?…Mikey just breaks it up in time. Mikey slowly gets up as Taker waits for him to get up. Mikey turns around and Taker grabs Mikey by the neck. Taker picks up Mikey. Mikey hits a few hard elbows to Takers head and Taker releases hjis grip. Mikey than bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline but Taker stays up. Mikey than delivers another one that sends Taker to one knee. Mikey than delivers a swinging DDT to Taker. Mikey goes for the pin 1�?�?Both Sonny and Charlie kick Mikey off Taker. Sonny than goes to pin Taker 1�?…kickout! Charlie and Mikey begin to battle it out as they exchange lefts and rights. Charlie gets the upper hand with an arm lock. He yanks Mikeys arm twice and than sends him down with a belly to belly suplex. Charlie than goes after Sonny who is pounding away on Taker. Charlie hits 3 consecutive German Suplexs on Sonny. Charlie gets up and sees Taker slowly getting to his feet. Sonny goes to Taker and hits a few knife edge chops and European uppercuts. Charlie than throws Taker into the ropes. Taker ducks a clothesline and sends Charlie down with a big boot. Taker turns around and is met with a 3 handed cadenza from Mikey G. Mikey goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mikey looks amazed and slowly gets up. He goes to pick up Taker but is tackled down from behind from Sonny Siaki. Sonny picks up Mikey and kicks him in the gut. He than puts him on his shoulders and delivers the Sex Drive! Sonny goes for the pin 1�?…Charlie dive with an axe handle smash onto Sonnys back to break up the pin just in time! All four men are layed out. Undertaker, Sonny and Charlie all get up slowly. Charlie and Sonny go after Taker who catches them by the throat. Taker calls for a double chokeslam but both men kick Taker in the gut and than deliver a double DDT. Both men get up and look at each other. They than open up with lefts and rights. Sonny gets the advantage with a rear wrist lock. Charlie reverses it into a reverse DDT. Charlie than picks up Sonny and hits him with a few European uppercuts. Charlie than goes to throw Sonny into the ropes but Sonny reverses it and throws Charlie into the ropes. Charlie chases after and hits Sonny with a Splash! Sonny than runs back and hits another splash! Charlie falls to the ground as Sonny calls for a Sex Drive. He taunts the crowd for a bit. Undertaker than slowly walks up behind Sonny. Sonny walks backwards and bumps into Taker. Sonny turns around and is met with a Tombstone! Taker goes for the pin 1�?…Mikey G breaks it up. Mikey and Taker both get up and exchange slow blows to the head. Mikey blocks Takers right hand and than hits Take with a few consecutive punches. Mikey is than about to go for a 3 Handed Cadenza but Charlie Haas hits a drop kick to the side of Mikey’s head. Charlie Haas than ducks a Big Boot from Taker and hits him with a German Suplex. Charlie gets up and turns towards Mikey G. Charlie goes for a German Suplex on Mikey but Mikey fights it and kicks Charlie in the gut. Mikey goes for a 3 handed cadenza but Charlie pushes Mikey away and than goes for a clothesline but Mikey ducks it. Charlie turns around and is met with a Superkick! Mikey sees Sony and goes for a Superkick but Sonny catches Mikey’s foot. Sonny than goes for the Sex Drive but Mikey fights out of it and drops Sonny with a reverse DDT. Mikey climbs to the top rope and Delivers a Top Rope Elbow Drop into a pin. 1�?�?!!! Taker just misses breaking up the pin.

Winner: Mikey G

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winner and he is your 2004 King of the Ring... Mikey G!!!

JR: What a great victory for Mikey G. He will be facing whoever the champ may be at SummerSlam. This young star has a birght future.
Jerry Lawler: Well hes not that young anymore JR. Last year he won Rookie of the Year award.
JR: This is true King. Well right now we-

("Hit Me" hits and fans cheer.)

JR: Well here comes Ernest Miller now.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen please welcome 50% GM of SCWE... Ernest "The Cat" Miller!!!

Ernest Miller: Hello Atlanta!!! I hope you are all enjoying the King of the Ring. Not just the SCWE side of things but WCW side too. We have had a great show so far and its only going to get better. But right now I would like to announce that starting next week on RAW. When we travel to Orlando, Florida. We will start a SCWE Juniorweight Championship tournament! It will consist of 8 of SCWE bests Juniorweights!!! Also on RAW we will have our very own SCWE King of the Ring ceremony to crown Mikey G as this years 2004 SCWE King of the Ring! Well ladies and gentelmen good night and enjoy the rest of the show!!! Hit me!!!

JR: The Juniorweight title is comming back! I cannot wait to see who will be in that 8 man tournament.
Jerry Lawler: Well I wonder if Ernest Miller is going to allow Divas into the torunament. That would make things intereting... Hahaha
JR: I dont know King... He didnt say. Well we have to head back over to WCW side of things.

:Announcer Switch:

Tony: Welcome back and congratulations go out to Mikey G for becoming the 2004 SCWE King of The Ring

Tenay: Later on in the evening we will crown the new

Madden: Matt Hardy will destroy Sting

Tenay: Sting has a chance to do something that Do or Die could not do and that is repeat as King of the Ring Champion

Tony: Last year Sting was SCWE RAW's King of the Ring Champion and tonight can become WCW King of the Ring

Madden: Well that is later on but right now we have the huge Hardcore Brawl coming up

Penser: The Following Contest is a 20 Minute Hardcore Invitational for the WCW Hardcore Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tenay: There will be Twelve Men  competing in this match which should get wild and crazy

Penser:(619 hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st From San Diego, California weighing in at 165 Pounds, Rey Mysterio

Tenay: Rey Mysterio may be the smallest man in this match

Penser:(Lie, Cheat, & Steal hits, Crowd Still Cheers) 2ndly From El Paso, Texas weighing in at 220 Pounds, Eddie Guerrero!!!

Tony: Eddie Guerrero is fairly new to WCW but could make a huge impact here by leaving as WCW Hardcore Champion

Penser:(Whatever hits, Crowd Still Cheers) Next From Edmonton, Alberta Canada weighing in at 220 Pounds, The "Crippler" Chris Benoit

Madden: Benoit is a former ECW Royal Rumble Winner so winning the Hardcore Title her is not out of the question

Tony: Well guys three of the challengers are in the ring and we are about to have some more come out

Penser:(Sinner hits, Crowd is mixed) The Fourth Challenger, From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 255 Pounds, Damien Rage

Tenay: Damien recently returned from the injured list and is a former Television Champion

Penser:(Gold-Lust hits, Crowd Cheers) Next From Hollywood, California weighing in at 250 Pounds, Goldust

Madden: Goldust is a former Four Time WCW Hardcore Champion so he is no stranger to the title

Penser:(I am hits, Crowd Cheers Loudly) The Sixth Challenger, From Gainsvile, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles!!!

Tenay: Here is a guy in AJ Styles that is really starting to make a huge impact here on WCW and could become a World Champion some day in this company

Tony: Well we are half way through the introductions

Penser:(Peep Show hits, Crowd Boo's) The Next Challenger, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 215 Pounds, Christian

Madden: Christian would have been coming into this match as champion if it were not for Val Venis

Tony: Tyson Tomko has been banned from the building for tonight's event to keep him from aiding Christian

Penser:(panCAKEman hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) The 8th Challenger, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 190 Pounds, The new panCAKEman!!!

Tenay: panCAKEman is back and still getting streaky

Tony: panCAKEman returned to Monday Nitro and really embarassed Evolution X by delivering Streakfaces and Streakbusters to Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, Triple H, and even Victoria

Madden: He will pay for those actions

Penser:(Away from me hits, Crowd Boo's) The Ninth Challenger, From Baltimore, Maryland weighing in at 218 Pounds, he is the WCW Television Champion, Jonathan Tomcoat

Madden: I think JT tonight adds double gold perhaps

Tenay: I thought Christian was your pick?

Madden: Well JT or Christian

Penser:(Invasion hits, Crowd Chants Goldberg) Next making his way to the ring weighing in at 283 Pounds, From Atlanta, Georgia, Goldberg!!

Tony: Goldberg has WCW World Heavyweight Title Shot written all over him

Penser:(I'll Show You, You'll See hits, Crowd Boo's) The 11th Challenger, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds representing Evolution X, Stevie Richards

Tenay: The Most Successful Hardcore Champion in KSCWE History

Madden: My pick to win this thing

Tony: I thought Christian or JT was your pick

Madden: Well I have three picks ok

Penser:(Hello Ladies hits, Ladies go nuts) Finally, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 260 Pounds, The WCW Hardcore Champion, Val Venis

Tony: Val Venis made his shocking return last week on Nitro dethroning Christian for the Title

WCW Hardcore Championship: Val Venis(C) vs AJ Styles vs Chris Benoit vs Christian vs Damien Rage vs Eddie Guerrero vs Goldberg vs Goldust vs Jonathan Tomcoat vs panCAKEman vs Rey Mysterio vs Stevie Richards
All 12 Men seem focused on one another and as The Bell Sounds to officially start the match, All 11 Men go for Val Venis who is the champion. Val delivers right hands knocking down panCAKEman, Mysterio, and Goldust but Jt and Stevie take down Val but AJ Styles and Goldberg get into with them. Eddie and Damien start to brawl but Christian sneaks up on Val Venis and rolls up Val for a 1---2--3. Christian is the New Hardcore Champion. Christian tries to make a run for it but walks right into a Crippler Crossface from Chris Benoit but the Crossface gets broken up by Eddie Guerrero and Benoit and Guerrero go to the floor and start to fight but Christian is trying to escape again but Stevie connects with a Stevie Kick and Stevie covers for the 1---2--3. Stevie is the New Hardcore Champion. Stevie gets up and is gloating when Goldberg delivers a spear out of nowhere, Goldberg then picks up Stevie and Jackhammers for the 1--2--3. Goldberg is The New Hardcore Champion. Rey Mysterio & Damien try to attack Goldberg but Goldberg nails them both with ease away but panCAKEman comes up from behind Goldberg and sprays him with pepper spray and then rolls him up for a 1---2--3. panCAKEman is The New Hardcore Champion. panCAKEman is happy about his win but turns around right into a boot and AJ then hits the Styles Clash for the 1---2--3. AJ Styles is the New Hardcore Champion. AJ then rolls out to the floor but Val Venis lights him up with a Steel Chair and Val covers for the 1---2--3. Val is The New Har dcore Champion. Val then starts to leave but gets sprayed with a fire extensher and Goldust then knocks Val into the ring post and Goldust drops him with a Reverse DDT on the floor and covers for the 1---2--3. Goldust is the new Hardcore Champion at the 12 Minute Mark reamining. Goldust then picks up a cookie cutter sheet and knocks away Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, & Eddie Guerrero but Jonathan Tomcoat blocks it and smashes it over Goldust's head and covers for the 1---2--3. Jonathan Tomcoat is the new Hardcore Champion with 10 Minutes left. JT then tries to leave and is getting away to the back but Christian is suprisingly waiting on him at the entry way and hits him with a Hockey Stick. Christian then delivers the Uprettier and covers for the 1--2--3. Christian is the new Hardcore Champion with 8 Minutes left. Christian then heads to the back and is trying to get away but panCAKEman runs up from behind him and jumps on his back and is trying to take him down but Christian flips the streaker off and Christian seems disgusted about having panCAKEman on his back and starts flippiing out and is stomping away as AJ Styles then comes up and hits Christian with a Ladder. AJ then sets up the ladder and goes on top of and jumps off for a splash on Christian for the 1---2--3. AJ Styles is the new Hardcore champion with 4 Minutes remaining. AJ Styles is hurting as he tries to get back up and panCAKEman victory rolls him for the 1---2--3. panCAKEman is the new Hardcore Champion with 3 Minutes Remaining. Eddie Guerrero then sneaks up on panCAKEman and delivers a boot and then delivers a snap suplex on panCAKEman and covers for the 1---2--3. Eddie Guerrero is the New Hardcore Champion with 2 Minutes Ramining but AJ rolls up Eddie for a 1---2--3. AJ Styles is New Hardcore Champion with a minute and a half remaining. Stevie then hits a Stevie kick and pins for the 1---2--3, Stevie is Hardcore Champion with a minute left. Christian breaks the hockey stick over Richards and pins for the 1---2--3. Christian is Hardcore Champion with 40 seconds left. Christian gets up but panCAKEman rolls him up for a 1---2--3 with 30 Seconds left. AJ Styles then kicks panCAKEman and hits him again with the Styles Clash for the 1--2--3 with 15 Seconds left. AJ Styles is trying to get away but Stevie Richards hits him with a Sledgehammer with 10 Seconds left and covers for the 1--2--3 as Time Runs out.
Winner: Stevie Richards (WCW Hardcore Champion)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Hardcore Champion, Stevie Richards

Madden: What crazyness

Tenay: In the end Stevie Richards leaves as WCW Hardcore Champion for a record 13th Time

Madden: He is truly the King of Hardcore

Tenay: A really impressive showing for AJ Styles, panCAKEman, & Christian even though they did not leave with the gold

Tony: Well its time to send things back over to the SCWE Side

:Announcer Switch:

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:24 PM
Jerry Lawler: Welcome back to the SCWE side of things. We have two matches left.
JR: Yup. We will have our Fatal Five Way TLC match for the Womens Championship!!!
Jerry Lawler: I cannot wait to see this historic match up so lets head down to the ring now.
JR: King we are about to witness the first ever SCWE Divas TLC match! This is going to be a one of a kind match up!

("Can't We Dance" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled TLC match. And it is for the SCWE Womens Championship! First making her way to the ring from... Toronto, Canada She is the SCWE Womens Champion!!! Shantell Angle!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes the SCWE Champion and my pick to win this... Shantell Angle... Mmhmm look at her!!!

("Toxic" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring from... Tacoma, Washington... Representing Never Ending Nightmare!!! Cynthia Diamond!!!

JR: Cynthia Diamond and Shantell Angle have been getting into a heated rivalry of late and Im sure that Cynthia would like nothing more than to grab that belt and walk out the new Womens Champion.

("Its About Us" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring from... Inglewood, California... Ivory!!!

Jerry Lawler: Ivory is looking to show that she can compete tonight and she is going to have to get real hardcore tonight.

("The Way You Move" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Chattanooga Falls, Ohio... Jackie Gayda!!!

JR: If Jackie wins here tonight and Maven wins tonight this couple can hold three belts between the two of them. Only thing is that its a lot easier said than done. They will most likey end up as the most bruised couple in stead of the most gold couple.

("Headstrong" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from... Forest Lake, Minnesota... Molly Holly!!!

Jerry Lawler: HEre comes the final Diva and Molly Holly has been looking forward to this match all week. She has been at the top before and will look to do it again here tonight.

Shantell Angle(C) vs Jackie Gayda vs Ivory vs Cynthia Diamond vs Molly Holly

Cynthia Diamond, Shantell Angle, Molly Holly, Ivory and Jackie Gayda all look at the title suspended from the arena ceiling. Molly breaks the ice as she kicks Shantell Angle in the gut. Molly than delivers a hair toss to Shantell. Cynthia clotheslines Ivory down. Than Jackie hits a drop kick on Cynthia. Jackie than picks up Cynthia and delivers several knife edge chops to her. Jackie than takes Cynthia down with a snapmare. Jackie unleashes with several right hands and than picks her up. Jackie throws Cynthia into the turnbuckle and chases after her. Cynthia moves out of the way and Jackie hits the turnbuckle pad hard. Ivory than hits a bulldog onto Jackie. Jackie rolls out of the ring. Molly grabs a chair and goes to hit Shantell Angle with it but Shantell ducks it and kicks Molly in the gut. Molly drops the chair and Shantell delivers a DDT to Molly onto the chair. Shantell than gets up and goes to the outside. She grabs a ladder and brings it to the ring apron. She tries to slide it in but Ivory hits a baseball slide into it and Shantell goes falling down. Ivory than goes to bring it in but Cynthia climbs to the top turnbuckle and does a leg drop to the ladder causing it to elevate into Ivorys face. Jackie is the only Diva standing and she brings the ladder into the ring. She than sets it up under the title and begins to climb. Shantell gets up and slides into the ring. Shantell grabs a chair and hits Jacky’s back. Shantell than throws Jacky to the mat by her hair. Shantell drops the chair and than climbs up the ladder. Cynthia gets back into the ring and climbs the other side. Shantell reaches for the belt but Cynthia hits her with a few blows to the gut. Both divas start to battle it out exchanging lefts and rights. Molly gets up and runs into the ropes. She comes back and nails the ladder with a dropkick that bends the clip on the ladder and sends it to tip over. Shantell and Cynthia fall out of the ring and go crashing through a table. Ivory than clotheslines Molly Holly out of the ring and goes to pick up the ladder she notices that it wont work so she sets it up into the turnbuckle. Ivory picks up Jackie and goes to throw her into the turnbuckle with the ladder but Jackie reverses it and throws Ivory into the ladder. Ivory falls to the ground and Jackie walks over to her. Jackie than catapults Ivory into the ladder. Jackie turns around and is met with a chair shot from Molly Holly! Molly drops the chair and goes to the outside and brings a ladder into the ring. Molly sets it up in the middle of the ring and begins to climb up it. Molly grabs the belt but Ivory kicks the ladder out from beneath her. Molly is than dangling from the belt trying to get it off. Ivory grabs her legs and swings her back and forth. Ivory climbs to the top rope and hits a cross body block sending both Divas down. Shantell and Cynthia slowly begin to move around. Jackie is the first Diva up and she sees Cynthia and Shantell moving. She than grabs the ladder and tosses it over the top rope onto them. Shantell and Cynthia both catch the ladder. Jackie than catapults herself over the top rope and hits the ladder. Shantell, Cynthia and Jackie are all down. Molly and Ivory are in the ring exchanging slow lefts and rights. Molly kicks Ivory in the gut and throws her into the ropes. Ivory comes back and Molly goes for a back body drop but Ivory kicks Molly in the face. Ivory than sends Molly down with a DDT. Ivory gets up and holds the ropes for balance she looks around for a ladder and sees one infront of the barrier. Ivory gets it and brings it into the ring. She sets it up and begins the slow climb to the top. Molly sees this and hits her with a chair to the back. Molly than pulls Ivory down to the mat by her hair. Molly goes to the outside and sets up a table. Molly pulls Ivory out of the ring and puts her on that table. Molly excahnges a few blows to the head but than climbs to the top turnbuckle. She than hits a Moonsault onto Ivory and they both crash through the table. Jackie Gayda is the first Diva up and she grabs the ladder than was on top of Shantell and Cynthia. Jackie slides it into the ring and begins to climb it. Molly slowly slides back into the ring. Molly climbs the other side of the ladder. Jackie reaches for the title and it is just out of reach. Molly than delivers a few punches to the gut and than hits a super-plex to Jackie! Both Divas hit the man and are motionless. Shantell and Cynthia are on the outside exchanging blows. Shantell gets the upper hand and throws Cynthia into the barrier. Shantell than slides into the ring and sees no one around. She goes to climb the ladder very slowly. Cynthia Diamond comes back into the ring and climbs the other side of the ladder. Both Divas reach for the title and it is out of reach. Cynthia punches Shantell in the ribs several times and than goes to slam Shantells head into the top of the ladder. Shantell stops this and bangs Cynthias head into the ladder. Shantell than reaches for the belt but Cynthia delivers a few punches to the gut. Shantell and Cynthia than exchahnge blows. Cynthia gets the upperhand but Shantelll than delivers an eye rake and slams Cynthias head down on the ladder hard several times. Cynthia is than busted wide opened. Shantell pushes Cynthia off the ladder and grabs the belt. Shantell unhooks it and falls off the ladder crashing down into the mat.

Winner: Shantell Angle

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still SCWE Womens Champion... Shantell Angle!!!

JR: Ladies and gentelmen that will most definitely go down as one of the best Diva matches in the history of the KSCWE!!!
Jerry Lawler: That was close but in the end. Shantell Angle retained her title.

-Backstage Area-

(A Camera shows Maven stretching in his locker room as he is looking at his SCWE Heavyweight Title.)

(A Camera shows Mr. Bullion stretching as he grabs his SCWE IC Title and looks in the mirror and laughs.)

JR: Ladies and gentelmen when we return to the SCWE side of thigns we will have our main event and it will feature Maven vs Bullion in a title for title First Blood Match.
Jerry Lawler: Well right now we have to head over to WCW.

:Announcer Switch:

Tony: Well we have seen nine great contests so far but we still got three more remaining but up next is the final's of the WCW King of the Ring

Tenay: We saw Mikey G crowned SCWE King of the Ring earlier in the evening and now its time for a WCW King to be crowned

Tony: Sting will try to become the first ever two time King of the Ring

Madden: While Matt Hardy tries to add the King of the Ring title to his accomplishments and become the King since Matt's girlfriend Kelli won the Queen of the Ring to open up the show

Tony: This should be a epic battle

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the finals of the WCW King of the Ring(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: This should be a great contest

Penser:(Mattitude Countdown starts into Live for the Moment, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 225 Pounds being accumpied to the ring by Vince McMahon and the 2004 WCW Queen of the Ring Kelli Helmsley, Representing Evolution X, Matt Hardy Version 1

MattFact: Matt & Kelli will become the King & Queen of WCW

MattFact #2: Sting really wishes he could be a M'Fer

Madden: Great MattFact's

Tenay: If you say so

Tony: Matt Hardy got here by defeating the "Franchise" Shane Douglas in Round #1, Booker T in Round #2, & The Love Machine in the Semi-Final's

Penser:(Lights Go Out as Sting's Theme hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) His opponent, STING!!!!

Tenay: Well we cant see a thing here but Sting got here by defeating Joey Xtreme in Round #1, Ric Flair in Round #2, & Randy Orton in the Semi-Final's

Tony: Its pitch black in this arena

:Lights Return and Sting is standing in the ring with his bat pointing at Matt Hardy:

Madden: What is Sting doing with that bat

Tenay: I think Sting is telling Matt Hardy he is next

WCW King of The Ring Finals: Matt Hardy V1 W/Kelli Helmsley & Vince McMahon vs Sting
Matt Hardy tells Sting he is Ve Oneahhhhhhhhh and Sting beats his chest and Woooooo's. Hardy and Sting then lock up with Sting forcing Hardy down and Sting tells Hardy he is the Stingeahhhhhhhh and Matt Hardy gets up and locks up again with Sting and this time goes behind Sting and tries to lock in a headlock but STing sends Hardy off the ropes and Sting shoulder blocks Hardy down. Matt Hardy rolls out to the floor as Sting then follows Hardy out to the floor but Hardy goes to take a cheap shot but Sting blocks and opens up Hardy with right hands and then clotheslines Hardy down. Sting then picks up Hardy and rolls him back into the ring and gets back in the ring and Matt Hardy tries to beg off but Sting moves in but Hardy then low blows Sting as Vince had yelled at Nick Patrick destractng him. Hardy then delivers a devisting DDT spiking Sting off the mat. Hardy then hooks the leg for a 1--2--2.5-shoulder up. Matt Hardy smiles and picks up Sting and whips him into the corner and Hardy then mocks Sting and goes for a Stinger Splash but Sting moves and Hardy hits the corner and Sting then delivers several chops on Hardy backing him up to the corner where Sting opens up on him and Sting backs up and then hits a Stinger Splash!! Sting then bulldogs Hardy down and Sting then is about to go for the Scorpion Death Lock but Vince gets on the apron and Sting lets go of Hardy and goes over and delivers a right hand to Vince knocking him off the apron but Hardy then catches Sting with a Side Effect as he turns around. Hardy then goes up top and hits the Mattitude Leg Drop and covers for the 1---2--2.9-kick out. Matt Hardy is a little suprised and picks up Sting and goes for a Twist of Fate but Sting swings Hardy around and then catches him with the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting covers for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Sting now is suprised but then picks up Hardy and slams him down and Sting bounces off the ropes and delivers a big leg drop and recovers for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Sting then waits for Hardy to get up and clotheslines him back down and kicks Hardy in the gut as he gets up again and Sting then bounces back off the ropes and delivers a big bulldog on Hardy. Sting then beats his chest and lets out another Woooooooooooo and then goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but Kelli Helmsley now gets on the apron and is screaming at Sting about how she is the Queen of The Ring and Matt is meant to be the King and Sting lets Hardy go to go over by Kelli as she jumps off the apron. Sting tells her this is her only warning but Hardy gets back up and goes to cheap shot Sting who saw him coming and moves as Hardy runs into the ropes and Sting then opens up on Hardy with right hands and then clotheslines Hardy over the top to the floor. Vince McMahon starts to check on Hardy as Sting then leaps over the top to the floor crashing on top of Vince and Matt Hardy. All Three Men are down on the floor as Ric Flair makes his way out to the ringside area and Flair goes over by the men as Kelli gets on the apron destracting Nick Patrick but Flair on the floor attacks Sting and picks him up and rams him into the guard rail and delivers several chops to him. Flair then opens up on Sting with right hands and rams Sting into the ring post as Matt Hardy gets back up and Hardy then grabs Sting and slams him down on the concrete floor. Matt Hardy then removes the mats on the floor exposing the concrete floor but when he goes to pick up Sting, sting delivers a right hand and knocks Hardy back but Vince then gets into the ring for some reason and has Nick patrick's attention as all of Evolution X makes there way to the ringside as Nick Patrick is telling them to go to the back. Triple H goes around and hits Sting from behind as Sting is trying to fight off Hardy and Flair. Triple H then sets up Sting for a Pedigree and delivers it on the concrete floor busting Sting wide open. Triple H then rolls Sting back into the ring as Hardy gets back into the ring and Evolution X heads for the back by order of Nick Patrick. Matt Hardy picks up a lifeless Sting and delivers a meaningless Twist of Fate and Hardy covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Hardy V1 (WCW King of the Ring)

Penser: Your winner and The 2004 WCW King of the Ring, Matt Hardy Version 1.0!!!

Madden: Matt Hardy has done it!!!

Tenay: This was not fair

Tony: It took Evolution X's help and most importantly a Pedigree on the exposed concrete floor for Matt Hardy to beat Sting and become King of the Ring

Madden: Evolution X is not done

:After The Match all the members of Evolution X get into the ring and take there shots at Sting as Vince McMahon pulls out some handcuffs as Randy Orton delivers an RKO onto Sting and then Sting gets picked up as the Love Machine delivers the Pepsi Plunge to him. Stevie picks up Sting and delivers a Stevie T and Angle then picks him up again and Angle delivers an Angle Slam on Sting. Vince then handcuffs Sting to the top ropes as Sting is lifeless leaning against the ropes and Victoria comes out and hands Triple H a tazor as Triple H then zaps Sting several times in the ribs as security and several wrestlers come out to the ring but Scott Hill gets the microphone and warns that if anyone steps foot in the ring they will be fired or sued on the spot. Kurt Angle tells Triple H that Sting has had enough and takes the Tazor but Victoria goes out to the floor and grabs a Sledgehammer and Victoria has a sick look on her face much like HHH gets when he has a Sledgehammer and Victoria delivers several shots to the ribs of the handcuffed and lifeless Sting. Evolution X then unhandcuffs Sting as Stephanie McMahon pushes a coffin out to the ring and Stevie Richards & Ric Flair roll Sting into the coffin as Triple H tells Evolution X to pick it up and carry it over to the dirt but Kurt Angle refuses saying Sting has had enough and Matt Hardy, Randy Orton, The Love Machine grab it and Triple H orders Stevie Richards to get the other end against his will as they carry it to the gravesite. Evolution X then sets it down next to the hole as Triple H grabs the sledgehammer from Victoria and Triple H starts nailing away at it denting it up horribly and Matt Hardy, TLM, & Orton knock the destroyed coffin into the hole as Vince, Stevie, & Angle start to bury the coffin and finally succeed as "Bodies" hits as Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Victoria stand over the gravesite:

Tony: Somebody needs to get to that grave site right now

Tenay: I am in total shock

Madden: Yeah I think Triple H and the rest of Evolution X took it to far

Tenay: Some of Evolution X tried to stop it after a while but Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Victoria are gloating about what they just did

Tony: I am in total shock and thankfully we can send it back to SCWE while we try and some help for Sting who is obviously going to be very badly injured

:Announcer Switch:

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:25 PM
Jerry Lawler: Welcome back to the SCWE side of things. While many people are assisting in the rescue of Sting we have to continue with our final match.
JR: That was disgusting. But our next match will be a brutal one indeed. Maven and Bullion will battle it out.
Jerry Lawler: I cant wait to see Bullion crack Maven wide open and walk away with both of those belts!
JR: I wouldnt be so sure of that King. Both of these men hate each other to a very high degree. Maven defeated the WCW 2004 King of the Ring to get that title in Matt Hardy and thats no small feat.
Jerry Lawler: Yea but lets take a look at how Mr. Bullion won his IC belt. It happened a little over 5 weeks ago.

-Footage is shown-

::Mikey and Bullion start to lock up in the ring until Bullion pushes Mikey off of him and and does his taunt. Mikey gets up back up and does a russian leg sweep to Bullion and goes up the laddder.  Mikey quickly gets up and goes to the top turnbuckle and summons that he is going to do a frog splash and leaps off the turnbuckle but Bullion counters by raising his knees also falling off the ladder. Bullion slowly gets up and leans over Mikey while slapping him in the back of the head. Bullion picks up Mikey and starts whailing him with right hand blows until he falls down.. Bullion sets the ladder back up and starts up the ladder again. Bullion picks up Mikey and irish whips him onto the ropes but Mikey gets caught on the ropes..Bullion starts using the ropes to choke him..the ref starts counting..1-2-3-4, Bullion lets go of Mikey and laughs at him while he falls on the mat..Bullion goes up the ladder once again but Mikey shoves the ladder over knocking him off. Bullion goes out of the ring and gets a chair and goes back into the ring but the ref sees it and jerks the chair from him, Mikey lowblows Bullion when the ref isnt looking..Mikey gets halfway up the ladder just as Mikey gets up, Josh Johnson comes to the top of the ring while Mikey looking at him, Bullion does a school boy..and gets to the ladder. He gets almost to the top reaching for the title but Mikey reaches up and grabs Bullion down! Mikey is getting pissed and kicks Bullion in the gut and does the 3 handled cradenza on Bullion..then he gets up and flips off Josh and goes to the ladder again. Mikey is pulled out of the ring by Josh and Josh starts beating up Mikey as Maven comes down and attacks Josh from behind and helps Mikey get back in the ring. Maven goes to the other side and slides in as Josh is trying to tell the ref that both Mikey and Maven are in the ring...Mikey grabs hold of Bullion and Maven is getting ready to hit Bullion but Bullion breaks Mikeys hold and ducks real quick while Maven kicks Mikey in the head...Bullion pushes a stunned Maven out of the ring and quicky scrambles up the ladder and grabs the title!::

Jerry Lawler: That was the beggining of Mr. Bullions run to the top of late and tonight he will win the big one!
JR: Well King lets head down to the ring.

("Tough Enough Theme" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled First Blood match. And it is for both the SCWE Intercontinental Championship and the SCWE Heavyweight Championship!!! First making his way to the ring from Shendandoah Valley, Virgina... Weighing in at 220 pounds... He is the SCWE Heavyweight Champion!!! Maven!!!

Jerry Lawler: Maven doesnt have the Style to beat Mr. Bullion. Maven and Jackie will be licking each others wounds after this match.

("Back in the Mudd" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent... Making his way to the ring from Cleveland, Ohio... Weighing in at 265 pounds... He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion!!! Mr. Bullion!!!

JR: Mr. Bullion and Mavens fued comes to an end here tonight. The rules are simple first one to bleed loses the match.

Maven(World C) vs Mr. Bullion(IC C)

Maven and Bullion get into each others face. Bullion slaps Maven and Maven slaps back. Bullion walks away laughing and than clotheslines Maven down. Bullion picks up Maven and throws him into the turnbuckle. Bullion than runs towards Maven and is met with an elbow. Maven than bulldogs him down to the mat. Maven picks up Bullion and hits a few irish whips. Vince Russo breaks it up and Maven gets mad and pushes him away. Vince threatens to DQ him. Maven than turns back towards Bullion who opens up on Maven with kicks and right hands. Bullion than delivers a russian leg sweep. Bullion picks up Maven and throws him over the top rope. Bullion picks up Maven and throws him towards the barrier. Maven reverses it and throws Bullion shoulder first into the steal pole. Maven than grabs Bullion and throws him into the brarrier. Bullion rests against the barrier and Maven charges at him. Bullion propels Maven over the barrier and Maven hits the concrete hard. Security backs the crowd up as Bullion slowly climbs over and kicks Maven a few times in the gut. Bullion than picks up Maven and sends him right back down with a closed right hand. Bullion than climbs back over the barrier and grabs a chair. Bullion raises it in the air and laughs. He than walks back over to the barrier and waits for Maven to get up. Maven gets up and ducks Bullions chair shot. Bullion drops the chair. Maven turns around Bullion and they begin to exchange lefts and rights. Maven and Bullion battle through the crowd by exchanging punches and kicks until they get to the stairs. Maven gets the upper hand with a few knife edge chops. Maven than throws Bullion into the staircase railing. Maven delivers a few elbow drops to Bullion and than picks him up. Maven starts pounding Bullion with european uppercuts up the stairs. Maven stops and slams Bullions head against the staircase railing. Bullion falls to the ground and Maven begins to pound away on the head. Vince Russo breaks it up and Maven pushes him away again. Vince gets in Mavens face and shows that he is the ref. Maven picks up Bullion and goes for a right hand but Bullion blocks it and hits Maven with a right hand of his own. Bullion than knees Maven in the gut and begins to deliver lefts and rights as Maven and Bullion make there way to the second floor by a concession stand. Bullion goes to throw Maven into a vending machine but Maven reverses it and kicks Bullion in the gut and drops him with a hip toss. Maven gets up slowly he grabs a pan from behind a counter. He waits for Bullion to get up. Bullion turns around and ducks the shot from Maven. Bullion tries to grab the pan. Maven and Bullion play tug a war. Bullion lets go and Maven falls back. Bullion than grabs a tin napkin dispensar and goes to hit Maven with it. Maven dodges it and than kicks it out of Bullions hand. Maven gets up and hits Bullion in the legs with the pan. Bullion drops to the ground. Maven picks up Bullion and throws him into a cotton Candy stand. Bullion goes flying over the counter and Maven goes to check if he is bleeding. Maven sees no blood and picks Bullion back up. Vince stops Maven and tells him that he has to check Bullion to see if he is bleeding. Vince takes a very long time to check Bullion as Bullion is able to regain composure. Vince moves out of the way and Bullion kicks Maven in the gut and than drops him with a swinging neckbreaker. Bullion grabs Mavens head and rams it into his knee. Bullion than grabs Mavens head and starts to deliver several hard lefts and right hands. Bullion picks up Maven and throws him into the concrete wall. Maven drops to the ground and grabs his ribs but is not bleeding. Bullions face turns bright red as he jumps over a hot dog concession stand. He looks for something and makes a mess of the place. He grabs a hot dog off the rotator and eats part of it than throws it at Maven. Bullion grabs a spatula and laughs and throws it at Maven. Bullion cant find anything he than sees the glass rotator and unplugs it. He picks it up and walks over to Maven who is beginning to get up. Maven stands up and Bullion throws the hot dog rotator at him. Maven dives out of the way and Bullion hits the concrete wall as glass shatters everywhere. Bullion gets angry and walks towards Maven. Maven clotheslines Bullion down. Maven picks up Bullion and hits a few hard knees to the gut along with some knife edge chops. Maven starts to punch Bullion down the hall. They end up in the Parking lot. Maven irish whips Bullion into a parked Lexus. Bullion hits it hard and falls to the ground. Maven grabs a near by pole. He walks back over to Bullion and goes to hit him with it. Bullion rolls out of the way. The vibration of the pole hitting the concrete forces Maven to let go. Bullion jumps up and tackles Maven down out of desperation. Maven and Bullion lay on the concrete both struggleing to get up. They than exchange blows with Bullion getting the advantage. Bullion hits a few elbows to Mavens head. He than grabs Mavens head and goes to the car and tries to smash Mavens head through the window but Maven blocks it and smashes Bullions head onto the roof of the car. Maven than walks over to a limo and opens up the trunk. He pulls out a lead pipe and walks over to Bullion. Maven takes a swing but Bullion grabs the pipe just before it would hit him. Bullion pushes Maven away and than hits him with a superkick to the face. Bullion sees a limo pull up in the parking lot that has the license plate freak on it. Bullion walks up to it and goes to see who it is. Bullion opens the door and Scott Steiner walks out and delivers a few hard left hands. Lacy than walks out and hands Steiner a tire iron. Steiner cracks it over Bullions head busting him wide open. Ernest "The Cat" Miller comes out and declares Maven the winner.

Winner: Maven

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and your new SCWE Intercontinental Champion and still SCWE Heavyweight Champion!!! MAVEN!!!

-Parking Lot-

::Ernest shakes Steiners hand and goes to help Maven up. Steiner than hits Ernest Miller in the back of the head with the tire iron. Steiner grabs Maven and delivers a Belly to Belly Suplex. Steiner than walks over to Ernest Miller and locks in the Steiner Recliner to the motionless Ernest Miller. Charisma Adams comes walking out from the hall and claps::

JR: That was an unbelievable match. I have never seen anything like it. But whats even more suprising is that Scott Steiner and Lacy are back!!!
Jerry Lawler: They helped Maven win but in the end took him out and he looks to be just as hurt as Mr. Bullion. We are done with SCWE. Good night and enjoy the rest of King of the Ring!!!

:Announcer Switch

Tony: Well its time for the Main Event of King of The Ring as the Hellacions WalkerZone lowers itself

Tenay: Let's take a look back at the history of all these superstars

:History is shown between HHH/Victoria/Angle/Walker/Jasmine/Test:

Tony: This should be one for the ages

Penser: The Main Event of King of The Ring is a WalkerZone Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tenay: The Walkerzone is alot like the RAWDome, King of The Mountain, & a Ladder Match rolled into one

Penser:(This is a Test hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring, The Special Guest Referee, From Toronto, Canada...Test

Tony: Test who we learned had signed to return last Monday Night on Nitro being inserted into this match as a Referee and one has to question his history with all the men

Madden: Well Matt Walker did put Test out but Test doesnt like Triple H or Kurt Angle either

Penser:(I Don't Suck hits, Crowd Chants You Suck) 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Representing Evolution X, Kurt Angle

Madden: The real athlete from Pittsburgh in this match

Penser:(Hemorrhage hits, Crowd Cheers) The Next Particpants, first From Freemont, California, Jasmine and From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 200 Pounds, The "Real Deal" Matt Walker

Tony: Don't forget if Jasmine wins this match then Matt Walker becomes WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Tenay: Like wise if Victoria wins it then Triple H retains

Penser:(All The Things She Said/The Game mix hits, Crowd Comes to there feet and boo's) Finally, first from San Bernadino, California weighing in at 150 Pounds, The WCW Cruiserweight Champion Victoria and From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260 Pounds, The Leader of Evolution X, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!

Madden: Here comes the Game

Tenay: Matt Walker have there hands full and must utialize the Penality Box in order to win

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: WalkerZone: Triple H(C) vs Matt Walker vs Kurt Angle vs Jasmine vs Victoria; Special Referee: Test
Matt Walker & Kurt Angle start the match as Triple H, Victoria, & Jasmine are all forced to remain outside the WalkerZone. The Bell Sounds as Walker and Angle are talking trash to each other. Both men finally lock up with Angle going behind Walker and taking him down with a good mat wrestling take down but Walker escapes and delivers a solid right hand to the jaw of Angle knocking Angle down. Angle is livid and charges at Walker who drop toe holds Angle down and then locks in a headlock embarassing Angle a little bit who is not happy. Angle and Walker both get back to there feet and are talking trash to each other once again when Walker says something about Angle's manhood and Angle is pissed and goes to hit Walker who ducks and opens up on Angle and Walker delivers a kick to the gut and then delivers a deadly DDT. Walker covers for a 1--2--2.6-kick out. Both men get back up to there feet and Walker goes to hit Angle but Angle catches Walker and delivers an over head belly 2 belly suplex sending Walker over the ropes to the WalkerZone steel ramp surrounding the ring. Walker is riving in pain as The Buzzer Sounds and The WalkerZone Door opens up as Jasmine is let into the match. Jasmine comes in and goes to check on Matt Walker but Kurt Angle grabs her by the hair but Jasmine then slaps Angle and gets into the ring and low blows Angle with a kick south of the border and Jasmine then delivers the Jaz-Effect and covers for the 1---2--3. Kurt Angle is sent to the Penality Box. Matt Walker rolls back into the ring as Jasmine gets the ladder and starts dragging it over and starts to set it up but The Buzzer Sounds and Triple H is let into the match. Triple H comes right in and delivers a big right hand to Matt Walker knocking him down and Jasmine jumps on the Game's back but Triple H flips Jasmine off. Matt Walker goes over to one of the corners and grabs a guitar which is hanging and Walker then goes to hit The Game from behind but Triple H see's him coming and delivers a boot to the gut and Grabs the Guitar from him and smashes it over Walker's head as The Penality expires and Kurt Angle comes out of the Box. Jasmine realizes she is in trouble and starts to beg off as Angle and Triple H look at each other with sick smiles and Kurt Angle goes to grab Jasmine but Jasmine delivers another kick south of the border on Angle but Triple H then delivers a big clothesline on Jasmine knocking her hard into the ropes and then to the mat as the Crowd boo's greatly. Triple H starts to smile as he picks up a lifeless Jasmine and Triple H sets Jasmine up for a Pedigree but Matt Walker is back up and grabs another Guitar from the Guitar section and Walker blasts it over the head of The Game as The Final Buzzer Sounds as Victoria comes into the match and she is bringing in a Sledgehammer. Victoria comes in and goes to hit Walker but Walker blocks it and knocks Vicotria back into Kurt Angle and Walker goes to hit Vicotria with the Sledgehammer but Victoria moves and hits Angle in the ribs. Victoria then delivers a boot to the gut and Victoria delivers a DDT on Walker. Victoria then picks up the Sledgehammer and is about to hit Walker but Jasmine rolls up Victoria with a handful of tights for a 1---2--3. Victoria is sent to the Penality box and Triple H is about to get back up but Matt WAlker is also up an rolls up Triple H with tights for a 1---2--3. Triple H has to join Victoria in the Penality Box. Matt Walker and Jasmine are smiling and start to set the ladder up as Kurt Angle gets back up as Triple H and Victoria scream for Angle to stop them and Angle hits Walker from behind knocking him into Jasmine and Angle hits an Angle Slam on Walker. Angle covers Walker for a 1---2--3. Matt Walker has to join Triple H & Victoria in the Penality Box. Kurt Angle is smiling as Jasmine is down and Angle looks at the WCW World Title and then at Triple H who is telling Angle to pin Jasmine but Kurt Angle instead sets the ladder up and starts to climb as the Penality Expires as Victoria comes out first and back into the ring and tips the ladder over as Angle was about to get the title causing Angle to straddle the top rope coming down. Victoria then sets the ladder back up as Triple H comes out but Jasmine has gotten the Sledgehammer and Victoria goes to pick up Jasmine who blasts Victoria in the head with it knocking her out cold. Triple H is livid and delivers a stiff kick to the ribs of Jasmine which causes for Matt Walker to kick the Penality box Door in and Walker comes flying over the top rope crashing into Triple H and Walker starts to open up on Triple H with right hands and busts open The Game who in return is delivering punches as the two men roll around and both men are busted open. Angle is still down riving in pain while Victoria is out cold and Jasmine is grabbing her ribs. Both Walker and Triple H roll underneat the bottom ropes out to the floor area. Both men get back up to there feet and are exchanging right and lefts and Triple H grabs Walker and rams him hard into the side of the WalkerZone but Walker lowblows Triple H and Walker then sets up Triple H for the PittFall but Kurt Angle grabs Walker's Ankle and Angle locks in the Angle Lock on him as Walker is riving in pain but Jasmine comes over and breaks a guitar over the head of Kurt Angle. Victoria though then comes up and catches Jasmine with a kick to the gut and Victoria delivers the Widow's Peak on Jasmine and Victoria covers for the 1---2--2.9-Matt Walker yanks Victoria off but as he did that Triple H lowblows Walker and Triple Sets up WAlker for a Pedigree on the steel but Walker backdrops Triple H over the ropes back into the ring as Triple H crashes into Victoria who was getting up. Angle is still out and Triple H and Victoria are both hurting as Matt WAlker sets the ladder back up and starts to climb as Jasmine gets back up but Test then shocks everyone by delivering a Big Boot to the face of Jasmine as Matt Walker climbs back down and goes for Test who meets Walker with right hands and Kurt Angle then delivers a low blow on Walker and Test delivers the Pumphandle Suplex to Walker putting him down  as Angle covers Walker for the 1---2--3. Matt Walker has to go to the Penality box. Kurt Angle then helps up Triple H and tells The Game to climb up but Triple H is to hurt and Victoria instead starts to climb up and reaches the top and grabs the WCW World Heavyweight Championship for the win
Winner: Victoria (As a result Triple H retains)

Penser: Your winner Victoria and as a result Triple H is still WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Madden: Triple H is leaving as WCW World Champion

Tenay: Test just screwed Matt WAlker over by taking out Walker's Girlfriend Jasmine but why?

Tony: Hopefully we can shed some light on this story on Next Week's Nitro but we are out of time and we hope you enjoyed King of the Ring. From The SCWE and WCW Good Night

:KSCWE King of the Ring Goes off the Air:

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